4-Meeting Alistaire

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The door slammed open and there stood a tall boy with jet black curly hair parted to the side , beautiful dark forest green eyes,a gorgeous smile and wearing a black hoodie with ripped black jeans and some black and white hightop vans.

"Mr Orian , your tour guide has arrived!"Said the office lady
"Greateeee!"Said Xavier sarcastically while getting up

Xavier followed his tour guide outside the office and the two boys introduced themselves.

"...hm k well , I'm Alistaire, I personally don't care who you are so don't bother telling me your name and just so you know I'm the king of the school sooo-"said Alistaire proudly before being cut of by Xavier
"Well Mr "king of the school" I personally don't care about you either ,so please do not talk to me like I'm below you"said Xavier with a dead face
"...oh wow this is new , no ones ever had the guts to talk back to me..interesting..also you will also kinda be below me because you're really short for a guy!"said Alistaire while going in to ruffle Xavier's hair
Xavier slaps Alistaire's hand before it gets to touch his hair.
"Just because I'm short doesn't mean I'm below you , I can be above you academically and in other ways to."Said Xavier with the 'did this bitch really just' face
"aw that's cute you think you're better than me-"Said Alistaire while smirking before getting cut of by Xavier (again)
"I don't think , I know!"Said Xavier with the 'try me bitch' face.
"ooh okay then! You're interesting!i like you! , Wanna be friends?!"Said Alistaire while starting to walk to Xavier's first lesson with "coincidently" happened to be his first lesson to.
"No thank you , I'm not interested in being friends with an idiot"said Xavier while walking in front of Alistaire.
"....there must be something wrong with you if you don't want to be friends with me...everyone wants to be friends with me!!"Said Alistaire shocked
"well then that makes me a first"Said Xavier proudly but also annoyed because he can't seem to get rid of this guy.
"...I'm sure you'll regret this decision soon and be begging to become my friend.."Said Alistaire proudly looking down at the smaller boy in-front of him .
"I assure you that will not be the case"said Xavier starting to really want to punch this guy who's name he didn't remember.
"heh..I assure you it will be....also why the heck do you sound like Mr Bean!?"asked Alistaire still looking down at the boy
"Very funny..Ad-...Ai-..Al-ugh whatever your stupid name is..I'm not from America so my accent is different, I'm from England you uneducated pigeon and I do not sound like mr bean!"said Xavier starting to really want to kill this guy.
"My name isn't even that hard!...it's Alistaire Lyon O'Knight!! The one and only"said Alistaire while being dramatic and bowing.
"Well listen O'Knight , I really couldn't care less about you so please don't ever speak to me again"Said Xavier as he had finally reached the first period (Drama).
"Yeah right!!, everyone cares about me!!"Said Alistaire while following in behind Xavier.

"Welcome!!!! I'm Miss Shay!! Your Theatre teacher!! You can sit at the back table next to Alistaire as it seems you're already close friends"said Miss Shay cheerfully.
"Oh god end me now"Xavier thought as he walked to where Alistaire was sitting.Xavier took the window seat and pushed his chair as far as he could away from Alistaire's.
"oooh looks like we're gonna be good friends..uh..I didn't catch a name?"Alistaire whispered to Xavier but Xavier just ignored him.
"oh silent treatment okay well don't worry I'll find out soon enough"Alistaire smirked and looked to the front.

"Well now that everyone is here, let's do roll call!"Said Miss Shay cheerfully.
Alistaire looked at Xavier and smirked and then proceeded to look at the front.
Xavier just was thinking about the many ways he could kill the guy next to him.

"Okay!! Uh Amanda?"

Another 10 people ( I got lazy)

"Gooooooood Morning"Said Alistaire smiling brightly. Nearly all the girls turned around to gawk at him
"Uh good morning to you to Alistaire"Said Miss Shay cheerfully

Another 5 random people who I don't care about.

"Xavier?"Said Miss Shay smiling brightly
"..um good morning"Said Xavier trying not to look over at the grinning boy next to him
"Oh my what an accent you have!"said Miss Shay admiringly and nearly everyone turned their heads towards Xavier.
Xavier just sunk in his seat.
"Sooooo Xavier! Looks like we are gonna have a lot of fun!"Whispered Alistaire while smirking at Xavier.

(Also happy new year!!)
(Also how is this 22 on #nerdxbadboy??)

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