A Blade in the Dark

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WAE: 439

((16th of Sun's Height, 4E 205, 1:32 p.m.))

I collapsed onto his chest, his blood turning cold on my cheek. I convulsed with the horror fresh within, and I knew I would never forgive myself. The moment played over and over within my thoughts, which only made everything worse. I made the mistake of looking up, once again seeing his lifeless eyes staring dead ahead. The darkness in my mind took over. Brynjolf is dead. He's dead because of me. I did this... 

I did this.

"Does that answer your question, Russet?" Nocturnal sneered, the crow upon her wrist extending its wings and letting out a harsh caw. "You sold yourself to me for a question, and at last it has been answered just as I promised. Now you know your answer, and it has cost you greatly. You should know, Nightingale. Everything comes with a price, and it is one that you have paid. 

"Knowledge comes at a price. I don't think you knew it until now, dearie-- love is weakness. Your life relied on his so heavily. Without him, you will lose your will to breathe. That was the cost." The Daedric Prince leaned in closely, smiling horribly. "And when I finally take what is mine, I will have all I wanted. You are free of me for today, just as you wished... but you'll never be free from the guilt and shame of what you've done.

"And he will be my slave until the end of time." The Shadow Mistress let out a deep and harsh cackle that sent shivers down my spine. I lifted my head from Brynjolf's bloodstained body and craned my neck to look up at her. With a final smirk, she dipped her head mockingly and whirled around-- only to receive a blade through her gut. Her eyes grew wide, and her crow screeched before turning to ash on her wrist. "K-Karliah..."

"You were so intent on this 'prophecy'," the Dark Elf growled, twisting the sword. "Russet blood has been your downfall." She wielded my sword, the weapon I'd used... to kill Bryn. His blood still coated the blade. "This is the blood Russet spilled. The blood that taints yours, the blood of a mortal. You are nothing, Nocturnal. You are no more!" Karliah shrieked, forcing it through our enemy's body, russet blood seeping through the black garb, out of the fatal wound.

Nocturnal looked up, a mixture of puzzlement, anger and pain plastered on her face. "Karliah," she rasped. "M-my loyal Nightingale..."

"I was never yours," the Dunmer murmured, ripping the sword out unceremoniously. "Rot in Hell, Nocturnal."

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