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minho wake up that morning feeling a bit colder than usual. forcing his eyes open and just to realized jisung is not next to him. he let out a deep sigh, feelings unsettle.

he was at the hospital next to jisung hours ago, but now he is home, alone. just because he need to take a shower and bring along few of jisung's things (in case if jisung get bored) to the hospital. he knew that jisung probably could be out by today, but he can and he want to let jisung stay there for few days, atleast until tomorrow.

he need to make sure that jisung is really fine and okay to be back home and continue to go to work. minho hates seeing jisung sick and now, he really do want jisung to be mentally and physically prepared.

he immediately take his phone, checking if there's any message from jisung. he smiles, when he saw one.

my baby (˘³˘)♥
i was pretty much panic this morning bcs i noticed i wasnt home w you :(
thank god, the nurse there said about last night and my brain functioning well lmao
anyways, im sorry if im worrying you!
and, i miss you!!!
pls come here now :(

morning too babe!
im taking few things to bring for you
and will be there in about 30mins?

my baby (˘³˘)♥
and, will u go back to work after visiting me?
i will be VERY bored then

unfortunately, yes :(
but no worries
already asked felix to accompany you!

my baby (˘³˘)♥
best boyfriend!!
now, hurry up
i miss you :(

ye ye

minho smiles falters down. how can jisung act like he is fine, when internally he is not?

as soon as minho done showering and packing up some stuff, his phone then ringing again, noticing it was chan who called, he immediately answers

"hello chan"

"hello minho, sorry about what happened at jisung..."

"ah, thankyou...but he is stable now"

"thank god! oh anyway minho, i have few interesting things about jihoon's cafe..."

"oh, about that! can you text me about it? im actually about to drive to the hospital"

"ah, yes sure! will do! send my regards at jisung and says i miss him!"

"ugh, yea yea dont forget to send me that!"

minho smiles a bit. finger crossed that the interesting things chan had said is something that could help him to bring the guy down.


"baby!!!!!!" minho screamed as soon as he opened the door, realising that jisung actually awake and on his way to take a bite of an apple that he ordered the nurse to give to jisung.

"hyung!!" jisung screamed as loud as minho, quickly putting the apple down back at the table, open his arm, waiting for a hug from his boyfriend. minho takes no time and just dive into the hug, sweetly hugging his boyfriend.

mumbles of 'i miss you' was heard for few minutes, as if they havent met for years when exactly it just 10hours.

"are you fine now? how do you feel?" minho asked as he broke the hug, taking a sit close to the younger

"i feels LOT MORE better since youre here!!" jisung said, puffing his cheeks, making minho pinched the said cheeks.

"did i make you worried last night?" jisung asked, starting to pout his lips.

"i was worried sick last night, you dont know how fast my heartbeat are when felix called me saying about you fainted..."


"shh, nothing to sorry about, im just glad that youre fine now!" minho said, softly kissing jisung's hand.

"also, the doctor said you need to continue taking your medicines... why you never told me that you actually took it before?"

a sigh came out from jisung, "think i didnt need that anymore... since, you know, i met you and ive learnt to control myself alot more better"

this time its minho turned to sigh, "baby, you still need to consume one... you cant self examined yourself, that's wrong, please, after this, do as what you told! if the doctor asked you to stop, then you stopped"

jisung mumbles a small sorry under his breathe. knowing it was partly his wrong. well, jisung really hates medicines and at that, that bitter pills might cost him a penny and he aint afford that shit, even if felix's family always open to help him, he just dont think it was necessary.

as jisung continue eating his breakfast, minho received a text from chan.

you will not believed this shit
istg minho, DO SOMETHING!

minho immediately open the document chan just sent to him. his eyes grow wide at what he just read,

you sure this is believable?
where do you get this info from?

no worries
i got it from insider
his owned worker tell me lol
a snitch ✌

well then,
im going there after lunch
to have some TALKS w him

do you want me there?
or you want my spy friends to be there with you?
in case this crazy bitch decided to do something?

sent this document to the police
make sure polices are there incase he run away.

camboy [minsung]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon