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its been a week since jisung have worked at 9 dream's studio and it has been a great ride for him. his working hour started at 9am till 5pm, or sometimes if he want to stay overnight at the studio, and can goes there at evening only. there's no specific time for him to go there and work.

jackson and the workers has always been there for jisung, asking if he need anything and so on, which make jisung feels so welcomed there and not so awkward when changbin and chan wasnt there yet.

jisung has make friends with sunwoo and eric, which helps at the dance department. jisung found it absurd how he feels familiar with them just to realize that both sunwoo and eric was his old classmates in highschool.

they always spend their days together to talk and gossips about their classmates before, all of the gossips and teas that jisung never interested in. 

jisung never really close with eric and sunwoo, they have talks before and be in the same group, but not to the point where jisung want to hang out with them, or eat with them in general.

but now, jisung realizes, how amazing it is for him to get a friends with this two person which jisung never imagine to be his friend. sunwoo and eric both have helped him alot, making sure he is fine and have eaten his lunch. eventhough it was a bit tired for jisung to have a conversation with eric (since that kid talk ALOT) stil, jisung was happy.

changbin however still work at his aunt's restaurant and chan still at minho's. jisung and the duo (sunwoo and eric) always went to changbin's aunt restaurant to eat everyday. (they also got discounts)

as for jisung and minho's relationship, its always been wonderful. they woke up together, having their sweet time after shower, minho drives jisung to work and pick him up every now and then (if jisung overnight, changbin will drive him like usual).

jisung and minho now have unsaid rules where whenever they met, they need to give each other hugs, kisses and just cuddles. sometimes they also talk about their works and how their days goes, which jisung has always imagine to do so.

even its been a month+ since he dated minho, the latter still didnt failed to amazes jisung on whatever he did. even the little things, make jisung's heart flutters. he will never get boring of minho.

"hey sung, do i send you home today or minho pick you up?" changbin asked, making jisung back to reality

"oh, ah, minho pick me up" jisung smiles,

"okay, i'll get going then, see you tomorrow sungie" changbin said, taking his backpack before waving a his hand toward jisung, making jisung smiles in return.

jisung goes back in trance. it feels weird. he feels somewhat incomplete. and he dont know what, its bug him ALOT. he thinks about everything, from his relationship with minho to his work, but nothing seems particularly off at him. 

not long after, minho texted him, saying he already arrived which make jisung's heart beating, its always like that. every single thing minho did, it never fails to make jisung's breathe hitched.

"hye babe, how's your day?" minho asked as soon as jisung get in the car.

"great! jackson hyung has give us topic to write and we have been working on it since this afternoon... how about you?"

"um, just okay...? i mean, its kind of stressing me out because one of the department send in the wrong file and its also mean, more works for them and more works for me too.. and besides, we have meeting with all shareholders this week and the reports are not even near done..."

"awh, everything will be fine.. just, dont be so stressed out okay? i believe in you" jisung said softly, patting minho's thigh.

minho then look at jisung for awhile, smiling, "thanks, baby"

"hyung, where are we going? we already passed the road to our house" jisung said, confused.

"eat, im hungry"

jisung nodded his head, suddenly realized he hasnt eat anything yet after their breakfast. and in cue, his stomach growling at the thought of foods in front of his eyes.

"you havent eat?" minho asked, concerned.

"um...no, today has been a bit busy than usual"

minho's head immediately turned to jisung, he let out a sigh "babe, you cant do this! please eat, im so worried of you..."

jisung chuckles at that, "dont worry, i will eat... it just, today kind of hectic"

minho sigh again, he want to argue with that but he just know that jisung always win.


minho hold jisung's hand as they walk inside the restaurant. its not common for minho to come to somewhere that is not expensive. so, jisung was kind of weird when they stopped there. jisung itself not familiar with this restaurant.

"do you know someone here...?" jisung asked as both of them take a sit

minho shakes his head, his eyes busy scanning the menu.

"you have never come to any of the place like this before... i mean, you always went to somewhere expensive"

minho chuckles, knowing exactly what jisung mean by that

"i asked my worker for good eateries, and most of them recommended this place... and, sometime, it was great to eat somewhere else"

"youre being weird" jisung snickers

"no, i dont. its called 'trying to be normal people' with my boyfriend. you know, sometimes its boring to goes to those expensive place that need me to be proper and shit..."

"get it" jisung said afterward,

both jisung and minho already ordered their foods. meanwhile waiting for their foods, minho already talk about his work and his concern. jisung did pay attention at first, until someone get inside the restaurant and sit at the very front. taking jisung's attention.


he knows now

all of this empty feelings he has always feel

it was clear now.

he has never talk about his past at minho.  

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