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jisung eyes stirred open when his alarm ring. jisung lazily turn off the alarm, taking a deep breathe before he look beside him. realizing he was still at minho's.

but minho is not beside him, maybe already gone to work. jisung let out a sigh. yawn as he make his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

jisung get out from the room feeling fresh as ever, eventhough he is still limping, he still think he can walk. his feet bring him to the kitchen, feeling the need to eat as his stomach keep growling as soon as he awake.

but the person he sees infront of him isnt mrs.yoo, but minho instead. in a cute cats apron, looking serious over making a french toast. jisung awed at the scene.

"i thought you've gone to work" jisung said, taking his sit by the kitchen counter.

minho look startled, but still manage to smile at jisung, "morning baby and no, im not working today"

jisung raised his eyebrows, "isnt it monday? you dont work on monday?"
"i do work on monday, but not THIS monday..." minho said, putting the french toast on the designated plates.

"we going on a date today!" minho happily said,

oh. a date with minho sounds dreamy.

"but... arent you busy? i mean, i do want a date with you, but, i dont want to interrupt you with your work..." jisung said, before eating a slice of french toast.

oh shoot minho is a good cook too

"no baby, chan said he managed to take care of everything, and also, i have flexible schedule today... i want to spend my day with you"

jisung smiles at that. feelings appreciated.

"where are we going?" jisung asked, anticipated.

"um, not sure yet but what for sure is im going to spend all i have for you!" minho said, pinching jisung's cheeks.

"by the way, mrs. yoo didnt come today? or she coming late?" jisung curiously asked

minho shakes his head, "i give her a day off, want to spend my time with you! and also, its been awhile since she and others get some rest"

"youve changed minho!"

"yes, because of you" minho then kiss jisung's cheeks, making the latter blushed.


"sungie baby~ you look so good in my hoodie... i want to squish you" minho said for the nth time. jisung just shrugged at the words.

jisung followed minho to the one of the biggest shopping mall he has ever stepped his foot on. heck, jisung sure he cant afford any of the things they sell here, not even a water.

"all of the workers at this mall have been looking at us and smiles sheepishly... some of them even bow, this is so weird" jisung said, feeling small.

"forget to tell you, this shopping mall is owned by my company"

jisung eyes wide open, his jaw dropped.

"you fucking rich RICH?"

"i.... guess so?"

jisung feels so small right now, how even someone rich as minho likes him? god, he cant believe that he actually got lucky.

"just take whatever you want, im paying" minho said, his eyes looking through the suits there.

"what are you? my sugar daddy?"

"yes, and also your handsome boyfriend! now, choose whatever you want"

jisung then walk inside one of the store meanwhile minho is at the next store, looking for whatever only God knows.

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