Chapter 1:

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"So they are making you go? I'm sorry Red but it doesn't sound half bad," my friend Morgan said.

"You can't say anything. You actually LIKE One Direction," I replied. I scrambled through dresses at a local store at our mall to go to the after party with.

"Either way. We finally get to go to the after parties!" Morgan said excitedly. Morgan Hansen was my best friend since pre-K. We are totally opposite though. She is preppy and cares to much. Well you can't really care TOO MUCH. I on the other hand am more into making music, drawing, writing, stuff like that. We're so opposite that we get along.

"So have you told Amber yet?" She asked looking through the dresses.

"Yeah. She already has everything ready. She's meeting us at my house in 20 minutes so we better hurry," I said grabbing out a dashing black dress. I pulled a pair of black pumps off the shelf and paid for my dress.

"You know what I love about you? Your filthy rich yet never use any of the money on yourself. Except if necessary," Morgan complimented.

"There's really no reason for me to I guess," I replied. I paid for my dress and walked back to the limo.

"Home Henery," I said and he nodded and began to drive.

"If you had to at least choose one of the boys of One Direction, who would it be?" Morgan asked turning up the music. The song was 'Live While We're Young' by One Direction. Great. I have to listen to now and tomorrow? Awesome.

"I would have to say...Liam. He's a cutie," I said. I'm not going to lie. They boys were pretty attractive. But the only name I knew was Liam's only because I have a friend named Liam.

"I like Harry. The curly haired one. And Zayn. The one with the blonde in his hair. Not the full blonde one that's Niall," she went on an one about the boy band until we finally came to my house.

"Bags are packed already Mrs.Paisley. Would you like us to get them for you?" Bruce asked. Bruce was my butler I suppose.

"That's okay Bruce. I need to grab a few things anyway," I walked to the guest house where I was staying. My parents gave it to me for my 16th birthday. I think that was the best gift ever.

"Ready to go?" Morgan asked already having everything in the back of the limo.

"Lets go," I said turning off the lights. I made sure I had everything. Phone, phone charger, computer, clothes, books. Everything's here.

"Are you ready for this!?" Amber asked getting into the limo. Amber is actually my cousin. I taker her everywhere with me. She was by far my best friend.

"Lets do this!" I said getting into the limo. I don't know what it is but whenever I'm around my friends I get excited.

We rode in the limo for about an hour until we got to the hotel. It was surrounded by tons of girls! This had to be the hotel the boys were staying in.

"What room?" Amber asked.

"Room 43V. Thank you sir," I said handing all the bags to him. He smiled back and took the bags on a trolly to our room.

"Room 43V? That's the VIP hall!" Morgan yelled.

"Shut up! If these girls hear you they could seriously slaughter us!" I whispered loudly. She just laughed.

"We're going shopping. Would you care to join?" Amber asked.

"Um no. I'll just meet you guys back at the room in an hour or so," I replied, heading into the hotel. They just shrugged and went off.

Stuck In The Elevator With Harry Styles (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now