Chapter 3:

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"Come on Red! Coming swimming with me!" Morgan begged pulling my arm.

"I'm coming!" I said running after her. The boys still haven't arrived and we were passing the time by doing silly things. Frisbee, building sand castles, and swimming.

"Uh. Red? Look," Amber said pointing at the shore. Harry and four other boys walked out of a black land rover. He pulled out several surf boards out of the back and ran down. He dropped them without care and smiled at me. I ran out to meet up with him. I didn't give him a hug although I wanted to.

"Hey Red!" Liam said running down to us. "Do you surf?"

"Yeah. I practically grew up on this beach!" I informed. I was a little cocky when it came to surfing.

"Well then lets go," Liam said grabbing one of the fallen boards. I laughed and grabbed mine from our stuff and followed out.

"Your going down pretty boy," I said cutting him off and making him fall into the water. I could hear cheers come from the sand. There was more people on the beach than I thought. And all eyes were on Liam and I.

"What do you say about a little competition?" I challenged.

"What do I get if I win?" He replied.

"If you win, I'll do anything you want. But if I win, you have to do anything I want!" I suggested.

"Oh it's on!" He said getting up on his board.

"Like donkey kong!" I yelled and it was on.


"That was won by pure luck," I said trying to catch my breath. I can't believe that just happened.

"You were in the lead for a while. I had to do something," he said laying by me. "But a deals a deal."

"Okay. Lay it one me," I said between breaths.

"Oh not now. I'm saving this one," he smiled.

"We have two days," I reminded him.

"I know," he replied. I just shrugged and stood up. It was getting pretty late. We must have been surfing for a while.

"I'm going to get dinner. Anyone in?" I asked pulling on a shirt.

"I'll come," Harry said getting up out of his spot. I smiled as we started our way towards the boardwalk.

"You can really surf did you know that?" Harry complimented.

"I have been surfing since I was 4. I used to come to these beaches every weekend. All until people found out I was the kid of the owners of the concert halls. I couldn't come out of my house without people asking me for tickets and backstage passes," I explained. "I was 12 when that started. Ruined my life." I sighed, looking down at my black painted toenails.

"That's how I feel at sometimes. Every time I leave my apartment there is someone with a camera. That's how the rumors get started. Most of the 'Harry meeting up with a girl' or 'Harry leaving 1D?' Are all fake. They all happen to be when I'm going to the store to get candy or something," he said angrily.

"I bet being a big star is hard," I said trying to feel his pain. I don't really know what it's like but I bet it's hard.

"Sometimes I wish I was normal teen again. Like you. You can go to parties and hang out with friends," he said.

"That was only if I was popular. I'm an art nerd. I spend my free time in the art room. I get As not dates," I whined. "Sometimes I wish I wasn't so..weird."

"Red. You're not weird. You're probably the only girl I know that doesn't want to use me for fame or for telling people 'I'm dating Harry Styles' am stuff like that," he said stopping dead in my tracks. Date? What?

"If only that could get me anywhere. I bet when I get home, you will forget about me. I'll just be another pretty face to you," I said. I was actually afraid of that. I have come to like Harry. As a friend. He understood me. But then again he is a superstar and I'm the girl next door. Nothing special. What the hell am I saying? I don't want that.

"I will never forget you Red. When tour is over, we're hanging out. For sure," he said continuing to walk. "Here." He took my phone and typed in numbers. "There. You have my number. Call me whenever."

"Thanks Harry," I said smiling at him. "Now let's get some pizza."


"What movie?" I asked standing in front of the movie theater. A group date night was discussed while Harry and I went to get pizza? Basically I had no say.

"Possession!" Niall yelled.

"No Taken 2," Liam argued.

"I vote Possession," Amber said. She nudged Morgan who finally caught on.

"Oh me too. Possession for sure," Morgan said winking at me. I just rolled my eyes. Before I have the chance to pay for the tickets Harry already had eight tickets in his hands.

