27- Week 2 & 3

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Xavier's p.o.v

So on Saturday , me and Alistaire decided that , we would take our little robot child to the cinema, and oh lord that was a fucking disaster.
The child wouldn't stop crying , I mean I don't blame her the first thing she saw when she woke up was Alistaire's face so.

Then on Sunday we went to a restaurant, I had a great time but Alistaire not so much , he told me he was allergic to pineapples so obviously I dared him to eat a pineapple and he did , what an idiot , but honestly it was quite entertaining to see him suffer. Muhahahhaa

So then in the beginning of week two , which was on Monday duh , Alistaire had work , you know what that means!!
Time to eat all of Alistaire's hidden snacks.
My small child baby was sleeping but when she wasn't , we played catch , granted she catches the ball with her face , it was a great time.

On Tuesday I had work , but Alistaire also had work , so we had to figure something out , and we used a very adult method to figure out who kept the child. Sadly I lost but that was because....I nearly got hit by a car yesterday so my arm is technically broken, and it effected the game.

On Wednesday I had work , Alistaire the rat stayed at home with the baby , when I got home , Alistaire was lying on the couch and he was cuddling the baby.
That's so cut-....utterly disgusting!!
I chucked a pillow at Alistaire and he woke up and then we ate dinner and went to bed , but I locked him outside the room so he couldn't get in....I just realised how nice I am.

Thursday, was a lazy day , we were both off from work so we decided to just take the baby out to the park , and I'm not even lying when I say I saw the biggest dog literally ever , and it cane dashing towards me , so obviously, I ran and ran. Dogs are horrifying man!Alistaire the lamppost just laughed at me.

Friday was actually awful, Alistaire got sick and apparently I'm supposed to care!? So while Alistaire was vomiting I was just patting his back, I didn't know what to do so I just chucked every medication we had at home at Alistaire.
He did eventually get better though which was okay.

I wake up to the smell of eggs and toast.it was a beautiful smell if I do say so myself but who was cooking it?
It definitely wasn't Al , he can't cook even if his life depended on it.
I get out of bed and walk into the kitchen , and I see Al just setting the table.

"Whatchya doing?"I ask while taking a seat at the table.
"I made breakfast!"Al grinned
"You!!!?"I asked stunned
"Okay you don't need to be that shocked"Al rolled his eyes
I just laughed and so did he.today was nice , after breakfast we went to a bowling alley, and I hated it , I got tired of Alistaire beating me so I chased him around the bowling alley with a bowling ball , the baby was strapped to my chest with one of those vest thingys.

I'm pretty excited, In one week we'll find out if we passed this level, I heard some people were already disqualified.
So I'm just at the computer, feeding my little pumpkin child her "milk" from a bottle.i was looking at baby names , for boys and girls.
Al soon joined me and looked over my shoulder we spent a good 4 hours looking at names.
For a girl we chose; Luna
And for a boy we chose; Eli
but they weren't legit names , we would have to see the baby first to decide.

Alistaire's p.o.v

It's now the 3rd week , so this Sunday we'll find out if we moved onto the next level , Xavi was sure we passed so he started picking baby names, but we don't know for sure what we name him or her yet.

So Xavi wanted to get some baby stuff , like clothes and blankets, so we went to the mall , however on the ride there , some of Xavi's favourite songs came on and he pretended he was in a music video , honestly he was literally the cutest thing ever , also I noticed how he's now calling me "Al" and I really like that, I asked him if I could call him my "fucking sexy bottom" but he just kicked me in the stomach.
So I just stuck to "Xavi" he didn't really seem to mind that name, but I did prefer the other one.

Xavi was at work so I had to look after the devil child , we actually had a good time and we went to the ball pit , and I'd be lying if I said I didn't lose the baby...more than once, it literally sinked into ball pit and she just disappeared, like poof.

Me and Xavi both didn't have work today so we played a bunch of games and then Xavi lost all of them but he gave me some shitty excuse like "he nearly got  hit by a car and his arm is broken apparently" honestly this boy is gonna be the death of me , I nearly stopped breathing when I heard him give me that excuse.

I had work today , I swear I think I now know why some people turn to stripping , this job is hell , I work in this office thing where I tell people they suck , lol I wish but no I help people find houses.
When I went home, Xavi was cooking and oh lord it smelt delicious, I walk into the kitchen secretly , and I see Xavi dancing with the child , to the song 'shake it off' , honestly he was adorable , when he finally noticed me he , ran towards me to kick me but he was too late and I caught him and hugged him as tight as I could and then we both started , summoning Satan-...I mean dancing.

I got to stay home today with the baby, we had an intense staring competition, and you guessed it , the baby won.

Me and Xavi went shopping today , but we went out to get some clothes and stuff for ourselves, I went over to the hoodies and bought a bunch but when I looked back at Xavi he was staring at a women really intensely, I was really confused and asked him what he was doing.
"What you doing?"
"...baby.."Xavi Said still staring at the women
"Excuse me?!"
"So many babies.."Xavi Said
I looked over at the women and realised that the women had like 3 newborns in a huge ass pushchair (or whatever American people call it)
The women looked like she was really struggling.
Xavi pulled me towards the women and Xavi asked her is she needed any help , and she said yeah , so I helped push the pushchair and Xavi helped pick clothes.
I looked down at the three children, and they all looked at me.....they all cried.
The women sighed , she picked one of the baby's up and tried calming him down but he cried even more.
Xavi asked if he could try and women immediately handed the baby over.
Xavi cradled the baby , and stroked his back and the baby fell asleep immediately, and the other two also calmed down.

"Wow what a power you have there!"the women said ecstatically.
"I love children!"Xavi Said happily still cradling the baby.
"Oh I'm sorry , I haven't introduced myself , I'm Hanna , and these are my children , the one you're holding is Levi , he's the oldest triplet , the one in the middle of the pushchair is Belle , she the second triplet and lastly is Levin and he's the youngest!"Hanna said proudly.
"Hi , I'm Xavier and this is my....friend Alistaire"Xavier smiled
"Nice to meet you"I Said polity
"Honestly it's rare to find such nice kids nowadays!"Hanna gushed
"Well we try"Xavi giggles
"Well thank you for restoring my faith in humanity, it's been hard these last couple of weeks, I recently had a divorce and it's pretty hard to look after 3 newborns on my own"hanna said truthfully
"We wouldn't mind helping out!"me and Xavi Said ecstatically.
"Really!!?"hanna gleamed
"Of course , he's my number"Xavier gave her , his number on a piece of paper.
"Oh thank you boys!"hanna hugs us both and left toward the shopping till.

I hugged Xavi from behind.
"I'm proud of you"I Said calmly
"What ,why"Xavier asked confused
"I think you'll be a great parent"I said as I smiled and laid my chin on top of Xavier's curly hair.
"...thank you..."Xavier said softly.

Okay so Xavier was freaking out , we both kept looking on our phones , todays he day we find out if we moved onto the next level.

5 minutes later


25 minutes later

Still nothing.....

30 minutes later

"WHEN IS IT GOING TO COM-!"Xavier yelled until our phones both beeped , we both looked at our phones and screamed.

We passed!!!

I was still looking at my phone until I felt arms wrap around me , I lifted Xavier up and made him sit on my stomach so our heads touched.it felt right in the moment just to kiss him , so I did and....he kissed back.

follow me on Instagram @1360akira

(Probably the longest chapter I've ever posted)

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