Snowfall • Tormund Giantsbane (t.)

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TITLE Snowfall

MAIN OC → Lorelle Bolton


LOVE INTEREST Tormund Giantsbane

ALLIES Sansa Stark, Tormund Giantsbane, Jon Snow, The Wildings, The Nights Watch

ENEMIES → Ramsay Bolton, The White Walkers

TIMELINE Season 5 - 7

FACECLAIM Ginnifer Goodwin

FACECLAIM → Ginnifer Goodwin

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"Love is not a weakness. It is stronger than anything you could possibly do to me."

Lady Lorelle Bolton was the only true heir to the Dreadfort. Raised by her fathers hand with the warmth of steel and loyalty of a snake, it was a miracle she didn't turn out just like him. Lorelle had taken after her mother in every way that counts. Fair and pure as the snow itself, her compassion was revered by her people and condemned by her lord father. Lorelle and her half brother, Ramsey, couldn't have been more opposite. For every ounce of benevolence within her, he harbored malice and cruelty.

The children were held in low regard by their father, as neither were a suitable heir to his lordship, but fate was not kind to the Bolton's and Lorelle's mother fell ill before producing a male heir. Lady Bolton's passing was devastating for all her subjects and soul crushing for the daughter she'd left behind. In the wake of loss, Roose Bolton became in want of a wife and Lorelle was burdened with the title of heir.

The fate laid out for her came with much more deadly implications, for Ramsey had set his sights on the title. Sister was never something he considered Lorelle and nothing would spoil his ambition. During one of Lorelle's leisurely strolls, she found herself at the wrong end of a blade and at the mercy of a hired killer. Unable to go through with the job he'd been ordered to do, the huntsman spared her life with a warning to run. Lorelle knew very well the horrors her bastard brother was capable of and with no other choice, she abandoned her title and home.

In an attempt to extinguish the threat completely, Ramsey accused Lorelle of treason against the crown. Thus she would be hunted by every lord in the north. Her first few years on the run she'd sought shelter within Stark territory, blending seamlessly into the poorest villages. But as war flared between the Lannister's and Starks, her safety was once again threatened.

When The King in The North, Robb Stark, was brutally murdered, the Bolton's took Winterfell, and Ramsey grew even closer to the power he craved. Whispers began to circulate of Sansa Stark's marriage to the newly legitimized bastard, and even worse, Lady Bolton's impending pregnancy. Unable to sit idly by any longer, Lorelle began a plan to free Sansa and rescue the child before any more misfortune befell them by Ramsey's hand. This choice eventually led her to seek asylum with the men of the Nights Watch and the Wildings.

For the first time in forever Lorelle felt accepted. The savage people she'd heard tales of her entire life. Felt more like family than her own ever had and when that family is threatened, Lorelle will stop at nothing to protect them.

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