3-First Day Of School

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The ride to school wasn't long , Xavier decided to turn up early so he could get his timetable and avoid seeing people.
He thanked his driver and walked toward his school.
"Pheonix Isles Highschool? What a......interesting name!! Sounds like something out of a magic land or something!!"Xavier thought to himself while walking up the stairs.
Xavier opened the huge doors and was greeted by a map of the school ,he pinpointed the office and walked straight towards it.
"Wow this must be a huge school if it needs a frickin map! , also seems like a lot of people aren't in yet"Xavier thought to himself
Xavier went inside the office , to be greeted by an old lady who smiled at him , he smiled back and walked towards her.
"um..Good Morning , I'm a new student and I'm here to get my timetable"Xavier said smiling
"Oh mighty , what an accent you have there! You must be...Xavier James Orian? am I right?" The office lady asked
"um yes that's me"Xavier said politely
"Okay well here is your timetable, as well as a mini map just in case you get lost , and well.....hmmm......doesn't look like he's here yet?....okay well while we wait for your tour guide , why don't you take a seat"Said the office lady smiling while passing Xavier his timetable
"oh thank you"Xavier said smiling and took a seat
"Looks like what they say about brits are true , you guys are so polite"she chuckled to herself
"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... why do I have to have a tour guide .... ugh I'm going to have to talk to someone.....oh lord kill me now!!"Xavier thought to himself and just as he was starting to get comfortable, the office door slammed open.
Xavier couldn't really care less so he carried on looking at his phone.
"Mr Orian, your tour guide has arrived"

(Sorry about the short chapter , I just want to get the boring shit out the way)

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