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jisung woke up feeling refreshed as ever, last night might as well be the best night he has ever encountered. thanking God that minho decided not to do round two while theyre showering, so his ass wouldnt be sore in the morning.

jisung heard a soft snoring beside him, he then closed the space between him and minho, snuggling close to minho's bare chest. minho on the other hand, sneak around his arm on jisung's waist, wrapping the younger closed to him. jisung sigh in content.

they stay in that position for few minutes, feeling comfortable to be into each other embrace. minho then pull his arm over as jisung trying to get away from the hug. minho open one of his eyes, looking at his boyfriend who are now taking his brand new iphone at the night stand.

"baby, come back here, i want to hug you" minho whined in his sleepy voice, making jisung groans at that.

jisung didnt complaint though as he let minho spooning him. he then press the home button, realising its already past 10a.m.

"hyung? you didnt work today?" jisung asked, head turning to look at his still sleepy boyfriend.


jisung did want to ask more questions on that but as he heard minho let out a soft snore, he decided to against it. both of them stay like that, for few minutes.... or what jisung thought.

they actually snuggling like that for two more hours, jisung dont even realizes when he fall asleep back, all he remember is he was scrolling down through twitter...

minho on the other side has woken up, also looking up into his phone, jisung took notice that minho still didnt take his shower, judging from his messy hair.

"i dont even realizes that i sleep back..." jisung said first, sitting.

"its fine, you have a tired night"

jisung lightly punch minho's chest, making the older to fake pain before he quickly push jisung down to the bed, tickling jisung.

"hyung!!! stop tickling me!!!" jisung screamed as minho still attacking his belly.

"give me a kiss first!" minho yelled back,

not wanting to let minho tease him again, he harshly push minho's hand, kissing minho slightly on the lips.

"no, more!" minho demand,

jisung then stick his tounge out, "nope! brush your teeth first mister, i dont want to kiss you with that stink breathe" jisung quickly running to the bathroom as he saw minho throwing the pillows at him. 


after few times fighting over dumbest thing they could ever think, they finally done showering, separately, not wanting to cause any scene that morning ;)

"why arent you working today?" jisung asked as they both making their way to the kitchen,

"just feel like it"

"boss can do that?" jisung mouth agape, shocked


"shit, the power you had!" jisung exclaim, making minho just laugh at the younger antics.

"hello mr.minho, mr. jisung" mrs. yoo greet the boys, which resulted to the boys greet her back. she then send a secret wink at jisung, making jisung blush. this is definitely the first time, he will spend his alone day with minho and mrs.yoo was there with them... jisung is a shy boy.

as they having their brunch & early lunch, minho and jisung casually talk about everything. mostly about minho's jobscopes and in return, jisung will tell him about how he met chan and changbin, and when they started doing music together.

just the two of them, catching up on the small details about each other.

"oh wait min, did you remember hyunjin, seungmin and jeongin?"

minho nodded, taking a sip of the tea, his eyes concentrate at jisung.

minho certainly remembered hyunjin the most because the guy has SO MANY stupid questions that he asked him that minho almost think the latter really did adore him so much.

"did you know, that the three of them actually likes each other? and they knew? but they still dont date???"

"oh? really?? why wont they?" minho ask back, curious.

"they said that they want to take things slow blah blah blah... but, bet they will get together soon!"

minho mouthed an 'o', "how about felix..? and the music guy?"

"THE MUSIC GUY?!!! YOU MEAN CHANGBIN?!!? minho youre so hilarious," jisung said, laughing at that, literally have no clue that minho described changbin like that.

"by the way, i think they have something going on, i can feel it to my bone" jisung dramatically said, making minho softly smiles at the latter.

jisung and minho spend their day watching whatever tv series that was played that day, not really complaining since they barely look at the screen. theyre too busy teasing and kissing each other.

mrs.yoo leave early that day, knowing so much that the couple need their alone time together.

"hyung," jisung called, taking minho attention from the tv.

"um, why?" minho asked, knowing that type of jisung's eyes.

"i have been thinking hard about this, but neither both of us have open up about our family... like, parents or siblings..."

"oh...why?" minho asked,

"should we talk about it? i mean, im not forcing you if you dont want too... but, i still want to learnt about you more" jisung said, his eyes move back to the tv screen, afraid if he has going out of the line. he knows family is a sensitive topic for minho.

"okay," minho reply back,

"you sure?" jisung asked, he genuinely concern about this. it's not like he doesnt have his own family problems, he did, but, he isnt scared to tell and show minho all his vulnerable side.

"yep... can we go back to the bedroom? its cozier there" minho asked, slowly.

jisung smiles, nodded his head as minho hold his hand to the bedroom.

both of them plopped down at the couch inside minho's bedroom, jisung sit next to minho, still holding each other hands.

it goes silent for second, noticing the sudden tense and cold air hitting them.

minho trembles, sigh for few times, looking at jisung's eyes before averted his eyes to the other side of the room.

"look minho, if you dont want, we can stop this and continue to watch tv" jisung said, softly, suddenly getting worried.

"no... i want to share this.. with you..."

minho take a deep breathe again, his hand colds agaisnt jisung's warm hands. his eyes meething the concerned jisung.

"my parents was killed, because of me"

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