Bloodlines • Podrick Payne (a.)

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TITLE → Bloodlines

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TITLE Bloodlines

MAIN OC Andreda "Dreda" Baratheon




ALLIES Tyrion Lannister, Podrick Payne, Sansa Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Shireen Baratheon, Gendry Waters, Jaime Lannister (Later)

ENEMIES Cersei Lannister, Joffrey Lannister, Melisandre, The Bolton's

TIMELINE Seasons 1-8 (condensed into one book or spread out)

PREFERRED WRITING LEVEL Intermediate - Advanced

"All my life I've been taught that blood is what that truly matters. To whom you're born, who you marry, your ability to produce an heir, determines your worth as a woman. Is it foolish of me to crave more?"

The first born children of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister were the most angelic set of twins the kingdom had ever seen. Andreda and Aldis shared their fathers qualities, from their bright blue eyes to coal black hair. Cersei tried to love them, she wanted so terribly to care, but there was a disconnect between herself and the children. She loathed the physical embodiment of the loveless marriage she'd been forced into. In a fit of rage, Cersei attempted to poison her own children. Aldis was killed by his mothers hand, but Andreda survived.

From that point on, Andreda was untouchable, everything she ingested was tasted for poison, every opportunity foiled. Cersei was forced to live with Andreda and be reminded of the worst moments of her life. Cersei mothered three more children, each one loved more deeply than any other. None shared the same qualities of their supposed King father as Andreda did. Rumors began to circulate that they were not of royal lineage at all, but the product of incest.

Throughout the years, Andreda learned to live without a mother's love. Her father cared, that much was clear as he often graced her with epic tales of his conquests and gifts of grandeur. She was always closest with her uncle, Tyrion. Perhaps it was the shared experience of ridicule by those who were meant to love them.

It had long since been determined that though Andreda was nearly four years Joffrey's senior, she would not inherit the crown. A woman without a man by her side was hardly fit to rule. Much to her mothers dismay and not for lack of trying, Dreda had successfully avoided being shipped off to marry some young lord. Being her father's favorite had some perks.

When Jon Arryn mysteriously died, Robert enlisted his old friend, Ned Stark, as Hand to the King. It wasn't long before Cersei found a way to rid herself of Robert and Ned once and for all. With King Joffrey in power, Andreda finds herself a vulnerable stag in a lions den. Tyrion, anticipating the inevitable murder of his beloved niece, sends Dreda off on the run with one of the only people he trusts.

Podrick Payne is by no means an admirable fighter, nor the most capable squire, but he is loyal. Dreda develops a kinship with the young man and feels more understood by him than any noble she'd met before. It's a sorrowful goodbye when she's finally received at Dragonstone by her uncle Stannis.

But what was meant to be her safe haven is revealed to be nearly as treacherous as the home she'd left behind. For the Red Priestess Melisandre has poisoned the mind of her uncle and waged war against Joffrey. Andreda finds herself on the run in the midst of a war of five kings. Will she reunite with Podrick, her only friend and ally, or will she be a casualty of a war she never thought possible?

this will deal briefly with postpartum depression in relation to Cersei's treatment and murder/attempted murder of her true born children

→ A good portion of this Andreda will be with Podrick, but they will be separated once they reach Stannis and reunited later on. This separation is a big contributor to Andreda's growth so it won't be boring.

while at Dragonstone she will learn sword fighting from Davos (later from Brienne) so she won't be defenseless for long

her story line will intertwine with Sansas during the time they're apart and she will be involved with The Bolton's

→ her story line will intertwine with Sansas during the time they're apart and she will be involved with The Bolton's

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