The Comeback • Scott Lang (a.)

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MAIN OC → Luciana Hernandez

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MAIN OC Luciana Hernandez


AFFILIATIONS The Rising Tide, Hank Pym, The Wasp, Ant Man


FACECLAIM Diane Guerrero


"Is that Auntie Luci?"

"No, Peanut, that's just some crazy woman who followed me home. Don't get too close, she might bite."

Luciana Hernandez vowed never to go back to Prison. But she never said anything about leaving her life of crime behind. Before a fateful job gone wrong ended with both of them in jail, Luciana and Scott were the best thieves in the business. With their combined hacking and security expertise there wasn't a vault they couldn't crack. When their Bonnie and Clyde act was ruined, so was their friendship.

Luciana made a choice, one she'd come to regret more than anything else. She informed on Scott in exchange for a shorter sentence. After nine months in the big house, Luciana was released. It didn't take long for The Rising Tide to recruit her and soon she was rebuilding her infamous reputation while Scott remained in prison.

Her skills and prestige amongst The Rising Tide put her on Hank Pym and Hope VanDyne's radar as a possible ally in their fight against Darren Cross. For Luciana, crime had always been a way to fight back against corrupt society and greedy corporations, so this is the opportunity of a lifetime. Of course she needed to know she'd be amply compensated for her efforts. But she soon realizes that she alone can't handle a job of this magnitude, and is forced to face the ghost of her past, Scott Lang.
The path to redemption is a slippery slope, but Luciana cares too much about her ex-partner to fall from grace again. This time, she'll do better.

 This time, she'll do better

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