17-Family History

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Alistaire was still passionately kissing Xavier , Xavier needed air.
"Okay can you please stop , you got your kiss now get of me jerk"Said Xavier out of breath
"Ugh...fine"Said Alistaire standing up and pulling Xavier up to.

Xavier stood up and dusted of himself and glared up at Alistaire who was smirking.
"Why do you have that creepy smile on your face?"Said Xavier confused.
"Go look in a mirror"smirked Alistaire
"..okay.."Said Xavier slowly walking over to the downstairs bathroom mirror.

As Xavier entered the bathroom and looked in the mirror , he was shocked no....MORTIFIED.
Xavier's lips were slightly bruised and puffy.

"What the heck?!!"Said Xavier brushing over his lips with his fingers
"You're welcome a little gift"Said Alistaire standing at the entrance of the door.
"Oh my lord , it looks like I got into a fight!!"Said Xavier turning to Alistaire with a glare
"Well you didn't , I kissed you a bit to passionately" smirked Alistaire
"Well I can't tell people that!!"groaned Xavier
"Why not?" Alistaire frowned
"Because I'm not gay!"Said Xavier dramatically
"You sure?" Alistaire Said questionably
"Yes."Said Xavier straight forwardly
"How do you know?"asked Alistaire
"Because I've only been into girls"Said Xavier rolling his eyes
"Have you ever been with a guy?"asked Alistaire
"...I literally just said I've only been into girls.." Said Xavier while mentally face palming
"Yeah okay , you say that for now but watch"Alistaire smirked and walked out the bathroom
"What does that mean?" Said Xavier following Alistaire out.
"Oh don't worry you'll find out in due time"smirked Alistaire
"Please get that ugly look of your face"groaned Xavier while looking through the cub boards.
"It's just my face bitch"Said Alistaire sarcastically

Xavier rolled his eyes.
"Hey O'Knight...I have a question"asked Xavier sceptically
"Ask away darling"Said Alistaire while sitting down on a stool.
"Whose Hunter?"Asked Xavier , for a second Xavier could see Alistaire's jaw tighten.
"Well I guess it's only fair that I tell you a bit about myself"sighed Alistaire
"Yeah , it is"Said Xavier while taking out some biscuits.
"Well first , I'm an O'Knight so I come from a pretty rich family, my family owns one of the biggest companies in all of America, 'Knights & Armor' the company specialises in something which I can't really remember because I really don't care , but we also run a school which is , 'Phoenix Isles Highschool' which you probably already knew."Said Alistaire taking a long breath.
"What are your parents names?"asked Xavier
"My Moms name is Genevieve Rose O'Knight and my dad is Lyon Arthur O'Knight"Said Alistaire getting up to get some water.
"Isn't your middle name 'Lyon'?"asked Xavier
"Yeah it is , we have this weird tradition in my family where every first born will have their fathers first name as their middle name"Said Alistaire filling up a cup with water.
"So your child will have their middle name as 'Alistaire'?"asked Xavier taking a bite of his biscuits.
"Yeah basically"Said Alistaire turning of the tap and walking back to his seat.
"Wait so how many siblings do you have?"asked Xavier generally curious.
"Well there is six of us including me, I'm the oldest and then it's my twin brothers who are really only a year younger than me and then it's my triplet brothers who are 4 years younger than me"Said Alistaire drawing circles on the table with his finger.
"What are there names?"asked Xavier taking another bite of his biscuit.
"Well the second eldest is Hunter,the third eldest is Dmitri,fourth eldest is Danté, fifth is Adam and sixth is Travis."groaned Alistaire
"I take it you don't get along with your brothers"chuckled Xavier while passing a biscuit to Alistaire
"Don't get me started , but it's weird because Hunter,Dmitri,Danté,Adam And Travis all get along but for some reason I don't get along with them five"Said Alistaire taking a bite out of his biscuit.
"I knew you and Hunter kind of looked alike"Said Xavier jumping on the counter.
"Well I'm more handsome"smirked Alistaire
"Yeah okay whatever you say"chuckled Xavier.
"By the way what is your middle name?" Asked Alistaire
"I thought you already knew?"Said Xavier confused
"I forgot"Said Alistaire while guiltily laughing


Well guys hope you enjoyed , I'll try and upload more and yeah I'll see you guys and girls (& people who don't specify with any gender at all) in the next chapter.

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