Russet Blood

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WAE: 823

((16th of Sun's Height, 4E 205, 12:01 p.m.))

"Nightingales," the Daedric Prince hissed venomously, halting in her struggles. Her ice-blue eyes rested on Brynjolf first, then on Karliah. She didn't spare me a single glance. "You have betrayed me."

"We have not betrayed you," Karliah snarled, curling her fingers. Her words were clipped. "We still defend each other against deadly threats-- you."

"Dearest Karliah, do your vows mean nothing? What would your precious lover say?" The form of Gallus appeared before the Nightingale, grimacing in disappointment. Gallus almost seemed to be in pain.

"Don't pay attention to her, Karliah!" Bryn growled, drawing his sword. "It's a trick!"

"Karliah," Nocturnal purred, "remove my chains. Release me. The prophecy must be fulfilled- after all, it was written specifically for the Russet Nightingale." I only stared dully, unsurprised.

"You leave her alone!" Brynjolf shouted, thoroughly enraged. I suppose I might have been glad he was so passionate about my safety, but...

He swung his sword, stumbling as it passed through the Mistress of Night harmlessly and sent him reeling. "You cannot hurt me," she chortled, pulling at her binds. "You have never been truly loyal."

"And you have?" he challenged, moving to cover me. Nocturnal cackled in sick amusement.

"I've always been loyal. The difference is that my loyalty is to none but myself. Oh, when will you pathetic mortals learn?" With a heave, the white chains shattered. Karliah was thrown backwards and let out a high-pitched squeal of terror. Nocturnal curled her lips at Brynjolf before giving him a sweet smile. His hand rested on my belly protectively. "Oh, so you've grown close to this little scut."

"Don't talk about her like that, you heartless bitch," he rumbled. Nocturnal seemed both amused and angered by his declaration. "What's your point?!"

"How ironic would it be to have the one dearest to you- the one you'd die for- to be the one to strike you down?" In her palm, the orb holding my soul materialized. "She is nothing but my pawn, and is under my total control!" I found my hands gripping the hilt of my sword, and I had no will to stop it. It was as though I was simply in another world, watching through the eyes of a stranger.

I swung at Bryn, who jumped back swiftly. His eyes swirled with emotion as they pleaded with mine. His blade was up, but he made no move to attack.

"Lass, listen to me!" he begged, blocking another strike. "This isn't you!" He turned his head to stare at Karliah, apparently to beg for her help, but the Dunmer paid no heed. She was frozen in place, staring at Gallus as though looking away meant her breath would stop. "Lass, stop!"

"She won't listen to you, fool," Nocturnal cackled, hovering behind us. "No one will." The crows on her shoulder echoed her dark chuckles.

"Lass! Russet!" Hearing my name coming from his lips sent a shock through me, and for a moment, I was thrown off-balance. However, it didn't last long. I soon returned to my attack on Brynjolf.

I ignored his every attempt to stop me, still not entirely in control of myself. Seeing my opening, I lunged forwards with my sword extended. Brynjolf cried out in agony as I thrust my blade deep into his chest. He crumpled to his knees, tears in his forest green eyes. I pulled out the sword, watching him collapse to the ground. "R-Russet," he croaked, blood bubbling at his mouth. "My... lass..." His eyes clouded over, and his movements stopped. The ground around his limp form was soaked with crimson blood. His chest barely rose and fell.

"This is your punishment and reward," Nocturnal gloated, floating to my side. She caressed my cheek as a proud parent might do. "Now, my beloved Nightingale, feel what you have done." She forced her hand into my body, returning my soul back where it belonged. The pain was unimaginable, and every emotion came rushing back in a vicious tidal wave.

Farkas' death. My harsh words and lack of friendship.

Then came the haunting realization of what I'd done.

Brynjolf. The bloody sword dropped from my hand and clattered down onto the stones below. I rushed over to him, tears beginning to well up. I knelt down beside him and grasped his hand tightly, hardly able to comprehend my own actions. His eyes were barely open as he moved up and brushed his crimson-stained fingers to my lips.

"No, no..." I sobbed, burying my face in his chest. "I'm so sorry, Bryn... I'm so sorry..."

"My Russet..." His body shook, and he coughed viciously. A trail of blood was left behind on my mouth, and I hated the metallic taste of his pain. "Lass... I..." One last tremor ran through Brynjolf before every one of his muscles went slack. His eyes stared dead ahead, and I could do nothing but stare at the cold, limp body of the man I loved.

"Bryn?! Bryn?! Bryn!!"

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