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WBE: 463
WAE: 839


((17th of Rain's Hand, 4E 205, 12:37 a.m.))

I retched when I breathed in the suffocating smoke. My throat burned with fury along with my skin. Someone was shaking my shoulder roughly, desperately trying to wake me. In the haze, I couldn't quite make out who it was. All I could tell was a rough accent and calloused fingers.

"Get up! The house is on fire!" the voice screeched, pulling me out of bed. The cistern was on fire...? A tongue of flame wrapped around my arm, forcing me to yelp in pain. My mind still on the cistern, I yelped in pain and tried escaping the blaze, scanning the room for a way out. I could not recognize where I was immediately, but the strange figure stood by a doorway while coughing. "This way!" they insisted. I pushed open the door while simultaneously hoping they were right and it led out.

My hands screamed as the wood burned my skin, and I let go prematurely. My savior was forced out, grunting in pain. We both breathed in fresh sea air, and whoever it was that woke me followed me out. The sky was dark and cloudy, barely morning. I looked back and realized that it was my own home, Honeyside.

I vaguely remembered leaving the cistern to Honeyside, not wanting to remain in the Thieves Guild any longer. A piercing roar shook the sky, and I finally noticed the crimson dragon flying around in the sky. I prepared to fling it to the ground with the Dragonrend Shout, until I realized who it was.

"Odahviing!" I called out, waving my arms to get his attention. The red Dovah spotted me and landed on the roof of the Bee and Barb, long scaled neck turned towards me.

His massive leathery wings hung over the side of the inn, preventing anyone from exiting. I doubted anyone would dare anyhow, regardless of the fact that this dragon likely wouldn't lay siege upon Riften.

"Zu'u meyz ahst ont!" he replied, voice raspy. Almost immediately, Odahviing lifted himself back up, swooping over and lifting me into the air. I may have been mostly used to flying astride the crimson drake, but it was still exhilarating in a frightening way. He made a second turn and clutched the one who'd saved me in his jaws. I recognized the squirming figure.

"Karliah?" I queried, gripping Odahviing's red scales while she held tightly to his jaw.

"I have as much of an idea about what's going on as you do!" she replied fearfully.

"Lokluv Strun Triir!" Odahviing Shouted, almost throwing Karliah to the ground. Rain, Storm, Pour.

The clouds began to rain harder, putting out the rest of the flames devouring my home. The roof was destroyed, and the glass was broken by the time the fire died out. However, the demolished Honeyside was the last thing on my mind. Why? I was in the grip of a dragon who was clearly more than slightly put out with me.

Odahviing circled around and put me on the ground alongside Karliah, both of us stumbling with vertigo. Multiple Riften guards ran towards Odahviing with their weapons drawn while letting out various battle cries. I shook my head furiously, raising my voice so they could hear.

"He's a friend! Leave him be," I demanded. The guards slowed reluctantly, watching Odahviing mistrustfully.

"Only for you, Dragonborn. But if he steps out, just say the word." Their weapons were put away, but most of them kept glancing my way as if to ensure my safety. If Odahviing wanted to harm me, all he would have to do is swallow me whole. No one would be able to stop him.

"What happened?" I asked Odahviing, choosing to ignore the men and women glaring our way.

"What were you thinking?" he snarled angrily, slamming his tail on the ground. While the earth shook, the guards sent worried glances over. I held up a reassuring hand before turning my attention back to the dragon.

"Stop, calm down. Calm down." I rubbed his scales, hoping that whatever had him fearful wasn't anything to worry about. I didn't necessarily need to kill the dragons, though I was perfectly capable of doing so if they meant harm. Most dragons were violent, and I had little qualms about ending them should they attempt to attack. Odahviing, well...

Some dragons merely landed in front of me, versed now in the Way of the Voice thanks to Paarthurnax. Their intent was only to speak with the Dovahkiin.

"I think it would be appropriate to have all three of you here," he growled. "Find the other one who foolishly gave himself to a Daedric prince." Karliah nodded and ran off to find Brynjolf, clearly relieved that he had released her even if it was only for a short while.

"What's going on?" I ensured I stayed entirely still, hoping that I could solve the problem without too many issues.

"Nahlon, Dovahkiin," he berated with a rumble, shifting his position. "Silent. I will speak with you once they all arrive. Kaat."


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