13-Lies & Homesick

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It was nearly the end of the last period, Alistaire hadn't annoyed Xavier as much as he normally did , and this got Xavier curious , Who was Hunter?

The Last lesson was English and Sir started Speaking.
"Okay Students , I will now collect in your forms for the Young Adults program! It starts next week so be packed by than , we will be emailing what you need for the trip so be prepared! And with that class dismissed"said Mr Peters smiling widely
Xavier was about to stand up and give in his form until he turned around to a sleeping Alistaire, Xavier rolled his eyes and decided to be nice , so he managed to yank Alistaire's form sheet from underneath him and proceeded to give in both letters to Mr Peters.

Xavier walked back to collect his stuff , and noticed everyone had gone including Mr Peters, the only one left was Alistaire.
Xavier rolled his eyes once again and could swear he saw his brain.
Xavier called Alistaire's name but the sleeping boy didn't wake up.
Xavier then tried to shove Alistaire of the chair and nothing happened.
Xavier got bored and proceeded to do the only thing he could think of.

"Alistaire if you don't wake up I'll have to use the power of God and Anime"Said Xavier while doing a weird ritual thing to the sleeping boy.
Xavier still doing his weird ritual thing heard a snigger and looked down at Alistaire who had his head propped on his palm.
Xavier blushed and stood as straight as a pole and looked down.
"Guess the power of God and Anime worked"Said Alistaire laughing picking his bag of he floor.
"I-i thought you were sleeping"Said Xavier embarrassed
"Nopeee!"Said Alistaire standing up to full length
"Ugh I hate you!"said Xavier stomping toward the classroom door shortly after Alistaire caught up to Xavier and walked along side him.
"Yeah sure, you know you love me!"Said Alistaire while wrapping one arm around Xavier
"Bish please , I wouldn't love you even if God himself told me to love you!"Said Xavier looking up at the taller boy
"Ouch harsh kitten"Said Alistaire placing his free hand on his chest dramatically
Xavier smiled sarcastically at the taller boy.
"Kitten what's your full name?"Said Alistaire randomly looking down at his Kitten
"And why would I tell you that?"Said Xavier looking at Alistaire confused
"I mean you don't have to tell me because I could just check the system but I would rather you tell me"Said Alistaire smirking at Xavier.
"Ugh...it's Xavier James Orian"Said Xavier looking down at his feet.
"James?"Said Alistaire confused
"That's what i said Jerk!"Said Xavier sarcastically
"...you're lying.."Said Alistaire flatly, Xavier stopped in his tracks and looked up at the taller boy.
"what?.."Said Xavier nervously
"Your middle name isn't James?!" Said Alistaire
"How could you possibly know that?"Said Xavier gaining composure
"Well...the system states something different?" Said Alistaire looking at Xavier who looked a bit upset
"..well you caught me..my middle name isn't James but I pretend it is"Said Xavier looking back at the floor.
Alistaire could tell Xavier was upset , so Alistaire dragged Xavier out the school and went up to Xavier's ride and told the driver that Xavier will be with Him , the driver nodded and proceeded to leave , Xavier was confused.
"Uhh why did you do that?"Said Xavier confused
"Because I'm taking you to your house!" Said Alistaire grinning
"Wait what?!"Said Xavier even more confused
"Yeah you heard me we are going to your house!" Said Alistaire and with that Alistaire dragged Xavier to his car which was a Black Mercedes-Benz V-Class , Alistaire shoved Xavier in and ran to his seat and before Xavier could get out Alistaire locked the car doors and smirked at the annoyed little boy.
Alistaire turned on the radio and drove to Xavier's house.
2 minutes into driving , Alistaire noticed how quiet the car was (with the exception of the radio) he looked over at Xavier who was looking out the window and smiling.
Alistaire was breath-taken as he saw a beautiful sight , he was wondering why Xavier was smiling.
"Hey Prince , why you smiling?"asked Alistaire focusing on the road.
Alistaire was waiting for Xavier to shut him down and be sarcastic or something but what happened next was really unexpected.
"This song , was my mum and I's favourite song , we'd sing it all the time before"Said Xavier still looking out the window.
Alistaire hinted a bit of sadness in Xavier's voice and asked..
"Is she no longer around?"asked Alistaire respectfully
"No she is still around , but she's in England and I...r-really m-miss her"Said Xavier tears slowly streamed down his face as he bit his lip and looked out the window.
Alistaire noticed this and pulled over to the side of the road.
Alistaire looked over at the boy who refused to meet his gaze , but Alistaire could still see the tears falling down , Xavier had his hand cover his mouth.Alistaire didn't like seeing Xavier like this so he did the first thing that came to mind.
Alistaire took the hand that was covering Xavier's mouth and pulled Xavier into a hug , Xavier's body froze up.
"W-What are you doing idiot?"Said Xavier trying to back up but Alistaire just hugged Xavier even tighter.

"I'm not really good at this kinda of thing but...it's going to be okay."Said Alistaire rubbing his hand up and down Xavier's back , Xavier stopped trying to move back and fell into Alistaire's chest , Xavier couldn't stop the tears , they kept on falling and falling.

Xavier didn't know why he was crying anymore..either because he missed his mum or he couldn't remember the last time someone had cared for him like this...

Xavier's body was overtook by heat and soon fell asleep.

"Goodnight My Prince"

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