46- Saying Goodbye

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Xavier's POV:

It's been about 2 weeks since I accepted being the rats boyfriend and honestly it's kinda fun , however I do want to drop kick that mother fucker right now because his dumb ass keeps sleeping in , I swear to god imma cut his di-

oh and then the little shot walks into the living room.

"Hey babyyy"Alistaire says smirking and rubbing his eyes while walking towards me.
"Shut your bitch ass up and go wash your damn face looking like a whole powdered doughnut"i tut and turn around.
"Hey!!you should be happy you're cute otherwise I would chuck you out the damn window"Ali groaned.
"Boy I will shove a whole entire ironing board your peni-"I was about to finish my sentence before Kieran walked into the room.

"Hey champ!"Ali said to Kieran , as he picked him up and placed him on his shoulders.
"Morning daddy!"Kieran said ecstatically
"Okay you too go wash up please and I'll have breakfast ready!"I said to both of them as they walked to the bathroom.

As I was cooking , I realised that this trip ends in two days , and I was excited to go home , but I realised that we'd have to say goodbye to Kieran , oh my baby.

After 15 minutes

I couldn't stop thinking about this , I needed to speak to Ali , so while we ate , I told Ali to get up and follow me , Kieran was watching TV while eating his toast so he was distracted.

I dragged him to the bedroom.

"Damn boy it's kinda early for this don't you think?!"Ali smirked
"What?....oh...oh!! Shut up idiot, I need to ask you something"I asked
"What's up?"Ali asked as he pushed back a curl on my face , I swear this boy wouldn't stop touching me.
"Um...basically...this trip ends in two days"I tell him , I'm trying not to cry.
"Yeah and?"Ali said cluelessly
"Ali , in two days we go home , and that means...Kieran has to...he has to...um...we have to send him back."I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it.
"Oh baby come here , don't cry , listen I'm gonna be 19 soon , and I'll be able to legally adopt him , it'll be fine!"Ali reassured me
"What so we're gonna keep him?!"I said really happily with tears still in my eyes!
"Absolutely he's our little champ!"Ali said as he kissed my forehead.

2 days later

Alistaires POV

It was our last day with Kieran , I could see that Xavier was trying to keep it together.

We arrived at the adoption place where we got him and Xavier broke down , he hugged Kieran like there was no tomorrow, I also joined in the hug and Kieran was crying too , he understood what was happening.

"Listen Kieran baby , we are going to come back for you I promise , in a couple of months daddy and I will come back and you'll be with us forever!"Xavier explainer , Kieran nodded and cried.
"Yeah champ , don't forget about us and don't worry we'll visit you everyday until that day where we'll take you home and you'll become our own!"I said ruffling Kieran hair.
"I love you guys!"Kieran said crying but smiling
"We love you too"Xavier said , kissing Kieran's forehead

Half an hour later

We were in the car , we had everything packed and Xavier had finally finished crying , he sat in the car barely moving or talking, he wasn't even blinking ,he was really hurt.

We drove on down to Xavier's place , which took like 100 years , and I went in and so did Xavier , he was still quiet, nobody was home by the looks of it , there was a note left by his grandparents which said they left for a class or something and they'd be back after a couple of days , I didn't want to leave Xavier alone so I decided to just stay with him , he didn't really speak.

Around 5 hours later

Xavier was just sitting on the couch and I decided to go sit next to him.
I laid on his chest and I could hear him chuckle, he began to stroke my hair and I was immediately falling into a trance.

"I really like you're hair"Xavier said softly
I look up at him and smile , i decide to reverse the rolls and have Xavier on top of me (the closest he's going to ever get to top me) , he is a bit shook at first but then he snuggles into the crook of my neck and shoulder.
I begin to stroke Xavier's hair , starting from the bottom and getting deeper into his waves , I could tell he liked it cause his breathing increased and he tightened his grip on my shirt.
With my other free hand I let it roam Xavier's thighs, while my other hand still strokes his hair.
Xavier was wearing short so he was a lot more sensitive, I gripped his thigh until he squealed , his reactions are what makes him interesting.

I begin to kiss his neck , and he tries to push away but it was very lightly I could tell he didn't want to stop, I bite down and he groans , and that turned me on , I kiss and suck further down his neck and he grants me access to a lot more other spaces , my hands roam up his shirt and on his back , while Xavier's hands roam my hair , tugging sometimes when he felt a bit more pleasure than he expected.
I flip us two over and I take a look at Xavier's face , his eyes were filled with lust , surprise and....curiosity.
He suddenly wraps his arms around the back of my neck and kisses me roughly , I thinks he's trying to take the lead but I immediately shove my tongue into his mouth , his moan of pleasure, damn I could hear it on replay for eternity.

My hands start to remove some Xavier's buttons and I slide my hands up his shirt,he was so warm , I again kiss down his neck all the way down his shirt and I knew his weak spot was his left side , so I attacked that side with hickeys , Xavier didn't even try to suppress his moans and thank the lord for that , I grab his thigh and kiss upwards , at this point he is squirming , and it's quite entertaining actually.

I move to open up his shorts but he stops me.

"What's wrong baby?"I ask kinda dominantly.
"Can we move to somewhere else the sofa is kinda hurting my back"Xavier asked shyly
"Sure babes"I smile and pick him up bride style to the bedroom.


Xavier's POV

Ali places me upon the bed , and starts attacking my chest with kisses , he lifts up my thigh and begins to open up my shorts , I was kinda nervous.
He pulls down the shorts and I'm just wearing my briefs , Ali puts my leg over his shoulder and begins to unbuckle his jeans , and holy shit is he huge , I look away and I can hear him chuckle sadistically.

Instead of taking of my briefs,he stretches the bottom of them and places his thing right at the entrance.

"Hold on Al!! It won't go in!!"I say to him in a hurry.
"It will , trust me"Ali says and begins to slowly bring himself into me , and damn it fucking hurt.

"Oww....Al!!! It's hurts"I cry
"It's nearly in baby"Ali said strained
"A-ahhhh!"I think Ali got a bit impatient because the last bit he shoved it in.
"Okay I'm in..I'm gonna move okay baby"Ali says , I just him and okay.
He starts moving in and out slowly but then he starts to quicken his pace , I can't help but moan in pain and pleasure, but then it all became pleasure.

He thrusted in and out , hitting a sweet spot over and over again , he knew all my weak spots, Al then turns me over and pulls down my briefs and again thrusts back into me , the pleasure was so intense, he then begins to grab a bunch of my hair and with every thrust he would pull it , and it felt amazing.

This went on for 15 minutes and then he grabs my hips and I could tell he was about to climax , so was I , and then...we both came , i turn around and fall backwards and then Al falls onto my chest , he both breathed heavily on each other, our stomachs were in sync.

Alistaire looks up and kisses me , and I kiss him straight back , we both just rest on each other and before we knew it , we were both out.

Okay damnnnn that was a very dirty chapter, I hope yall enjoyed and yeah .

follow me on Instagram @1360akira
-akira ❤️

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