Chapter 21

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"Get up," someone said throwing a pillow at my face. I rolled over to see Liam standing there, looking rather ticked off. "I said. Get. Up."

"Go away Liam," I said rolling back over. "I'm to hurt to get up." He sighed, pulling the blankets from my body. 

"You didn't change?" he asked rather disgusted. 

"What's the point?" 

"Harry," he said sitting next to me. "You are not the only one who is taking this break up easily. Red hasn't left her room. It has been a week. You two need to get up." My heart broke at the mention of her name. Everytime her name was brought up, I wanted to cry. "Red is already up and left to hang out with Darcy, Niall, and Zayn for the day."

"Where did they go?" I asked. 

"I think something about Zayn, Red, and Darcy getting a tattoo. I don't really know. But I'm going out with Hannah, Louis, Jenna, and Lexi today. If you want to come, you need to get up now." I sighed, slowly sitting up. 

"I'm staying here. I'll see you at tonights concert." He just nodded, leaving me alone. I didn't want to get up. I have practically live in my bed this past week. The break up has obviously been hard. I think I was officially out of tears as well. And the fact that I didn't get to do anything for her for her birthday hurt. 

"I hate life," I said hopping into the shower. The water stung my face as I washed away the tear stains. It hurt so bad and it still does. You are probably saying 'get ahold of yourself Harry! It's just a girl'! That's the problem. She is not just another girl. She's THE girl. My dream girl. 

Stepping out of the shower, I slipped on my blue jeans with my white T. Keeping it simple. I pushed my curls to the side as I looked around the room. It was a mess. Figures. I have been moping around in here for like, a week. I turned on the radio to distract the laughs coming from outside. It sounded like the group. The worst part. The Perfect Two came on by Auburn. It reminded me of Red in so many ways. 

"Harry?" I heard a dainty voice come from behind me. "Are you okay?"

"How is she doing Darcy?" I asked. "Is she okay?"

She exhaled, sitting next to me. "She's pretty beat. She cried all week. She has slept the whole time. And I honestly think the closest thing she is going to get to happy is when Niall tickles her. And that doesn't last long." I let the tear slip from my eye. Darcy wrapped her arms around me rubbing my back with comfert. "Harry. It will be okay. This isn't over. It may hurt now but think of the future. It was get better." 

"I want Red in my future Darcy," I cried. "I want her in my arms. I want to wake up to her beautiful face in the morning. I want to hear her laugh. I want to go to her shows when you guys perform. I want to grow old with her. I want to be there when she is sad and when she is happy. I want her." I this point, everything ran through my head at a million miles an hour. The tears just came down harder. 

"I know Harry," she said softly. "I know. Please stop crying. Logan doesn't want you crying. She is upset knowing you're upset." I looked up at her teary eyed face. "She cares Harry. She loves you." I wiped the tear from my eyes as she did the same. "See this isn't just hurting you guys! I'm sad you guys are over as well! I'm crushed!" 

"Don't cry," I smiled at her.

"Only if you don't" I smiled as we both sat there listening to the song. "Auburn?"

"It reminds me of Red." She cracked a smile before getting to her feet. 

"Maybe sometime in the future Harry," she started. "You can tell her what you feel. Give her this song." With that she left. I got to my feet, slipping on my shoes. I washed my face of the tear stains. My hair was in a beanie as I slipped my phone into my pocket. No I'm not going out to drink. I'm going for fresh air. No matter what people say, Logan will never leave my mind. Ever.

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