||A cerulean confession||

Start from the beginning

Lost in her thoughts, a sleek black car suddenly appeared, and two masked men forcefully tried to abduct her. Sensing danger, she attempted to scream, only to have her voice muffled by a cloth thrust into her mouth. Despite her struggles, the intruders overpowered her with ease.

Taken to a secluded place, she was dragged inside a house, thrown onto a bed, and tied up. A third masked man, tall and broad with a joker mask, entered the room. Unable to speak due to the gag, Sanem sensed impending doom. As he leaned in with an injection in hand, her tears flowed as she tried to resist. But her efforts were in vain as the man injected her, and her vision grew hazy.

"Mom, Dad... forgive me," she thought before everything went dark.

Emre thought he had hit the jackpot when Sanem handed him the flash drive. He couldn't wait to uncover his brother's secrets, but to his surprise, all he found were children's cartoons and nursery rhymes.

"What the heck is this, Emre?" Aiyleen exploded, her face flushed with anger. Emre was just as baffled by the contents of the drive. He was convinced that Sanem had promised information about Jan's upcoming advertisement.

Frustrated, Aiyleen grabbed Emre by the collar, shaking him. "Emre, you promised to help me with our plan. I made you my partner and supported you, only to be let down like this?"

"Calm down, Aiyleen," Emre attempted to placate her, struggling to free himself from her intense grip. But her gaze was intense and accusatory.

Angry, Aiyleen continued, "Do you even realize the resources and trust I've invested in you? Are you truly on my side, or are you playing games behind my back?"

"Dammit, Aiyleen, of course I am on your side!" Emre retorted. "I've risked everything for you, even going against my own family. You have my loyalty."

Aiyleen's hold on him relaxed slightly, but her eyes still carried a warning. "That's my fear - when push comes to shove, will your loyalty waver due to family ties?"

Perplexed, Emre pondered if Sanem had betrayed him. How could someone seemingly so foolish deceive him? If she had indeed played a trick on him, he vowed to ensure she faced the consequences.

Mevkibe Aiydeen was vexed calling after her younger daughter. Setting the breakfast table she looked at Leila who was getting ready to go to her office,"Eil,go and call Sanem. I have been calling her since hours. Does she intend to skip her breakfast?"

"She has been acting weird since the last few days,"Leila said in a complaining voice.

Sanem was huddled in a corner. Shaking as tears dropped from her eyes. She couldn't forget that night she was kidnapped. Even though she became unconscious,when she woke up she was lying on the bed. There were no sign of her kidnapper. But she was messed up and felt as if someone had touch her inappropriately. She was sure something very bad happened to her. She somehow returned home and told her parents who were shouting on her that she was with Aiyhan for the night.

Sanem had no courage to to tell anyone about that incident that left her traumatized. She just prayed to Allah why was so much bad happening to her. She was lost in her thoughts when her phone rang.


"Sanem,where are you?"
It was Emre bey. He almost seemed furious for some unknown reason.
"What's wrong Emre bey?"
"Everything is wrong. What the damn happened!The pendrive you claimed to have records about Jan's new advertisement was hoax."

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