2-Hello America

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As Xavier got into the car , he wondered many things.
How would his school be?
Is it a stereotypical school?
Would he stand out because of his accent?
What if someone tries to be his friend?
If I punched myself in the face and it hurt , would that make me weak or strong?

Xavier must have been thinking for a very long time , as the person driving turned around and told Xavier that they had arrived at the airport.
Xavier got all his stuff , thanked the drivers , did all the airport stuff and boarded the plane.

~~~~a very long time later~~~~

"ALL PASSENGERS, WE ARE NOW READY TO LAND"said a women on the loud speaker
(I don't know if that's what they actually say , ya girl hasn't ever been abroad)

Xavier got of the plane and went to find his grandparents, after a few minutes of searching , he saw his grandmother waving at him , he felt bad they had to come and get him , considering they were old and it must have been hard for them to travel here , Xavier smiled and went over to his grandparents, who he hugged and then they led him to a taxi.
The journey wasn't long to Xavier's grandparents house but it sure was awkward, they kept asking him about his life and relationships.
"so has my grandson got himself a lucky gal?said Arthur (his grandpa) in a calming slow voice
"Um..no I've been focusing on studies and really haven't gotten around to um doing stuff that aren't related to um school.."said Xavier's trying not to sound awkward but clearly terribly failed
"what!! my grandson is so gorgeous who wouldn't want you!!?"Said Milla (Xavier's grandma) In a shocked voice.
"everyone"Xavier whispered under his breath
"what was that sweetheart??!"Said Milla
"oh uh ummm nothing just yunno...uh-excited to see what school like...heh"Said Xavier once again trying not to sound awkward but miserably failing
"that's my grandson! What a good boy ye are!"Said Arthur
"Oh lookie here we are , welcome home Xavier"Said Milla smiling

They all got out the car and Xavier got his luggage and went into the house , they ate their dinner and Xavier went to his room.
Tomorrow was going to be a long day as it would be his first day at school.
Xavier groaned , he got undressed and jumped into his bed , but set his alarm for 7:00am so he could have time to actually get ready for school and with that he went fast asleep.


beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!!! beeeeeeeeeeeep!!

"oh my lord please shut up"groaned Xavier as his rubbed his eyes and got up out of bed and by 'got out of bed' I mean rolled off the bed literally.

Xavier took a shower , brushed his teeth, did his hair and put on whatever he felt most comfortable to him , normally Xavier would have worn a uniform but eh this is America.
Xavier chose to wear a baggy navy blue sweatshirt with two white lines that went around the chest area (if that makes any sense at all) , he paired it with some black skinny jeans and his black and white hightop converses.
Xavier dried his hair and let it do whatever.

Xavier still had half an hour left , so he decided to go downstairs and make himself something to eat , as he was walking downstairs he noticed a backpack with a note on it.Xavier went towards the bag and picked up the note.

Here is the backpack for you to take to school , it contains all your books and pens , however I may have seemed to have forgotten your timetable , sorry about that son , but they'll give you it at school at the office so make sure to go there first , also we have arranged for a car to take you to school , it'll be here exactly at 8:00 so be ready , and that's it have a great first day , sorry I couldn't have been awake.
Grandma Milla <3

"Aw she really didn't have to do that , I feel really bad now , but nonetheless I shall march forward with my day!!"said Xavier smiling
He found some biscuits and juice , and just read a book for the most of his time.

The front doorbell had rang and Xavier opened it , it was the driver who was to take him to school , Xavier grabbed his bag and got inside the car.

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