Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Alyssa's POV

I woke up to a bright, sunny day. Lol no, it's not bright and sunny at all. It's even raining outside, the raindrops splashing on the grass outside the resort. I guess we won't be going out for today.

I looked around. I was the only one in the room. I guess they ate breakfast already or so.

I looked at my phone, and saw two messages. I was expecting for LKJ, but I was disappointed when I saw it was different.

I had: 1 message from Globe

1 message from Unknown Number

Oh no. Not her. I viewed the message from Globe.

Globe: hello dear reader!
As you  see, your expenses has raised currently, so- BLAH BLAH BLAH. IT'S TOO BORING TO EVEN READ.

I sighed deeply. I have to see what she texted, whether I like it or not.

Unknown Number: hello SLUT. JUST BECAUSE JUAN KARLOS IS OUT OF YOUR DUMB RESORT DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE GONNA SULK AND CRY. Remember. Juan Karlos? IS MINE. Btch, get out of our fcking way or else you will face the fcking consequence. UNDERSTAND?!

UGGHHH. What am I doing anyway? I'm not even close to Juan Karlos! Why do I have to be harassed like this? UGH. Should... should I tell someone about this?

Hmm. Not Lyca and Darlene, because they are too young to understand. Not Ate Jane, of course. Not JK. MUCH OF COURSE. Uhm... how about Darren?

He treats me like a bestfriend. I trust him, after all.

I went downstairs for breakfast. There they are, eating breakfast. I smiled weakly. This girl has really lowered my happiness. What a bi-

"Oh! Alyssa! You're here. Would you like to eat? Please sit beside Juan Karlos here," WHAAAATT?! I glanced at JK. He glanced-I mean, glared- at me. "BUT ATE JA-" We were about to refuse, but Ate Jane cut us. "Oops, NO BUTS. Don't be so maarte. You're just gonna sit beside each other! What's the problem with that?" I sighed. She has a point. Darren, Lyca and Darlene was just looking at us amusingly.

I awkwardly shuffled to the chair beside JK and sat down. JK frowned and muttered, "remind me to run away from this place next time." I groaned. What an amazing day.


After all that drama at the dining room, I decided to show Darren the texts.

I knocked at his door. And, at the awkward note.. Juan Karlos was the one who opened it.

He was smiling before he opened the door, but when he saw my face, his smile turned to a frown. What the hell did I do?! UGH. "W-what do you want." He muttered so silently, I didn't get to hear him. "W-what?" I asked. He looked at me angrily. "Are you deaf?! I said, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!"


I felt like crying. Then Darren popped out from the door, "Woah, woah! What's happening here? No fighting please! Haha. Yes Alyssa? What do you want?" He asked. I silently shuffled to his bed. I really, really feel like crying. The tears are threatening to show up in my eyes.

JK held his hair in frustration. He went back to his laptop and did whatever he was doing. Darren and I sat beside each other. I got my phone from my pocket.

"Well, Darren, let's just say I entrust you to this. I will show you something," I went to my messages and went to the girl's texts to me, starting from the first text. I showed it to Darren,

"WOAH. What the heck?! And you don't even know her?!" Darren asked me suprisingly. I nodded, and showed him the other texts. He read them, while his eyes started to furrow in anger.

"What the?! This is an outrage! This is a crime against humanity! She should be punished against human society!" I held my nose. Nosebleed, his english is so deep. Aaahhhh.

"Oh wait, it was too deep. Sorry. Haha! Anyway, she's stupid. And a stalker. Wala siya magawa sa buhay. Believe me; she is jealous of your beauty." I blushed at what Renren (that's his nickname... in my mind) said. My beauty? Really?

I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you, Darren. I know you will understand. You're the best. I love you..." AW SH!T! Why did I say that?! Believe  me. I don't love love him; I just think of him as a bestfriend. Nothing else.

My mouth kasi! Why can't I control whatever I say? Now look what happened! Darren looked at me with wide eyes. Even JK looked at us wierdly. "Um... no! D-dont think like... whatever you are thinking. Ugh! I mean, just as a bestfriend. I mean, we are bestfriends... right?" Aw man. This is soooo awkward.

"Um.. y-yeah? I guess. I love you too!" I smiled. Darren is the bestest friend I have ever had.

JK looked at us horribly.


Could he be... Jealous?

End Of Chapter

Hey guys. I HAVE UPDATED AT LAST. LOL. BTW Darren is JUST a friend to Alyssa tbh. Stop hating him for ruining the Karlyssa moments; he will just help Alyssa in her problems or so. DONT WORRY KAY.

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The Unknown Number (Juan Karlos Labajo) *Original* •JK NOTICED!• °COMPLETED°Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora