49-Our Wedding

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It's been 3 months since Alistaire proposed , and tomorrow is the day of the wedding , Xavier is staying at his parents house while Alistaire and Kieran , as well as Ali's family stayed at a rented flat (apartments basically for anyone who doesn't know).

It's around 12 o'clock pm.

Xavier's PoV:

Wow these last couple months flew by , I can't believe tomorrow is the day I marry an idiot...damn.

Mum has been crying literally all day and she fell asleep not that long ago , so it was just me and Xander up.

The situation between me and dad , was okay , I could tell he was trying to change so I give him points for that , and well me and Xander , we were okay.

My brother and I sat on the sofa together ,and just looked through some photos of us.

"Look how small we are in this!"Xander said pointing at a photo of us in our garden , both of us were wearing overalls and we were basically rolling around in the dirt.
"You look like a teletubbie!"I laughed at him.
"Bitch we look the same"Xander laughed back.
"I look better though"I snorted.
"Shut up..but it must be true if you're getting married first"Xander chuckled.
"Yeah..I think I've spent more time with Alistaire then you, my own brother..."I said kinda sadly.
"Dads dynamic off us really drifted us apart , we never really got to bond like brothers do"Xander admitted.
"Yeah but dads trying to change now , so maybe now it'll be our time to bond , better late than never right?!"I chuckle.
"You know I always had a feeling you were gay"Xander chuckled.
"What?!...I wouldn't say I'm gay"I said huffing.
"Well whatever , but honestly remember when that girl...what's her face?...Luna?....no....Amy!..yeah Amy.. I was close"Xander stumbled.
"You really weren't bitch"I said , with my classic , really bitch face.
"Anyways , I remember her coming up to you , but you literally dashed the other way , and then when she tried to talk to you , you would pretend you were on the phone , even though we all know the only contact you have in your phone is mum , like let's be real"Xander laughed his ass off.
"Shut uppp, I just don't like talking to people bitch"I sighed.
"Whatever you say princess!" Xander said getting up and going to his room.
"I will karate chop your ass!"I said storming past him upstairs to my room.

The next day.
(Basically the day of the wedding, also I've never been to a western wedding , I'm Asian so if I write  anything wrong , then I'm sorry I'm just using my knowledge of film wedding so)

Alistaires PoV:

Today is the day I marry a small person..oh damn.

My mum helped me with my suit , while my dad ate the cake testers , my brothers were confused and just judging me.

"Alistaire, you've gained weight bro"Hunter said , smirking as he ate another piece of cake.
"Hunter, I know you ain't talking to me while you're eating your 14th piece of cake"I glared at him ina joking way.
All my brother just laughed , these last couple months we've been talking a lot more , even me and hunter have started joking with each other.

My 3 younger brothers are just throwing petal around, and playing with Kieran.

"So Ali who's gonna be your best man?"my dad asked as he placed the cake down.
"Oh,well I think it should be Travis"I said , all my brothers looked shocked even Travis looked shocked himself , Travis was my youngest brother , the baby of us all , me and Travis never really talked , he was very quiet, and I think this would be the beginning of our bonding.
"Wait..r-really?"Travis stuttered.
"Yeah of course , you're my baby brother"I smiled at him.
"Uh excuse me Alistaire we are all your baby brothers bitchhh!"Hunter exclaimed , we all just laughed .

My mom had done getting me ready , however it was the eighteenth time she's cried.
"Guys help me"I cried to my brothers , they all just got up and hugged mom , obviously I joined in too.

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