19-The bet

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"Okay i think its time we end this game!"said Xavier getting up of the sofa and walking towards the stairs.

"So is that a yes?"asked Alistaire following Xavier

"I.AM.STRAIGHT!"exclaimed Xavier as he walked up the stairs.

"Yeah well.... so are noodles before they get wet"smirked Alistaire

"please go use your gay on someone else please"deadpanned Xavier as he entered his room.

"Wanna make a bet?"smirked  Alistaire as he entered the room and plopped onto Xavier's bed.

"not with you"chuckled Xavier as he checked the time 6:46

"why?...scared you're gonna lose?"grinned Alistaire

Xavier faced Alistaire and placed his hands on his hips.

"I never lose!"said Xavier Confidently

"so you wanna bet?"smirked Alistaire

"bring it jerk"smirked Xavier confidently

"okay the bet is if by the end off the Young Adults program , you manage not to fall head over heals for me, i'll leave you alone and will not bother you ever again!"said Alistaire sitting up on the bed

"...and if i lose?"questioned Xavier

"..i get to top you!"smirked Alistaire as he got up of the bed and stood over Xavier

"this will be easy!, oof i could already taste the prize, a life without a stupid lampost lookin jerk!"said Xavier excitedly as he spinned around the room.

"whatever you say sweetheart!"smirked Alistaire as he sat on the bed again.

Okay i know this is really short sorry :( , i've been really unmotivated and just not really happy but now i'm back and hopefully will upload more, okay that it byeeeeeeeeeeee.

~Akira <3

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