Chapter 70-4

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 The blanket that separated me and the woman dropped and she gasped. She had green eyes and dark chestnut hair. She took the clean sheet and wrapped me in it. I was sure she saw the blood on my pelvis. She brought me inside. She led me to a bathroom

" Take this clean rag. Wash up and I'll come in with some folded clothes so you can change, dear." I nodded and followed her instructions. My entire body ached in pain. I felt like throwing up. I ran out of the shower and kneeled over the toilet. I vomited in the toilet and flushed it. I could be pregnant. That thought horrified me deeply. If I was, I would in no way care for a child that was forced into me. An alien child. I wouldn't hold it either. I finished my shower and turned off the refreshing water. It felt so good to be free of the blood and dirt and twigs stuck in my hair.

She brought me some linen houseware. I thanked her, gratefully. I sat down and had lunch with her, as she had invited me and I was starving.

She pushed her hair out of her delicately pale face. " I know there was a party last night that the jocks planned... Were you there?" I nodded. I didn't trust my voice. I could cry.

" Why? Just curious." She asked.

" My boyfriend is the quarterback." I mumbled. She nodded in understanding. My eyes brought me out the window. I couldn't seem to stop disassociating and having this very dead and heavy feeling. I wondered where Adrian was. If she was alive. I was afraid. She didn't take offense.

" Do you... Remember anything from last night? At all that could help?"

I cast my eyes down. " I was intimate with another girl. We went to sleep and I woke up, dumped in the forest this morning. I don't know where she is." She looked frightened.

" Well, my husband is coming home in less than an hour. I know he'd be better equipped to carry out the proper procedure for this situation. For now, you can rest. Call me if there's anything you need, alright dear?" She hugged me tightly. Tears overflowed my eyes. I didn't have a mom. She abandoned my dad. Maybe this was what a mother's care was like.

I nodded silently. I slowly drank the cup of tea in front of me. Little by little, it was gone. It was chamomile tea. I put my head down on the table. I only thought of pale eyes. I didn't know who they belonged to but they sure looked familiar. I felt so many things at once. It was frustrating. And confusing. But all the more horrifying. I took a moment to rest.

I wasn't feeling well and things were hard. What would I tell my dad, who was probably looking for me? I never wanted to look at my boyfriend again. He didn't like that I refused to have sex until I was ready for it. I didn't want to see those idiots again. I couldn't or it would break me.

" Honey, I'm back!" A familiar voice said happily. I saw his wife run downstairs to meet him at the door. I could hear them talking in low tones. He put his bags down and walked into the kitchen slowly. I looked up at him, ashamed. He gave me a big hug. I instantly burst into tears. Mr. Harrison looked at me, clearly pained. He was the only male role model I came to confide in when I was in trouble with the boys, or unsure of how to format an essay. But this was a different problem all together.

" I heard the things they said but... I didn't piece together what had happened. Tell me what happened last night."

I stifled a cry but got through the story.
" Last night, Adrian and I got intimate at the party. We drank but the drink tasted weird. Not like alcohol but... Just funny. We didn't really care.We went to sleep together. I woke up in the forest, sore with blood and dirt on me. I'm scared of where she was dumped. I don't know where she is." He closed his eyes and crossed himself. He let out a sigh and looked at me.

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