
2.5K 122 31

WBE: 560
WAE: 806


((6th of Morning Star, 4E 203))


I tried to force my arms to stop, but they moved of their own accord. The spell was too strong for us to fight, even though Karliah was clearly trying to. It was obvious to me that only Mercer's demise would end this battle. Be careful, lass. I'd wanted to face Mercer with her and Karliah at my side, for us all to take our revenge.

But the lass had to take him on herself. 

Screeches of pain echoed around the cavern, and I inwardly winced as I realized the lass was injured. Somewhere in my mind, I thought back on why she'd reacted the way she had when I'd frightened her. 

She must have had a reason. She'd always had a reason.

As I thought of the lass, I found just enough strength inside of me to force my head her way. Tension traveled up and down her body as she plunged her sword into the air, which slowly turned into Frey. Her blue sword was slick with his blood as he flickered back into visibility. Ice from the lass' blade spread over his chest, and I knew it would be finished.

The lass, however, apparently wanted to go out with a bang. The storm surrounding her was released with three words.

"Strun Bah Qo!" I could have sworn that a dragon had taken control of her. She'd Shouted before, and it had been impressive. However, in all my thirty-five years, I had seen nothing compared to this. The rage of a tempest gathered in her limbs, the destructive force of lighting now was hers to command. Spasms ran through Mercer's body, and the magic binding me to fight ceased. The air crackled with furious energy, and I stared in wonder at Frey as he collapsed. Just like that, it was over.

The entire room shook, set off undoubtedly by the summoned hurricane. Water began to gush from the stone ceiling, slowly growing in volume. Both of the Eyes and the Skeleton Key were laying abandoned on the floor, and I hardly had time to retrieve them when I noticed that the lass wasn't moving.

"Lass! Get up!" The rocks began to tumble out of the walls, covering my voice with their loud crashing. "Oh, gods... no..."

"The place is coming down!" Karliah screeched. "Wake her up, we need to get out!" I hesitated, then ran to the door we'd come in. Countless rocks fell down just in front of it, creating an unbreakable barricade.

"The entrance is blocked. We're trapped!" I fruitlessly searched for another exit, glancing back and forth between the unconscious woman and the cavern. "Lass, wake up!" I demanded, hurrying to her side. I clasped her hand in mine, praying to every god that she'd wake.

The cavern was filling up with water faster with every minute that passed. Mercer's death marked a new era for the Guild, but I wasn't sure we would get out alive to see it.

"Come on, Dragonborn. Be strong! Dammit, move!" She twitched and sat up slowly with a groan, and my relief was mixed with heavy concern as she spoke.

"Let's... get out of here." Every word sounded forced, as if she was overexerting herself just by speaking. Unfortunately, I had no time to worry about that.

"How good is your swimming?" I didn't need to ask. She'd been in a freezing cold lake looking for gods-know-what, of course she could swim. Just well enough, the pistons above roared and steamed. The cavern was almost full of water, and I was relieved to see the lass staying afloat. She was pale, almost as white as snow. Mercer's body had sunk below the surface, and blood stained the ever-growing expanse of water.

"Find a way out!" Karliah gasped, trying to stay above the water level. She was pushing on the corners of the wall. "There has to be a way out, it can't end like this! Nocturnal, I beg of you, help us!" she cried.

I hadn't expected even the slightest response. However, the ceiling crumbled, and a small hole appeared. Without wasting a second, I swam over and started pulling away stones to clear an opening just large enough for us to pass through. Karliah's help made the process go by much quicker, and we managed to pass through just as the water would rise over my head.

We heaved our breath in and out, catching our breath alone seeming to be too difficult of a task. "We survived..." I panted heavily. "Thank the gods... or rather, thank Nocturnal. Right lass?" I turned around to where she was. Or rather, where I thought she was. "Lass? Where are you? Lass?" A horrible feeling sunk into my heart. 

Russet was still underwater.

Moonlight's Embrace (A Skyrim Fanfic) (ORIGINAL)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant