Chapter 2:

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"Red, it's time to get up. Red," I hear Amber whisper. Wasn't long till-


"You wouldn't," I growled, glaring at her through the sheets. I think the middle finger is necessary for this situation.

"But I would. Just get dressed. Jacob and Toby want to meet up for breakfast," Amber said throwing some jeans at me.

"Why?" I asked squeezing into my jeans.

"They didn't get to wish you a happy birthday. They want to see you," she replied. Jacob was Morgans brother. He was dating Amber though. And Toby was his annoying friends. He has had a crush on me since the 4th grade. He is cute and all and has an amazing singing voice. But he's so, stupid.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun and pulled on my leather jacket over my red tank top. I pulled on some black leather boots with is and was ready to go. All together I looked rather good.

"Ready?" Morgan asked.

"Lets go," I said closing the door behind me. We were about to enter the elevator when I realized I forgot my phone.

"I'll meet you guys down there," and they didn't question. I picked up my phone and walked back out the door. I was casually walking down the hall when I was yanked into a room and the door shut behind.

"What the he-" I began but the hand covered my mouth. The lights lit up and I saw Zayn and Niall siting right in front of me. "What are you guys doing!?"

"Shhhhh! Someone might hear you! Look. We want to just settle things. Did you and Harry kiss last night?" Zayn asked, tongue running across is lips as his eyebrows raised with satisfaction and curiosity.

"What? No! Are you crazy?" I asked.

"Don't like to us Red. We know you did! Tell us or the picture is going on twitter," Niall said holding up the phone. "3..2.."

"Fine! We kissed okay!?" I finally spat out.

"HaHA!!!" They both let out, high fiving each other.

"Why did you want me to tell you of you already knew?" I asked as they cheered stupidly.

"Harry wouldn't admit it. And we already threatened him with the picture but he didn't care," Niall said helping me up.

"He didn't care?" I asked surprised.

"Of course he didn't! He totally fancies you," Zayn said helping himself to some food. Niall had sat back down in a chair where I assumed was taking up most of the time waiting doe me to leave my room. Speaking of which, this must be the time I escort myself out.

"Ha-ha guys. But if you don't mind. I will be leaving now," I said opening the door.

"You look hot Red!" Niall said. I just flipped him off and left. I could hear them laughing on my way down the hall to the elevator.

"What took you so long?" Morgan asked.

"Um. I couldn't find my phone," I lied.

"Whatever. Lets just go," she said getting into the cab. We got to Panera Bread to find Jacob and Toby sipping on drinks. They were laughing and having fun.

"Hello girls!" Jacob said standing up. We all exchanged hugs and sat down at the table.

"So when are you guys going back to Italy?" Morgan asked.

"Next friday. Just came down to visit the family," Jacob said sipping and his drink.

"How is it up there?" I asked.

"It's beautiful. I actually got you a gift," Jacob said pulling out a box. I unwrapped the small blue box and it reviled a bracelet with two jewels. One was a glass heart and the other was a carved out elephant.

"It's beautiful," I said putting it on. Under the bracelet was a plane tickets and a phone number. "What is this?"

"I found an amazing artist and he said he would love to meet you. I showed him some of your paintings and he was really interested," Jacob said with a smile.

"I can't. That's super expensive!" I said.

"Really. Just think about it. It would be a cool experience for you," he replied. I finally took the gift and have him a hug.

"Well we have to get going. We have to get ready for a concert tonight," Morgan said standing up.

"What concert?" Toby asked.

"One Direction," Amber replied.

"Eww. Why them?" Toby complained.

"Trust me. I'd prefer to be with you guys," I said, almost joking.

"Shut up Red. You have a date with Harry tonight," Amber chirped.

"Wait. The Harry Styles? Wow Red. That's pretty big," Jacob said with a smirk.

"Shut up. I just want it to get over and done with. This is gonna be a long night," I grumbled and hopped into the cab. Just the ride itself felt like hours.

"I bet you will have a good time," Morgan said trying to make me feel better about the dinner tonight.

"I'll try," I said slumping in my seat. We arrived at the hotel shortly at the hotel that was surrounded by paparazzi and screaming girls. We got out of the cab to be swarmed but tons of people.

"Are you the mystery girl Harry is dating?"

"Are you using him to get the fame?" Is what I kept hearing. Mystery girl? Using him? I managed to get by the people and dived through the door. I saw the 5 boys of One Direction sitting in the lobby laughing and goofing off. I stomped over angrily to the curly haired boy.

"Hey Red," he said smiling at me with his dashing smile.

"What the heck Harry!? Secret girlfriend? Using you? What is this all about?" I asked pointing angrily at the people outside. "I'm even getting hate on twitter now."

"Look I'm sorry. They're just rumors jealous girls like to make up," he tried explaining.

"Hi I'm Morgan. And this is Amber. We're Red's friends. Also HUGE fans," Morgan cut in. Great, first the lies now this. How'd you get so lucky Red?

"Hello ladies," he said smiling at them.

"Not now. We're leaving," I said grabbing the girls hands.

"Call her Harry!" Morgan yelled.

"Shut up!" I said covering Morgan mouth. I pulled them into the elevator and the doors closed.

"I'm sorry Red. I just think you should have a love life again. After Keegan passed away you haven't been the same," Morgan said popping open a soda.

"Keegan was everything to me. No one can ever change that," I argued. How does she even have the nerve to compare the two?

"I'm not saying to replace him. Just get out there. Harry really likes you. Give him a chance," Morgan had a point. I have never let go of the fact that Keegan was gone. I did need to move on. But I can't. I want to.. But I won't.

"Fine. I'll give him a chance," I agreed. A hint of me was lying but most actually wanted to try.

"Yay!" Morgan cheered. "Now lets get ready for that concert!" She flipped me off my bed and attacked me. She pulled of my jacket and threw me a 1D shirt with Harry's face on it.

"I'm not wearing this," I said throwing it at her.

"Yes you are," she said throwing it back at me.


"Give you 10 bucks."

"Fine," I said and threw on the shirt. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and applied a little make up. I slipped on a pair of dark wash shorts and wore my red vans with it. "I feel like I'm a freshman again."

"You sure do look like it too," Amber said walking out in the same outfit as me but in blue vans.

"Haha! So do you!" I laughed. Morgan walked out in the same outfit but wearing a Niall shirt with pink vans.

"Well this is awkward," Moran laughed.

"Lets just go," Amber said grabbing her things and walking through the door. I put my phone in my back pocket, my wallet in my front and walked behind.

"Where to tonight ladies?" The door man asked.

"Lights stadium," Amber replied.

"The One Direction concert?" He asked.

"You know it," Morgan said getting into the cab. Amber and I both got in after and we were now on out way to the concert.

"This way ladies," a security guard said. He lead is through a huge crowd of screaming girls through the back entrance strait into the stadium where almost every seat was taken except for 3 in the front. We sat down and waited till the music started.

Opening singer went by fast. I liked Olly Murs. He was charming and entertaining. Enough to make me actually enjoy this performance.

"How's everyone doing!" Liam said as he walked out on stage. The crowd went crazy! Screaming girls came from everywhere. They started out with a song which I totally lost interest in. I sat in my seat and just played games on my phone. Once the concert was over Amber took charge and booted her way towards the front. We made it out of the concert hall within 10 minutes.

"That was amazing!" Morgan said as we got into the cab.

"Probably one of the best!" Amber cut in. "What did you think Red?"

I looked up at the raven haired girl, totally waiting for her to chew me out. But she didn't. "Oh. It was okay I suppose," I said staring out the window.

"Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of you," Morgan smirked.

"Whatever," I said throwing my bag at her. She just laughed. I was staring out the window looking at all the lights when my phone buzzed.

From Harry Styles:

See you in and hour? ;) xx

To Harry Styles:

Sounds good.

"Was that Harry?" Morgan said smirking to herself.

"No!" I lied. Hell... It's my business!

"So was!" Amber laughed. I felt my face get red. "Red had a little crush doesn't she?"

"What!? No!" I didn't like him. I couldn't. He was a cocky stuck up pop star. He didn't care about anything but himself. I do not have a petty crush. Plus.. That kiss was stupid and meant nothing. Nothing was different.

The girls burst out into laughter. We arrived at the hotel and ran out so we wouldn't be caught by any fans or paparazzi.

"We have that after party to get to. And you have that date!" Amber said pulling out dresses. She pulled out the black dress I packed an threw it at me. "Hurry up. I need to do your hair."

I stepped into the bathroom and pulled on the black dress. I zipped up the side making the dress fit perfect.

"Ready?" She asked as he pointed to the open chair in front of a mirror. I nodded and sat down. She use a curling wand to curl my long dark hair.

"When you use product in your hair Red your hair shimmers red!" She said continue to curl it. I couldn't really tell but I went along with it. Morgan did my make up complimenting it with my skin. I slipped on the black heels and waited for the others to be done. I was sitting on the bed watching an episode of adventure time when there was a knock at the door. I got up and looked through the peep whole to see Harry standing there in a lovely black suit.

"Hello," he said smiling at me. He handed me a bouquet of flowers that were a mix of red and white roses.

"This is beautiful Harry," I said taking the flowers.

"Your beautiful."


"I said they're beautiful. Yupp that's what I said." But I knew he didn't. I laughed at the cheeky boy and set the flowers in a vase.

"So Mr.Styles. Where are we going tonight?" I asked, leaving the room before the girls could bombard him with questions.

"I have dinner reservations at Ruth's Chris. You like steak?"

"I'm a vegetarian."

"Oh man." He looked nervous, and even.. Embarrassed.

"I'm kidding!" I said laughing at his facial expression.

"Jeeze! That scared me!" He said grabbing his heart. I just laughed at his expressions.

We got outside to find no one in sight. "The boys decided to help out and just walk out and just walk down the street."

"I will have to thank them for that," I said getting into the limo. We arrived at the restaurant to see a long line vending out the door. The driver opened the door for me and Harry to get out of. Harry took my hand and led me towards the front

"Ah Mr.Styles. Table for two am I right?" A guy by the name of Pablo asked. Harry nodded and smiled at me. "And who is this lovely lady?"

"This is Logan," he said with confidence. I just looked at them both confused. "This is Pablo. He's an old family frinend." I just smiled and we were seated at our table.

The dinner was great! I wasn't expecting it to be so good for a steak house, but it was actually good. The bill though was outrages. Harry refused for me to pay. So in some way I feel as if I owe him.

I thought this dinner would have been awkward but it.. Wasn't. We talked about terrible dates and funny childhood moments. Movies and music were a big topic for us. We'd also argue about them but mostly agree. Really depended on what.

We walked along a pier by the ocean. I held onto his arm as we walked and admired the ocean view and stars.

"I just love L.A. It has to be my favorite place we have ever visited," Harry said gazing out onto the ocean.

"It is really beautiful," I agreed. He just kept staring out at the ocean. "Do you surf?"

"I love it," he replied.

"When do you guys leave?" I asked.


"So do we! How about tomorrow, we go to the beach. I haven't been in a while and it sounds really good right now," I suggested.

"That would be awesome!" He replied.

"We should get back it's getting late," I said looking at the time.

"Yeah. Lets go," he said standing up off the bench. He offered me his hand so I could take it so he could help me out. I took it and ended up tripping on my own heels falling into Harry's arms.

"I'm sorry I'm such a klutz," I said pulled a strand of hair out I my face. I looked up to Harry who was looking at me strangely. He began to lean in. I quickly turned the cheek. I wasn't ready for another kiss yet. I'm not kissing on the first date. And our only date.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"No. It's too soon. I know," he said getting red in his face. I messed up his curls and smiled at him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me back to the hotel.

"I had a really good time Harry. I really did," I said smiling at him. We were both standing awkwardly at my room door.

"Me too. It was really fun," he said smiling back at me.

"Well I see you tomorrow then," I said about to open the door. I quickly turned around and pulled Harry down to my level. I kissed his lips making him wrap his arms around my waist. He kept me in his hands when he let go. I guess I do kiss. Because this was all out of adrenalin. And didn't make sense. One minute I'm imagining another kiss now.. I stand looking into his green eyes, catching my breath and having him smile as wide as ever.

"Have a good night Red," Harry said smiling at me and walking away.

I smiled and walked slowly into my room. I let out a loud scream when I got into the room. I ran around jumped on my bed throwing my heels against the door. I collapsed on my bed and giggled to myself.

I think I might like Harry Styles.

And I didn't actually like the thought.

Stuck In The Elevator With Harry Styles (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now