30- the "badboy"

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Alistaire's p.o.v

It's been a couple of hours since we bought Kieran home , Xavier's been showing him around and playing with him , I've checked up on him a couple of times too.

I went into the bedroom and saw Xavier and Kieran sitting on the bed , they were talking about a cartoon or something.

"Hey Xav , I'm gonna head out for a bit , I might be gone for a couple of hours , but I'll come back not later than 12 I don't think"I told Xavier as he nodded
"Oh okay sure , just text me when you're on your way home , I'll heat you up some dinner or something"Xavier smiled
"Thanks"I smiled at him and went towards the bed.
"Hey champ , I'll be home late today, make sure you annoy Xavier as much as possible!"I laughed deeply
"Yes sir!"Kieran chuckled
"Hey!!"Xavier hit my arms.
I just chuckled and ruffled up Kieran's hair and kissed Xavier's forehead , as I left the room.

I left be apartment and got into my car.I don't like lying , especially not to Xavier but somethings just have to be kept a secret , I drove to a bar quite far from the program.
As soon as I got there I had to check if anyone followed me or if anyone I knew was around me.
The coast was clear.
I went inside the bar and was immediately attacked , punches were thrown left and right , I managed to dodge all of the punches except one and it ended up busting my lip , I hit back with as much force as possible , the guy fell onto the floor screaming.
"WHAT THE FUCKK!!?YOU FUCKING BIT-"I slammed his head onto the floor around three times , people were clapping and congratulating me.
Two guys came to take away the guy on the floor away.
A guy around 30 came and put his arm around me.
"Yo Al , haven't seen ya in while , seems you've gotten stronger!"the man said cackling
"I've had things come up , but I'm back now!"I smirked , I removed the guys arms of me and went to get a drink.

So you might be wondering...
what the fuck is going on?
well you see , this is my job, well not technically this but something like this , I'm part of a group called 'Donovan' , it's a group that deals with drugs, money and other stuff, we find other groups like ours to trade with and if we find out the other group did us dirty,we beat them up.
The guy I beat up was one of the members from the 'Orchid' group, they tried to steal a bunch of money from our group and have been attacking ever since.
You might be wondering also
"Alistaire you're so goofy and sweet , why are you apart of something so violent?"
Well I never used to be "goofy and sweet" , I only turned like this when I met Xavier , Xavier changed me , he is the only thing that means something to me and now so does Kieran , I want to protect them both , however the Donovan group is something you can't back out of, I joined when I was young , when I was around 13 , I joined because I didn't want to be that stereotypical older son who was good and listened to his parents and took after the family business, I wanted to do something that made me just Alistaire, not Alistaire "O'Knight".i actually went back to quit the group.
After finishing my drink and paying.
I went to a room at the far back , I went in and heard giggling.

"Hey..Mason?"I asked walking towards the man sitting on the sofa with two girls on each side of him.
"Yo Alistaire! , were you been man?"Mason asked me ,pushing me to the other side of the room.
"I've been busy with school"i told him
"What are you a fucking nerd?!!"Mason cackled
I didn't say anything I just glared at him.
"What?!"Mason said giving an amused look.
"I'm gonna quit the group"I told him looking straight into his eyes.
Mason just smirked.
"oh really?! Says who?!"Mason cackled again
"Says me."I said sternly and began to walk away until my arms were grabbed and without warning I was punched across the face , I stumbled against the wall and realised that two men were in front of me and Mason was in the middle of them smirking.
"Who said you had the choice?!"Mason laughed
I didn't say anything just lunged at the men ,I managed to knock at least one of them out before I was slammed into the wall and beat up , the badly bruised my face and and body.
When they finished beating me up , Mason spoke.
"Try and quit the group again , I dare you"Mason smirked and went back to the two girls on the sofa.

I walked out the pub and got into my car again , I looked into the view mirror and realised how fucked up I looked.My lip was even more busted , my right eye was bruised badly and I was bleeding pretty bad from my cheek.
I didn't even want to guess what was on my body.

I drove to the apartments , and I hid my face in my hoodie and ran inside.
I didn't realise how long I had gone for , it was 1:34am.
I unlocked the door and went inside.
I went to sit on the couch, I sighed , I was in a lot of pain and I didn't know what to do.The bedroom door opened and I couldn't turn around my neck was hurting.

"Al?"Xav Said , I turned around , Xavier was wearing my white T-shirt which was huge on him and shorts , he held a sleepy Kieran in his arms who was rubbing his eyes.
"hey"I said trying to smile
"my god! , what happened?!"Xavier rushed towards me and placed Kieran on the sofa who by now had woken up and was just as concerned as Xavier was.
"nothing"I lied looking stupid
Xavier just huffed and went into the kitchen , he returned with a first aid kit.
Xavier sat next to me and turned my head he starting wiping away the blood and placed bandages and stuff on the bruises.
Xavier sighed and picked up Kieran and went back into the bedroom but then he came back without Kieran and sat down in my lap , I winced but I was happy to have him.
Xavier looked into my eyes and asked

      "What the hell happened?"

-Aki ❤️

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