"Why? First the dinner, then the pizza, now this?" I asked tapping my foot.

"I never let a girl pay. That would be terrible," he said handing everyone tickets. We walked inside to find a long line.

"I'll stand in line. You guys find seats," I said going to stand in line.

"I'll help!" Harry explained only to be pushed back by Morgan.

"Oh no no no. You're coming with me. You're too famous to be out here," Morgan said grabbing his jacket. Amber decided to stay with me.

"You and Harry seam to be getting close," she said nudging me. I swatted her arm, scoffing.

"Whatever. We're just friends," I assured her.

"With benefits!"

"Shut up Amber. We're friends nothing more. He's a cool guy," I said walking through the line.

"Whatever you say," she said smirking to herself again.

The movie dragged on forever it felt like. I wasn't that into scary movies. Harry screamed more than Amber. He did try to every so often to put his arm around me. But whenever that happened, a scary part came out and he jumped into Niall's lap. After the movie, Liam, Zayn, and Louis took a cab back to the hotel with Morgan and Amber. Niall wondered off in the food court a while after the movie ended. Harry wanted to see the laser lights and he took me with him.

"I heard these are the coolest thing ever," he said standing next to me behind a white rope.

"My parents took me here when I was a little girl. I was way too short so I'd sit on my dads shoulders," I said remember the best time I had when I was little. Harry took my hand and gave it a squeeze. He looked down at me and smiled his cheeky smile. I found myself blushing but immediately stopped. What the hell is this?

"I'm going to go buy a jacket. I forgot mine," I said starting to walk off. Harry stopped me and handed me his. "Harry it's okay really."

"It's not. Just take it," he said. I put it on and it was really warm. His scent carried within the jacket. I liked it. Before I knew it the lights began and Harry and I watched in amusement.


"We have one day left," Harry said walking down the hall way with me.

"I know," I replied. We walked until we got to my hotel room.

"Here's your jacket," I said taking it off.

"Keep it," he said pushing it back. "I don't need that one." I didn't argue. I liked the jacket. It was nice, warm. Defiantly keeping it.

"Thank you Harry," I said before walking into my room.

"See you tomorrow?" He asked before I walked in.

"Sure," I replied. He smiled and walked away. I got into my room and both of the girls were gone. Must have gone somewhere. I don't know what they could be up too but I don't care.

I fell asleep to watching the Simpsons in my room.


"Red," I heard Morgan say. She shook my arm a little only to have me climb beneath the covers even more.

"What is it?" I asked sitting up. I sat up to find Harry sitting there with four coffees from Starbucks.

"You're a sweetheart," I said as he handed me one. He smiled back and handed the other two to Amber and Morgan.

"We're going shopping. See you in a while," Morgan said leaving the room with Amber. I waved goodbye and hopped up out of bed.

"I see you didn't do much last night," he said pointing at me. I have just realized that I fell asleep in my clothes.

"I was tired," I said throwing a pillow at him. He laughed and playfully threw the pillow back.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked.

"We going hit the mall. I hear they have a band playing. We can grab lunch and watch that," I suggested.

"That sounds like fun. Which band?" He asked.

"Neon Trees," I replied pulling my hair up. I did take a shower last night so it was okay. Harry's jacket sat on the end of the bed. I debated on whether or not to wear it again. Let's go with it.

"Lets go then," he said opening the door for me. I walked out and walked a few feet ahead of him. I heard a thud come from behind me.

"Are you okay?" I asked holding my stomach. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't take it. "Who trips over there own foot and face plants it?"

"Shut up,"he said standing up. He picked me up over his shoulder and walked to the elevator. "Styles so help me! Put me down!" He laughed and placed me on the floor.

"Amber and Morgan at very chatty," he said breaking the silence.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"They were hanging out with Zayn and Niall after the movie. And they really don't know how to shut up." He was laughing to himself. "I hear you're trying out for X-Factor soon. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it really mattered," I said to him, shrugging.

