Sugar and Spice • George Weasley (a.)

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TITLE → Sugar and Spice

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TITLE Sugar and Spice

MAIN OC Eloise McIlroy

LOVE INTEREST George Weasley

FACECLAIM Saoirse Ronan & George Mackay

BLOOD STATUS Squib (pureblood family)

TIMELINE Post Deathly Hallows

Sugar and Spice Patisserie was a bright light in the darkness that followed the second wizarding war. Everyone had lost someone, whether family, friend, or colleague, and a little bit of happiness was a welcomed feeling in its wake. What was most intriguing about the little shop, was that it was run by a Squib.

For many, this was a reason to turn up their noses at the delectable confections, but to those who indulged, nothing could ever compare to Eloise's creations. Eloise Maclroy was a mystery to those who had the pleasure of visiting her shop. With the uncanny ability to guess exactly what her customers craved and never disappoint, it was hard to believe she possessed no magical abilities. Her cheerful demeanor alone was enchanting and she somehow managed to bring out the best in everyone who gave her a chance.

George Weasley hadn't been the same since his brother's death in the war. Though he still ran the joke shop they'd opened together, every day felt the same - dark and meaningless. When a new patisserie opened up a few doors down, he assumed it would be like any other, but the excited buzz of his customers and the constant tantalizing scent of baked goods wafting through his doorway finally persuaded him to investigate.

After closing up the joke shop, George arrived before the quirky little shop two minutes before it's closing, fully prepared to be turned away. Instead, Eloise welcomed him and George met the first person in years to make him genuinely smile. With the help of Eloise, George embarks on a journey to discover life beyond the ghosts of his past. Old wounds heal and new bonds form as he regains his taste for life, adventure, and most of all, mischief.

 Old wounds heal and new bonds form as he regains his taste for life, adventure, and most of all, mischief

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