Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Alyssa's Point Of View
3 Months Later...

Whew! Finally. I'm back home. "Alyssa! Is that you?" Asked mom. "Yes mom! It's me!" I sid. Dad is still at work, while my mom is a housewife. Oh wait. Let me introduce myself.

My name is Alyssa Marie Santiago, 13 years old. I study at Marikina Public School. Any celebrities I adore?

1. Juan Karlos Labajo

2. Juan Karlos Labajo

3. Juan Karlos Labajo

And many more!

Oh, guys. I'll let you in a little secret.

I have a secret-

You have 1 Message from: LKJ ♥
LKJ♥: SMA! Are u done with ur skul?

Textmate. Secret textmate. Yeah. That's him, right there. As in, nobody but me knows about him. However, nobody, even me, knows who he really is. But I don't care. He is such a sweetheart, you know? Kind, Funny, Sweet, and many more. He even gave me a video message of him singing 'Grow Old With You'. MY gosh, he really sounds like Juan Karlos when he sings! It's like as if he is Juan Karlos! Ha!

But, I know that's impossible. I'm pretty sure he just sounds like JK. Right?

Oh. I gotta reply back.

Me: yes :) im here, u can chat me na

LKJ♥: Really? Ok. Wacha doin?

Me: Nothing in particular. I just went to my room and saw u texted me

I really love texting him. It's like as if I'm in cloud 9. I don't know! It's like as if he is my crush? Maybe, possibly. I'm not suprised, actually.

LKJ♥: Oh really now? Ok. :) how is my fellow homie?

Yeah. We call each other 'homies', for no reason, hehe.

Me: im ok, tnx 4 asking :) u? How r u?

LKJ♥: im ok 2 :D Im just with my Tito, using the comp. Googling random things.

Me: rlly? Wacha googling then?

LKJ♥: im googling Juan Karlos Labajo.

OMF! He's googling my crush, OMG.

Me: OH. Ok im just in my tita's house in a rm while my parents r laughing and talking about adult stuff. Eeeeewww

LKJ♥: Hahaha guess wat im feeling wen my tito invites his friends and they talk about se-

-_- *_* OoO WHHAAAAA.... What?!

LKJ♥: secrets. Ye, thats wat they say to each other, hehe. ^_^


Me: uhuh. Sure. Nice save there duude, AMAZING SAVE

Me: sooooh. Wat r ur parents doing now?

LKJ♥: .... umm nothing. My mom is just being an angel and shes staying in Heaven 4 now. My Dad... I'd rther not talk about it.

Being an angel and staying in Heaven? Wat does he- OHHH. Sheet, shouldn't have asked that! His mom died, HELL. And I'm pretty sure he has SERIOUS issues with his Dad? Oh. I dug a pretty deep hole.

Me: OH. Im... I'm sori 4 asking dat. Im rlly sry.

LKJ♥: its ok :) im fine, im still smiling, no need to worry.

I realized... isn't this something like the life story of Juan Karlos? Or... am I wrong? No, I'm right! D**n, this dude is totally like JK. WHYYYY

And then... my mom opened the door. "Sweetie, are you alright there? You're okay?" SHEEET. Gotta go to playing my game!

"Uhh, yes mom! I'm fine, no worries about me." I smiled to try to trick my mom. She smiled too. "Alright, fine. Just call me when you need me, okay?" Said Mom.

"Okay." -Me

"Okay." -Mom

"OMG Stop flirting with me!" -Me

She just laughed. Hey, I did a TFIOS Reference! Haha. That was AWESOME. "Haay nako, kids these days..." and she closed the door. Now, its time to go back to LKJ!

You have 2 Messages from: LKJ♥

LKJ♥: wow, dat was so deep XD
LKJ♥: hello? U still der? :(

Me: ye, im still here. Just talked to my mom

LKJ♥: oh ok. Thout u were gone 4 a second

Me: I will never be gone, I'm still here :) for u

LKJ♥: aww DAT was sweet ;) Luv ya!

I smiled.

Me: I luv ya 2. ♥

LKJ♥: if only we can say dat 2 each other in real life.

Yeah. So I can finally find out who you are, Mysterious LKJ.


The Unknown Number (Juan Karlos Labajo) *Original* •JK NOTICED!• °COMPLETED°Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt