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as usual, jisung woke up after his alarm blasting off. looking to his side just to see that minho already gone to work. jisung let out a deep sigh. his mind wanders to their last night talk, about minho's family. it was so unrealistic for jisung, on how people could be so blind just because they want power & money.

jisung was grateful that minho was safed, even if his parents didnt, atleast minho still alive to continue his father's legacy. jisung surely know that minho had it hard when he started to go to work, imagine, your parents died, your company at stake and shareholders started to back out because doesnt want to get involved with 'dirty family'...

seeing how minho stand up for himself and his parents even when everyone turned their back on him, how he manage to let the company stay inside the top company with his so little knowledge of business, always amazes jisung.

when they eat their dinner last night, jisung also knows that minho's parents doesnt know that he is gay. he has always been closeted and few months after the incident, he talk about it with mrs.yoo, who now, minho considered as his mom. and mrs.yoo was so glad that minho talk about it with her as she vowed to minho's parents to take care of their only child.

everything that happened, just make me jisung adore minho more than ever. how can someone hide so many pain and act like nothing?

oh. tsk.

jisung sigh at that, knowing exactly that was himself too. good at hiding pain...

jisung is boring. he thinks he need to find a job, just so he will not be a burden to minho and at the bright side, he also can buy things for minho if he works!

minho hyung
if i said
i want to work,
will you allow me?

minho ❤
um.. depends on what kind of job
have u think about it?

not yet...
but probably things that related
to music or art in general

minho ❤
um wait
i actually know someone
but babe,
are you serious?
because im afford to support both of us

its not about that, minho
i know u can support me
it just
im bored staying here alone,

minho ❤
you can come to my office!

you know damn well that you will not work if i was there....
and besides,
i REALLY want to work now

minho ❤
i thought i can convinced you to not work
but anyway
wait eh,
im asking this person...

jisung then put his phone at the nightstand, going to take a shower meanwhile waiting for minho to contact whoever that person is.

after few minutes, jisung has done showering and already have his outfit on. taking his phone before and walk downstairs, he think he need some fresh air so he goes to the backyard garden, taking in few deep breathe, inhaling the oxygen as much as he can, eyes closing.

his eyes then was welcomed by so many greens and flowers, making jisung squealed at the view. he has never been to the backyard garden, he mostly have a talk with mr.park at the front garden. for now, this is his favorite spot.

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