20-romance novels

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It was 6:56am and the two boys still were wide awake.

"So when are you gonna go home? It's pretty late yanno"Said Xavier as he shoves his phone in Alistaire's face to show him the time.
"Well even if I wanted to go home I couldn't"Said Alistaire with a loud sigh as he stretched on the bed.
"What why?"questioned Xavier as he walked over to his wardrobe and took out some clothes and towels.
"Well Mum isn't even in America , she's in Italy as that's where her job is and Dad is probably at Grandma and Grandpa's house as he can't be bothered to cook or clean ,so he just works over at their house and well my brothers probably wouldn't open the door even if I was about to be murdered"sighed Alistaire looking through Xavier's bedside table for a hair brush.
"..your brothers and I are very similar, I probably wouldn't let you in either even if you were about to be murdered"chuckled Xavier
"Haha very funny Orian!"scoffed Alistaire as he got up and ruffled Xavier's hair.
"Please refrain from touching me you lamppost"Said Xavier trying to move from Alistaire's grasp.
"Are you going to take a shower?"Asked Alistaire as he still was ruffling Xavier's hair.
"Yeah I am , you can take one afterwards if you want , seeing as you smell of sweat!"exclaimed Xavier moving towards the bathroom door.
"What about if I join you?"Alistaire smirked

Xavier didn't say anything he just went inside the bathroom , turned and faced Alistaire and then slammed the door in his face.

"I'll take that as no?"chuckled Alistaire

The sound of the shower starting confirmed Alistaire's question.
Alistaire took this time to look through Xavier's room.
Alistaire noticed the many Harry Potter books laying on Xavier's nightstand, as Alistaire was shuffling through the books he noticed another book underneath the Harry Potter books , it was a romance novel. Alistaire smirked and flicked through the book , it was about a young boy who fell in love with a older man , and one day that man became a teacher at the young boys school , the young boy kept his distance and tried to push away his feeling for the older man , this carried on till the young boy left Highschool, many years had past and young boy was now 22 and the older man was now 32 , coincidently the two met at a grocery store , but when the younger boy had seen the older man , the man had a family two daughters and a beautiful wife , the young boy couldn't help but feel a little sad but then he smiled and was happy for the older man , he found someone who made him happy and had his own little family now , the boy had truly loved this older man and it hurt to say goodbye but overall he was happy that the man he loved was with someone he loved and made him happy , so the younger boy went on to live his life now knowing what his type was and he found himself a very handsome young man who was aged 23 , the two fell in love and got married and adopted 4 children together (3 boys and 1 girl) , this taught the boy that it might hurt to let someone go but then again you don't know when someone can walk into your life and make you as happy as the other person did , life is full of experiences some are good and some are bad , but everything happens for a reason and there is always light at the end of the tunnel.
Alistaire shut the book and took in the information the book had given , not the important information only the fact that there was a gay character in the book , this made Alistaire smirk , he went around the room again looking at everything, he stopped at Xavier's desk there was a picture of a family sitting on top of the desk , a tall man with brown hair and brown beard , his eyes were a dull brown colour which almost looked black , he was wearing a black and white suit -presumedly the father - , next to him (to the left)stood a younger version of the older man , but instead of a suit he was in a school uniform, a white polo shirt, a black blazer, a red and black tie , black skinny jeans and Adidas black trainers, Alistaire judged the boy and came up with the conclusion that he was definitely a snobby little brat , as the boys facial expression was a sour look , to the right of the older man , was a beautiful women , with dark blonde curly hair , gorgeous blue ocean eyes , she wasn't skinny but she wasn't fat , she was a bit chubby , she wore a long peach pink dress which complimented her eyes and lastly there was a boy standing on the other side to the women but Alistaire could already tell that was Xavier , he was wearing a white polo shirt which was slightly hidden by his v-neck black jumper , he wasn't wearing a blazer but had the black and red tie on , he was wearing shorts that were slightly above his knee and white ankle socks which were kind of covered by his black and white hightop converses, he was the only one smiling , Alistaire also noticed that Xavier also had that Xavier was wearing braces which he grinned about because it made Xavier look more of a dork than he already was , and then Alistaire's gaze turned to Xavier's hair it was quite curly and blonde just like the women's which Alistaire had figured out was probably Xavier's mother , they definitely shared quite the same appearance though Xavier definitely looked a lot skinnier, and the father and "the other brother" looked quite the same , Alistaire smiled , Xavier hasn't smiled like that ever since he came to America well Alistaire had never seen it, Alistaire was staring at the photo and then the bathroom door had opened , Xavier was already dresses he was wearing a pastel yellow slightly oversized jumper which was slightly tucked into his dark blue baggy jeans which were slightly rolled up at the bottom and he was wearing whites socks with his signature black and white converses.

"Are you gonna stop staring at me and get into the shower or what?"Asked Xavier drying his curly hair off with a towel.
"I wasn't staring I was admiring, and yes I will take a shower now thank you very much!"Said Alistaire sarcastically as he grabbed his backpack.
"Wait you don't have any spare clothes do you?"Asked Xavier still drying his hair.
"I carry spare clothes with me all the tile since I'm not normally home I just stay at a friends house and just bring clothes along with me."Said Alistaire grabbing a towel from Xavier's wardrobe.
"That's good I wouldn't want to give you mine to borrow other wise I'd have to burn them afterwards"Said Xavier sarcastically
"Oh shush dork"Said Alistaire rolling his eyes as he went inside the bathroom.

Okay that's it for today :)) , sorry for taking so long with this chapter I've been planning out this story as before I was just making it up as I went along but I actually have been working hard on a plot and storyline and stuff and new characters , so look forward to that but also please correct me if I get any American factors messed up , ya girl is from England so I don't know much about it so sorry if I get anything wrong:) x


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