Chapter 20

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Paris today. Finally leaving Italy. Not that I hated it, but since Zayn texted me? I don't know. I felt awkward around Harry. His constant kisses were pushed into small pecks. The holding me all the time turned into the orginal hand holding. And the I love you turned to you're so cute. Want to know why? 

I think Harry cheated. 

I hate to say it but it's true. I think he did. Zayn wasn't suppose to say anything but he did. He told me. And honestly I am happy he did. All I have to do is ask Harry about it. And I will later on. Tomorrow night. Back on the tour bus. I'm honestly scared. Why?

I love Harry. More than anything in this world. 

And to push him away is hurting me more than anything else. Not to mention I have been heart broken more than I should be. But one broken heart leads you closer to your soul mate. Which I was hoping it was Harry. But him cheating on me? I don't know anymore. 

"Babe? Are you okay?" Harry asked as we sat on the private jet. He came and set me on his lap, stroking my hair. 

"I'm fine," I replied looking up into those green eyes of his. He just smiled, pecking my lips. "I don't feel to good." I hopped off his lap and made my wat towards the bathroom. Throwing up, (Sorry. I can't do plane rides) Harry sat outside the door. 

"Are you sure you're okay?" He sounded worried. Hopping to my feet, I brushed my teeth quickly before exiting to see that Harry was really worried. "Babe?" 

"Just," I started. "I get sick when flying. Unless I'm sleeping." He pulled me into his arms before picking me up and setting me down on him on the long couch that was set up in this amazing jet. He curled me into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. 

"Just go to sleep," he said kissing the top of my head. "I'll be here when you wake up." 

"Thanks Harry," I said gripping his shirt. He just chuckled, kissing my forehead once more. 

"I love you Red." I didn't look up at him. I didn't even answer. I just sat there. Pretending I was asleep. Till: 

"I love you too Harry." 


"RED!" I heard Louis yell. I dropped my bags running into the excited boys' arms. I jump as he spun me around. 

"Don't let go," I said clinging to him. "I don't want to walk. To. Tired." He just laughed handing me to the next male in the group. 

"Carry me!" I said as the Irish boy tried to set me down. I wouldn't let him.

"I have her bags," Louis said. "Just carry the poor thing. Take her out to the car while Harry and I get the things from the pick up." I heard Niall mumble and answer, carrying me out the door. Paris was loud. And so were the fans. It was like 2 A.M. and they came to see us. They all 'AWED' at the sight of Niall carrying me to the van. 

"Are you okay?" he asked setting me down. I wasn't going to say anything until I burst into tears. He pulled me into a hug before shushing me. "It's okay Red. You can do this. I'll be here. Zayn will be there."

"Where is he?" I asked noticing he wasn't around. 

"I made him say. If he came, Harry would have ended up in the hospital." I just nodded, wiping the tears from my eyes. I was upset. I couldn't do this. 

"Niall," I said trying to hold the sobs. "I can't. I- I- I love Harry. I don't want to lose him!" 

"Red," he said looking me in my watery eyes. "You didn't lose him. He lost you." As he said that, Harry and Louis got into the car. Once Harry saw that I had been crying, he pulled me into his chest, worried. 

Stuck In The Elevator With Harry Styles (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now