28- Accepting

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Xavier's P.O.V
I kissed him , I actually kissed him.

I'm currently in the bathroom having something people would call a "mental breakdown" , it's been around 3 hours since we found out we passed the level but also it's been 3 hours since I kissed Alistaire back.
But why did I do it?
I don't like him.
I don't like boys.
I'm straight.

Alistaire has tried to make me come out the bathroom but I didn't want to see him.
Alistaire went out like an hour ago , but I still didn't want to go out the bathroom.
I was about to head out until the front door opened.

"..Xavi??...are you still hiding?" Alistaire Said as he placed something on the floor.

I didn't reply, I couldn't.

"Ugh..fine you've left me no choice, I will break that door open, if you don't come out!" Alistaire groaned

I decided to stop being a pussy and just go and confront him , I opened the door and stood at the doorway.

"Xavier why are you crying?" Alistaire Asked slowly, like he didn't want to scare me away.
"I-i don't know"I hugged myself

Alistaire came over to me and embraced me in a hug.
"Hey hey , it's going to be okay"Alistaire said calmly rubbing my back.
"No it's not"I sobbed quietly
"Come on kitten lets go and sit down"Alistaire said as he lead me to our bedroom , he made me sit on the corner of the bed while he sat next to me.

"Now tell me what's wrong" Alistaire said calmly
"...."I didn't know what to say
"Listen if this is about the kiss and I made you feel uncomfortable, I'm sorry I thought you kne-"Alistaire Said before he got interrupted
"No!thats the problem!! I liked the kiss , I really did!!, but I'm not supposed to like it!!"i sobbed
Alistaire hugged me again.

"There's nothing wrong with liking the kiss"Alistaire said placing his chin on top of my head
"It's wrong , you're a boy , if my parents found out they would disown me!!"I looked up at Alistaire
"You're parents will love you for being you"Alistaire said playing with the back of my head
"No you don't understand Al , in the Orian family there is no place for imperfect!!"I told Alistaire
"Listen, if you're parents don't accept you they're aren't being a parent , and I promise you I'll be here!" Alistaire cupped the side of my face and wiped away the tears.
"r-really?"I looked into his eyes.
"Yes!! You adorably little dork!!" Alistaire smiled widely , his eyes filled with tears.
"are you crying?!"I chuckled
"what!? No!" Alistaire Said as he turned his face.
"Oh my you're actually crying!!"I grinned as I tried to get Alistaire to show me his face which resulted in my tackling him onto the bed , I sat on top of him so I could see his face properly.
"Seeee!! I knew it you were crying!!"i Chuckled
Alistaire didn't say anything he just smiled as he looked up at me.
"What?"I Said thinkin something was on my face.
"I swear if there is somethi-"I was about to finish until Alistaire kissed me.

I didn't know what to do, I didn't kiss back , I don't know if I was aloud until Alistaire said.
"It's okay, you can kiss me back"
I kissed him back , it started of pretty slow , I was scared and I think Alistaire could tell.
Alistaire licked my bottom lip , he wanted entrance, I was scared but there is no one here except Alistaire, no one here to judge me and no one here to hurt me , so I gave Al entrance, he explored my mouth , his hands found the bottom of my shirt , his hands slid slowly upwards , I pushed Alistaire away so I could breath , but his mouth just started kissing my jaw , he trailed down to my neck and kissed , I used my hand to cover my sounds , but I knew Alistaire could hear them anyways.
While Alistaire was kissing my neck hungrily, I used my other hand to play with Alistaire's hair , I always knew it was soft but damn , it was silky as well.
Alistaire bit down on my neck and I gasped, he sucked on that spot , it really hurt , Alistaire carried on leaving a lot more love bites on my neck , but we had to stop because I could feel what was going on between Alistaire's legs and I just wasn't ready for that.

"Alistaire I think it's time to stop"

"What...why?" Alistaire Said confused
"I-I can can feel what's growing in your pants"I Said embarrassed
"I couldn't help myself!"Alistaire chuckled in my ear and kissed my neck once more

I stood up and Alistaire excused himself to go to the bathroom.

Oh boy this was going to be a long day.

school is coming to an end , just need to get all these tests out the way and I'll upload frequently x


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