The boy in front of you took a step back. You tried your hardest to not use your quirk, so you've resorted to holding in your breath and calming down you beating heart. What you didn't know was that specific action caused you to fume smoke. You weren't aware that you can even produce smoke by preventing yourself from using your quirk.

'Calm down, calm down, calm down, calm down,' You chanted in your head, but it was no use. The black-haired boy truly did annoy you, so when you turned away from him again in disgust you assumed his face drained from colour.

"Gah! What did I do!? Just tell me! I can atone for my sins!" screamed the boy. You can see him raise his arms up again to grab your arms but this time you dodged and see the guy nose-dive into the bridal hugger.

The bridal hugger seemed to have scared the creepy guy because other students behind you all made incoherent noises of shock.

"Kageyasu! Get a hold of yourself!" someone else screamed

And that's when you saw the creepy boy's sweat shining bright yellow colour. Even your sleeves where the boy had grabbed you from had begun to glow yellow making some students wonder in freight.

"Oh my gosh, what's happening!?"

"The boy is glowing yellow!"

"Is he using his quirk!?"

"Kageyasu! Nooo! Stop yourself from using it! Or you'll get in trouble again!"

'Trouble?' you repeated in your head. All anger flew out of your head, along with the smoke. You looked down at your arms and gaped in surprise to see your own sleeves generate light. You put both your arms up in the air after dropping your pail bucket and could see Suzu looking your way. He immediately scrunched his hands in your way in an attempt to take you out of the chaos but he was too slow.


Midoriya's instinct kicked in when he saw (Y/n)'s arms raise up. He shoved his classmates out of the way and ran around Bakugou to get a hold of (Y/n). He doesn't know what is Kageyasu's quirk, but by his friends' reaction when the bright yellow light appeared felt like trouble is already brewing.

Bakugou kicked Kageyasu when he nose-dived into his chest. Truly disgusted by the unruly snot and tear stains he had wiped on his uniform.

"Watch where you're going, you damn nerd!"

In the midst of chaos, Suzu saw a flash of green lightning zip pass him and watched as the green-haired boy ran towards (Y/n). His quirk's energy dancing around him as he got closer to their class president. Before he could do so, Suzu used his quirk to take (Y/n) away from Midoriya.

'This guy... I won't let this guy take (L/n)-san again!' Suzu thought.

He applied more pressure towards (Y/n)'s back causing her body to move his way. Axel saw what Suzu is trying to do and quickly smacked the back of his head, "what are you doing!? Did you forget that she is still mad!?"

Suzu quickly relaxed his hands and sweat-dropped, "I forgot!"

Kai gritted his teeth and finally had the courage to move again after seeing (Y/n) fume. Azel and Suzu were so distracted with each other that they did not see Kai sucker punch Bakugou on his chin after he kicked away Kageyasu. Kageyasu gasped after seeing the two hero students have a brawl in the middle of all this. Then, Kai looked his way and Kageyasu couldn't help but cower at the I-Island student's gaze. In just one look alone, the goosebumps on Kageyasu's arms all rose and he accidentally lost control of his quirk. The yellow substance on (Y/n)'s arms shone as bright as the sun and in one instant all vanished after a second later.

Everyone froze and the cafeteria turned quiet. The students involved all looked at each other, just in case the bright yellow light affected one of them. When they noticed everything seemed normal, Kageyasu gulped and whimpered an apology. (Y/n) was about to say something but Kageyasu quickly came up to her once more even after Bakugou's deathly kick.

Midoriya, who is close enough to (Y/n), grabbed her right arm and brought her behind him to prevent Kageyasu from approaching her again. Dark Shadow once again appeared to the rescue and floated near Midoriya and (Y/n) to glare at the boy again.

In a very condescending voice, Dark Shadow loomed over the boy with his eyes glinting a dangerous shade of yellow, "What the hell do you think you are up to!?"

Todoroki, set his right hand into flames as he saw Dark Shadows' eyes glinting its red hues just like from the Summer Training Camp. Tokoyami furrowed his brows as his calls to his quirk didn't faze it one bit.

The students in the crowd began to distance themselves from the situation, finding the whole condition to be worrisome. And as soon as one of Kageyasu's friend dreadfully muttered an 'uh-oh,' Kageyasu's delayed quirk finally set in motion and caused another trouble for the I-Island Academy.


After you heard an 'uh-oh' from the random student you felt an unknown force pull you towards the green-haired boy who had grabbed your arm. You slammed onto his back with such a force that the two of you fell down to the ground hard.

You groaned in pain, as well as Midoriya. You laid on top of him in such an awkward position that it sent literal flames to your cheeks causing you to have another fit of coughs. You coughed onto Midoriya's back, most likely grossing him out with your quirk's drawbacks. You were about to apologize to him but in the corner of your eye, you saw another figure coming straight your way.

You tried to pry off Midoriya before they could directly hit you, but it was no use. You saw the bridal hugger floating and heading your way as if you and Midoriya attracted him like a bee looking for a delectable flower. Bakugou face-planted to your left shoulder causing him to growl in pain. You were quite flustered at the turn of events.

'Just what on earth is going on!?' you thought.

You tried to lift your face from Midoriya's back and succeeded for only a few seconds. However, the invisible energy pulled you towards Midoriya again causing your cheeks to flame up in pure embarrassment. The fire that's on your cheeks blackened Midoriya's uniform, making you mutter endless apologies for almost accidentally burning his uniform.

Bakugou, who is too busy trying to comprehend what just happened to him, looked up to see you coughing out ice cubes as you muttered an infinity amount of 'sorry' to Midoriya. He tried to get off of you too, but the same thing happened again and ultimately slammed his forehead to your shoulder.

You tried your best to get off of Midoriya, but upon looking to your left shoulder you could see the familiar ash-blonde spiky hair again and finally noticed Bakugou on your shoulder having the same problem.

"What the hell is the meaning of this you whimpering nerd!"

Your eyes looked over Bakugou's head and could see Kai having his tantrum with some other Class 1-A on him—literally. But the reply you heard from the creepy boy, who you think is responsible for all this mess, made your eyes enlargen in a state of shock and confusion. Despite your predicament, you managed to scream in your awkward position,

"What do you mean your quirk acts like glue!?"


A/N: New arc coming your way! I wonder what will happen next :3 & I made a very quick sketch again! Thank you for the support as always <3

A/N: New arc coming your way! I wonder what will happen next :3 & I made a very quick sketch again! Thank you for the support as always <3

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
I-Island Academy's Class President || BNHA x F!Reader||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें