||A date ruined||

Start from the beginning

A heavy silence descended as Jan crumpled, overwhelmed and rendered unconscious by the weight of his impulsive actions. Meanwhile, Sanem, her eyes brimming with tears and her soul shaken to its core, grappled with the aftermath of his erratic behavior in the lavish surroundings of their residence.

As Jan slowly stirred back to consciousness, a wave of realization washed over him, leaving him speechless in the midst of the luxurious room. Surveying his surroundings with a profound sense of regret, he came to terms with the enormity of his mistakes.

"Sanem?" he uttered softly, his voice now infused with remorse as he noticed the solid barrier of the locked bathroom door. Desperation seeped into his tone as he implored her to unlatch the door, yet he was met with the sight of Sanem's tear-filled eyes. His heart shattered into a million fragments as he enveloped her in a tender embrace. "I'm sorry," he murmured, "I'm truly sorry, Sanem. I've acted abhorrently, monstrously." Tears welled in his eyes as he sought redemption. Sanem's initial fear slowly gave way to sorrow as she endeavored to console him.

Recalling how Jan had disparaged his father for letting go of his mother, Sanem felt an urge to seek answers. The following day, she paid a visit to Babanee, her tone and demeanor exuding elegance and grace.

Seynur's eyes sparkled with delight at Sanem's presence, yet she detected a hint of melancholy in the young woman's gaze. "What troubles you, my dear?" she inquired softly, her voice carrying a soothing cadence.

"Babanee, could you enlighten me about Jan's biological mother? Who was she, and why did she leave Aziz, his father?" Sanem's voice resonated with curiosity and compassion, blending seamlessly with the refined ambiance of Seynur's abode.

Seynur, with a sophisticated sigh, revealed to her companion, "Her name, my dear, was Halime. She hailed from a humble abode of peasants, yet her beauty was the exquisite talk of the entire town. My son Aziz, the burgeoning tycoon, was filled with an overwhelming pride. It was I who orchestrated their matrimonial union. Initially, Aziz vehemently rejected the notion of this union, repulsed by Halime's modest origins. However, the moment his eyes beheld her, he was captivated by her celestial allure."

Sanem, enraptured, nodded in deep contemplation. "Halime's heart remained tethered to the mountains of her homeland, a place to which she felt an indescribable bond. Meanwhile, Aziz's possessiveness grew, clouding his judgment as he harbored baseless suspicions of his cherished wife's fidelity. He shackled her with invisible chains, unwittingly suffocating her spirit with his unwarranted fears. It wasn't long before Halime bore their child, a son named Jan. On the very day of Jan's birth, Halime vanished from the confines of the hospital, leaving a trail of mystery and heartache in her wake."

After hearing about Jan's mother from Babanee's mouth, Sanem was heartbroken. The man she loved the most, and the first love of her life, her husband, was trapped in his trauma. Halime's disappearance had manifested those thoughts in his mind. When she returned home, she was lost in her thoughts. She gasped when suddenly Jan appeared before her. He was hurt when he saw her flinching at his sight.

"I.... I thought we could go out and have dinner today," he said with much difficulty.

Sanem was livid. "But I look gross," she said, pointing to her messy hair and clothing. She definitely didn't want to disappoint him on their first date. Her heart fluttered at the thought, but her statement was taken as a rejection by Jan, who thought it was her indirect way to deny him. He was furious.

"Doesn't matter. You are my wife. If your husband says it's fine, then it's fine," he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the car.

Sanem was surprised, but she didn't speak much. The tension was palpable as they drove off, a mix of excitement and worry swirling in the air. What would this dinner date bring for the two of them? Sanem's heart raced with anticipation, hoping that this night out would mend the cracks in their relationship and bring them closer together once more.

Jan  had talk and made arrangements through his friend Khalil who owned the finest restuarant.The ambiance was sophisticated, with a touch of elegance that made Sanem feel out of place, like a misfit among the glamour and prosperity that surrounded them.

As they sat down at their table, Jan took the lead, ordering a jumbo ice cream for Sanem. She was taken aback by his gesture, seeing it as a sweet way of apologizing for the earlier awkwardness. Grateful and surprised, she eagerly dug into the ice cream, savoring the sweet treat.

However, her joy was short-lived as she noticed something strange in the ice cream. A faint squeak caught her attention, and before she knew it, a rat emerged from the dessert, making her scream in shock. Jan, equally startled, looked on in disbelief.

"How can a rat end up inside the ice cream, let alone a living one?" Jan exclaimed, his brows furrowed in confusion. Upon closer inspection, they discovered wriggling worms infesting the once appetizing dessert.

Just as Jan was about to address the alarming situation, Khalil appeared, offering his sincerest apologies for the unfortunate incident. However, Jan's sharp gaze caught a familiar figure passing by in the corner of his eye, prompting him to make a bold move.

Before anyone could react, Jan grabbed the person and forcefully removed the mask, revealing Yigit. A mixture of surprise and anger filled Jan as he confronted the man responsible for the tumultuous events unfolding around them.

"So, it's your doing?" Jan accused, his tone laced with indignation.

Yigit chuckled darkly, unleashing his pent-up resentment. "You snatched the woman I loved," he uttered bitterly, his eyes glaring with malice.

In a fit of rage, Jan smacked Yigit across the face and then turned to Sanem, pulling her close and kissing her passionately in front of Yigit. The act made Yigit cringe in disgust and jealousy, while Sanem, caught off guard, flushed with embarrassment, seeking solace in Jan's protective arms.

"Whatever you do, the truth shall prevail," Jan declared firmly, asserting his love and commitment to Sanem. "She is my wife."

Enraged by Jan's defiance, Yigit attempted to strike back, but Jan skillfully dodged his attack and retaliated, delivering a swift kick to his groin. Yigit sprawled and Khalil got him arrested.

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