Chapter 15

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[Before we start... Who will win? Ravens or the 49ners? COMMENT]

-Harry's POV-

"Next stop...Colorado!" Niall said crashing to the tour bus.

"I don't think I can do this," Logan said crowching in the corner of the bus.

"The bus will be up and running by the time we get to Utah," Zayn reassured her, sitting by her side. He wrapped his arm around her, leaning her head against his chest. Oh HELL NAW!!

"I like it in here!" Jenna said sitting next to Liam. She picked up the controlar for the X-Box. "We don't have this on ours."

"Yeah but you guys got the flat screen and the five extra laptops," Louis sighed.

"We drew the longer straw!" Lexi argued.

"They also got the bigger fridge," Liam added.

"They WHAT?" Niall yelled.

"That was my choice!" Darcy laughed. She and Niall began aruging over who could eat more in a matter of seconds.

I swear this all went on for a good hour. Niall and Darcy barking at each other. Liam and Jenna playing Call of Duty while Louis and Hannah did a twitter thing. And Zayn and Logan were passed out on the floor. Lexi ended up passing out on the couch. Out of all the girls in Page 5, Lexi was my favoirte. I mean yeah I love Red. She's my everything. But Lexi is funny and acts a lot like the youngest of the group. What am I saying? She is the youngest. Then Red.

"Short break," the bus driver said. "Don't wander to far." We all jumped off the bus, running for the stores that were placed in a small outdoor mall.

"Darcy! A food cort! COME ON!" Niall yelled taking the girls hand.

"Do you think-"

"Yes," I finished for Liam. We all knew Niall liked her. And matter of fact that she liked him back made no sense. They fight ALL THE TIME.

"Do you want to get food?" I asked Logan who was still half asleep, half awake standing by the door.

"What? Oh sure," she sleeply smiled. She was so cute!

To be honest, she hasn't been rude. She has been oddly nice to me since we kissed on stage. We haven't gotten into any fights since that night. And I like it.

"Just a coffee," she said to the guy.

"Names?" he asked.

"Harry and Logan," I answered. He nodded, going away to make our drinks. We both took a seat near a corner where it looked as if no one would notice us. Although there is bound to be people seeing us. No doubt.

"It will be two years next month," she spoke, not looking at me. "Two years since Keegan passed." We sat there for a moment.

"Is that so?" I asked. She just nodded. "It will be a year that I've known you next week." She half smiled. "Also your birthday."

"Yeah. We'll be in Paris," she smiled. "Always wanted to go there."

"It's beautiful there," I smiled. She just let out a small laugh, fiddling with her fingers. Her hair was up in a bun, only a few strands falling. She was in her PLAYERZ sweatshirt that could be bought online and the One Direction sweat pants I got her a little before the X-Factor started. It was cute how she wore both of our bands stuff. I mean Niall wears his One Direction sweatshirt all the time but.. he's Niall.

"Harry and Logan!" the man called. I got up before Red could, grabbing the drinks. "You're Harry Styles right?"

"That's me," I smiled. He nodded pointing to Red. "I love her. Treat her like freaking princess got it?"

"You're a fan?" I asked.

"Page5 is my favorite band! Ever since they were formed! Logan Paisley is my favorite! Then Lexi!" he said yapping away. "I didn't talk to her because there are rumors that you are VERY protective over her. So I ship you guys like hard core. So treat her very good."

"I won't let you down," I smiled at him. He nodded, going back to his job. I could sence a hint of gay in there.

"Thanks," Logan said taking the drink from me. She let out a laugh before showing me her drink.

"Is that his number?" I laughed.

"And twitter and facebook. Oh and address," she laughed.

"Big fan," I stated. She let out her cute laugh taking a sip of her drink. She snapped a photo of me sipping on the drink, laughing to herself.

I got a buzz from my pocket showing that she had uploaded the photo.

@Red5: Isn't he the cutest?

"I'm cute now?" I laughed. Her face got all red, showing she was embarressed.

"I don't know," she mumbled.

"Yes you do," I laughed. She took one more photo, making a run for it. She didn't. "RED!"

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN STYLES!" she yelled, running down the outside path way of the mall. Doging people like a ninja, I finally caught her, grabbing her waist. I spun her around, trying to grab her phone. I snapped a photo of her trying to squirm out of my hands. Finally she stopped squirming, laying limp in my arms. "I give up."

I pull her head up, looking into her green eyes. I began to lean in, placing my lips to hers. She didn't argue. She actually let me kiss her.

"YES!" I heard people yell behind us. We both pulled apart seeinh Louis, Niall, Darcy, Lexi, and Hannah standing there.

"I KNEW IT!" Louis yelled. "YES! Niall you owe me 5$."

"Damn," Niall said handing Louis the money.

"You had a bet?" Red asked.

"We bet that you two we be making out by the end of tour. Louis said it would be by the end of tonight," Hannah replied.

"Oh my god," Logan said making her way back to the bus. I just laughed, slowly walking behind the group.

"I didn't think it would be tonight," Louis smiled. "But I'm glad you two have made up. Now it won't be so awkward on the bus anymore."


We were somewhere between Salt Lake City Utah and St.George. Everyone had passed out. Hannah lying with Louis on the bean bag. Darcy and Niall had passed out with each other on the table next to the fridge. Zayn, Liam, Jenna, and Lexi had fallen asleep playing Fifa about an hour ago. As for me? I'm lying on the couch as Red is sleeping crawled up next to me. This happened when she fell asleep. I don't think she realizes she had fallen asleep in my arms. I don't mind. But she might freak.

"Harry. You're thinking outloud again," Logan said from next to me.

"You're awake?" I asked, startled.

"I have been awake for an hour now," she said not moving from her spot. I just chuckled. "Harry?"

"Yeah?" I asked, playing with her hair.

"Can we start over?" she asked. She lifted her head, looking into mine.

"As in?"

"Like us. Can US start over," she asked. I could tell she wanted to scoot closer to me but didn't want to. Thinking I would push her away. Instead, I pulled her onto my lap, kissing her forehead.

"Of course babe," I smiled. She snuggled into my chest, smirking. We just sat like this till I heard her soft snores come from her nose. She was asleep.

"I love you Harry," she said softly into my chest. I stroked her hair, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too Logan."


YAY!!! LARRY is back!!!! I know it's the same as Louis and Harry but anyways.





I love you guys!


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