Chapter 14

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"Wow our first tour!" Hannah said dropping her things onto the big tour bus. There was two. Ours. And theirs. And yes when I say theirs I mean One Direction. I have already gotten into a fight with Harry and Louis since we arrived at the first arena. We aren't exactly on good terms right now.

It has been two weeks since that date with Harry. After the whole, 'FAKE DATE' things was confirmed, we have been barking at each other non stop. He's upset that I am not taking anything seriously and that I need to stop 'taking favorites' whatever that means. He always tries to find the smallest problem and makes a huge scene out of it. He's such a girl!

"I kind of wish it was ours," I mumbled under my breath.

"Lighten up Red! It will be fun!" Darcy said sitting next to me on the long couch. "You'll see."

"For six months though? Do you really think I will be able to make it that long?" I asked.

"She's right," Jenna added. "By the end of this tour, they will have ripped each other to peices!"

"My point is made!" I said leaning back against the back of the couch.

"Well you guys ARE dating," Lexi put in. "Kind of a couple. Worlds CUTEST couple to be exact."

"Yeah, thanks for reminding me Lex," I replied sarcastically. Sometimes I wish it was real I thought to myself. It's no lie I still have feelings for the kid. Sometimes I wish things were different than they are now. But he had to go and make everything difficult.

"Sound check in 20 girls," one of the sound guys said to us. I sighed, standing up first.

"I'll see you guys in there." I stomped out of the bus, towards the arena. I could already hear the distant screams of girls waiting for the concert to start. I guess it was a pretty big concert tonight. The first one of the tour. Here in American as well. Which is big.

I walked into the arena to find the boys standing on stage. Just finishing up their sound check. "Hey Red!" Zayn hopped off the stage and ran up towards me. "Where's the others?"

"They're unpacking. And other things, I don't know. I got bored," I sighed, sitting in the front row of the arena.

"Well what about after sound check why don't we have a good old game of nerf wars?" Zayn suggested.

Nerf wars? Perfect time nail Harry with PLENTY of nerfs bullets! "Alright. It's on."


"Okay teams!" Liam yelled.

"Why not band against band?" I asked.

"Because that's not fair. Red, Darcy and Lex have amazing aims. With me, Louis, and Harry with the only good ones here," Liam replied. "No offense to any of the others."

"Okay so it will me Red, Hannah, Zayn, Louis, and Jenna. Darcy, Harry, Niall, Lexi, and me on the other," Liam said handing guns to everyone. We had the red jourseys with the red guns. Oh yeah, we get serious. "Ready...BREAK!" We all ran off in different directions.

"Okay plan," I said ducking behind a wall with the other four behind me. "Zayn and I will take the upper level. So around the lights. "Hannah and Jenna go with Louis and take the lower level. So under the stage and the seats."

"Anyone we're going after in particular?" Louis smirked.

"I'm taking Harry," I laughed running for the ladder. Zayn got on my feet as we made our way up. No one knew about this place besides Zayn and I. We explored for the first half hour we were here. We get serious.

"Stay low," Zayn said going down the small narrow path. I spotted Liam, taking three shots, hitting him with every single one.

"I've been shot!" I heard him say. "Niall! Help me!" Niall came running to the rescue, shooting in our direction.

Stuck In The Elevator With Harry Styles (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now