Part 30: Rest and Preparation

Start from the beginning

The Yoshiwara Red Light District. Where men and women intermingle in a cacophony of love, hate, and money. This section of the Red Light District is called the Flower District because part of it looks like a flower. Prostitutes there are either poor or bought out due to loans. But in exchange, they get basic necessities. If they climb the ladder of the prostitute hierarchy, they can eventually get bought into a wealthy household. The most prominent is the 'Oiran', women who've climbed to the top. Having acquired beauty, education, and performance. It costs either repeated visits to the respected houses or a great sum of money to gain an audience with an Oiran.

Or at least that's what Uzui told him. Akai wondered if he'd have to put makeup on. He wondered what kind of demons lurked in the-

"Oh-shit!" Akai exclaimed as he spilled his cup of blood all over a futon. "Oh no!" Akai whispered and tried to wipe it out. "Come on! Get out!" Akai pleaded as he tried in vain to wipe away the red sticky liquid. "Get out!" Akai growled. His eyes widened when the blood slowly began to move. It vibrated as it slowly lifted up out of the sheets.

"Holy shit." Akai thought and willed it to move more. The floating drop slithered on the floor and moved back into the cup. Akai picked up the cup and stared at it. "I got a new power. That's another one to the list." Akai thought and scribbled on a mental notepad.

He stood up and holstered his cup when he heard the door slide open. He turned to see Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke dressed in kimonos and covered in an excessive amount of makeup. Akai couldn't help but break into a suppressed chuckle.

"Oh shut it." Zenitsu growled.

"Akai, you're next." Uzui stepped into the room and grabbed his arm.

"What? NO!!!" Akai yelled as the Shinobi dragged him into the changing room.

"Sit." Uzui placed him in a chair in the middle of the room.

"Okay..." Akai muttered and sat up straight. Uzui walked to the side of the room and dug into the box. He pushed through a pile of clothes and reached for an expensive-looking kimono.

"What's that for?" Akai asked.

"For you. You're going to go as a customer." Uzui said and grabbed a hat from it as well.

"I thought you said that didn't work?" Akai said.

"Well, I see no other way of using you. Since they'll most likely know you're a demon, they'll hopefully  go after you." Uzui said, handing him the kimono.

"You want to use me as bait?" Akai asked, worried.

"I'm saying they could attack you. In that case, you'd be bait." Tengen elaborated. Akai nervously nodded and changed into the kimono.

"It looks tacky." Akai muttered. it was adorned with a golden flower pattern and it looked like real gold went into it.

"You have to be as flamboyant as possible to get the Oiran's attention." Tengen explained.

"Wait-WHAT?!?!?" Akai blurted out. "You want me to get with an Oiran!?!? I'm only sixteen!"

"You're one thousand plus." Uzui deadpanned at him.

"But I'm MENTALLY Sixteen! I can't do that!" Argued Akai.

"The youngest prostitutes in the district are nine years old.

"...Well that's just depressing." Akai suddenly felt very sad.

"Just do the damn job. I don't know how you'll do it, just talk to one." Uzui growled.

"Fine! But if I get an STD somehow I'm fighting you." Akai pouted.

"I can beat you easily." Uzui bragged.

"I fought an Upper Moon!" Akai retorted.

"I. Can. Beat. You. Easily." The Sound Pillar stuck to what he said. Honestly, Akai probably would lose a fight with Tengen.


Uzui eventually put on his own kimono and jewelry. With that, they departed from the wisteria house and went into the flower district.

"You look stupid." Zenitsu stared at Akai.

"You are stupid." Akai growled.

"How hurtful!" Zenitsu clutched his chest as tears flowed from his eyes.

They eventually reached the flower district and Akai split off from the others. What he'll do he doesn't even know.

🎵So there go our guys🎵

🎵Off to find Uzui's girlfriends🎵

🎵Not sure how It'll play out🎵

🎵But let's hope that it has a good end🎵

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