"That's my place, Red. I know everything about it. And I didn't know you could sing," he said smirking at me.

"I don't know if I can. People say I can but I don't know. They're my friends not the judges." He just started blankly at the ground. Why the hell would the tell him that? I was so getting them back for this.

"Sing for me."


"Sing for me. We're friends. It's not like we're total strangers or I'm the judge of X-Factor. Sing," he said once more.

I sang a few lines to Titanium by David Guetta. He just stood there blankly at me then a huge smile cracked across his face.

"Your amazing Red! You shouldn't even have to try out! Just go up to a freakin producer and belt it!" He said leaving the elevator.

"Oh no. I want to work for this. I have the song ready and my guitar was polished. I'm going to do this by myself," I said walking beside him.

"That's beautiful," he said smiling dorkishly at me. I shoved him aside and just laughed.

"Welcome the Neon Trees everyone!" The announcer said. Harry and I sat at a two seater table with pizza and drinks. The band started with Animal and the crowd sang along.

"I really like these guys. They actually sang at a school dance like 3 years ago," I said tapping my foot to the beat

"I have met them several times," Harry sitting chugging down his soda.

"No way!" I said almost choking on my pizza.

"Way," he replied. I look up at the band and imagined I could be meeting them if I make the X Factor.

"Want to meet them?" He asked breaking me out of my trance.

"Uh yes!" I replied without hesitation. He grabbed my hand and stopped in front of a huge security guard.

"Harry my man!" The guy said pulling him into a hug.

"Hey can we get back and say hello?" He asked with his thick accent.

"Of course. And your lady friend?" He said pointing towards me.

"She's a friend. She's also a huge fan of Neon Trees," he said grabbing my hand again.

"Alright this way," he said opening the curtain. The guys from the band just finished and were sitting on a few couches. They saw Harry and ran up to give him a hug.

"Harry!" They all yelled.

"Hey Tyler. How are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm great. Heading home this afternoon," he replied. He glanced over at me and smiled. "Who's this?"

"This is Logan. She is a huge fan!" Harry said pushing me towards the lead singer.

"Hello. I'm Tyler," he said coming in for a hug. I squealed a little making everyone laugh. "Picture?" I nodded and Harry snapped the picture.

"It's was really nice meeting you Tyler," I said hugging him once more. We said goodbye and walked out the way we came in. This time it was surrounded my paparazzi and screaming girls.

"Just hold onto me and we will make it through," Harry said. I nodded and clung onto his arm. We managed to make it through without getting stuck. By the time we got to his car it was poring rain.

"I'm so sorry about that," Harry said placing his hands on the steering wheel without starting the car.

"I don't care really. I know your a mega pop star and things like that happen," I replied.

"It's going to look suspicious. You were holding my arm and wearing my jacket. Damn it," he said slamming his hands down.

"You told me too. Sorry for doing what you say," I said looking out the window. "Sorry." Was he really embarrassed of me? I thought he really was different.. I don't know what to think.

"Not its not like that," he started. "I'm sorry Red."

"Lets just go." It was silent the whole way back to the hotel. I walked up to my room without saying anything to Harry but a simple thank you and goodbye.

I walked in to find Morgan and Zayn talking. "Hey Red."

"Hey. Look. I'm just going to hit the hay. I'll see you in the morning," I said throwing my bag on the counter of the small kitchen.

"Alright. Just make sure you have things packed," Morgan said and I walked into my room. The hotel room was really big! Three rooms. A small kitchen. It was huge.

I checked my phone to see a text for Nialler And from Harry.

From Nialler:
Want to grab a drink? Kind of bored.

To Nialler:
Yeah give me a few.

I'm really sorry Red. Really!

I didn't reply. I shoved my phone into my pocket and walked out to find Zayn still there.

"I'm gonna grab a drink with Niall," I said opening the door.

"He totally fancies her," I heard Zayn say before closing the door. I ignored and walked up to Niall's door.

Stuck In The Elevator With Harry Styles (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now