Chapter 18

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"Now boarding flight 182 to Italy," the announcer called.

"Well that's me!" I said hugging the girls.

"We're gonna miss you in Paris!" Darcy hugged me. "A whole week off and you get to go to Italy."

"It's for my cousin," I replied. "Plus I'm going to be painting the whole time. And it's only half a week as well."

"Still. Italy," Darcy laughed. "It doesn't matter. You're part of Page5 and it won't be the same without you."

"I'll miss you girls too," I replied. I have all the girls guys before stepping into Louis.

"I'm going to miss you Red!" He said squeezing me. Zayn pulled me into the next hug as Liam crushed us, being crushed by Niall. Group hug I suppose.

"You ready?" Harry asked taking my hand.

"I'll see you guys Thursday!" I called after the other guys. They all waved soon being taken out by security guards. Harry and I had one as well. Davis. He was pretty cool. Become really close.

"Are you excited for Italy?" Harry asked putting my bag next to his. I nodded, taking a seat. Harry sat down next to me making me rest my head on his chest. "It's been a while since I've been there."

"I'm excited I suppose," I said playing with his fingers. "I just don't like being away from the girls."

"That's how I feel. But they'll be fine," Harry said kissing my forehead. "We'll be back before you know it."

"Guess so," I replied. My eyes began to droop as we soared through the air. We still had like 12 hours. And I'm dead tired.

"Go to sleep babe," Harry smiled. "I'll wake you up when get there alright?" And with that. I was out.



And she's out. Like a light. He small snores signaled she was fast asleep. She was woke up the day before at like four in the morning to go to McDonalds. Then we had two concerts. And she barley for any sleep. It's okay for her to sleep.

"Nice to see you too stranger," I heard a voice call from the other side of the row. I looked over to find the one and only Will. Will Carter. My best friend in school.

"Will Carter," I said. "How have you been."

"Great," he replied. "Looks like you got yourself a little bird. She's cute."

"She's also in a band. And American," I replied.

"Woah Harry actually got his dream girl!" He laughed. "I remember you going on and on about getting an American girlfriend who was a singer. Those were the days." I let out a chuckle. "How's the band?"

"Good. In the middle if tour," I replied. "Using the break to go to Italy for some art thing Red was invited to."

"That's her name?" He asked. I pull a strand of Logan's hair showing Will. "Woah. Red hair."

"Very," I replied. I ran my fingers trough her silky hair before I spoke again. "Her names Logan."

"Logan," he mimicked. "I hope you treat her like a freaking princess. I don't want another Stacy happening."

"Don't worry," I replied. "I'm in love with this girl. She's the one. I know it."



"JACOB!" Logan yelled running into the man who looked a lot like Taylor Launters arms.

"Hello Red!" He replied in his very faint British accent. He spotted me, smile turning to a semi smile. "I'm Jacob."

Stuck In The Elevator With Harry Styles (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now