Know your opponent

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THE engineer welcomed Era when she arrived at the construction site of Lucinda's Tower. She was escorted to the nearby barracks where the technical group made a makeshift office.

It has been a week since she had a closed door meeting with Charles Turner of Turner Builders. They were partners in the construction of Lucinda's Tower.

Lucinda's Tower is a 50-floor high rise building. When build, it will overlook the skyscrapers in the city while on the other side will be still waters of the ocean where the sun rises.

Era presented the issues with Charles regarding the Lucinda project. He was embarrassed knowing that the shortcomings was from his party. He also admitted that he received the same reports from his construction manager.

Her and Charles knew each other from the previous project. She knew that Charles is a fair businessman and very meticulous when it comes to projects. The main reason she chose Turner Builders for Lucinda's Tower.

"Era James."

She turned when she hear her name. She send back a smile when she saw George Turner.

"The illusive architect of Samson Industries."

She laughed at his words. She shook at each other's hand.

"It's nice to see you again, Engr. Turner."

"The pleasure is all mine. I would have brought my daughter if I knew that you'll be here. She likes you better than her father." George express with a laugh.

She chuckled with him.

George is older than her by five years in her 30. Like his old man, Era heard good things about him.

After the pleasantries, they proceed to the discussion on the project's progress.

This is the resolution presented by Charles in their previous meeting. George will replace the former team leader of the project.

"Is this how you play your cards?"

They were in the middle of the meeting when they were cut short when Henry Turner make an impromptu visit.

Certainly, his presence brought tension to the group.

"Gentlemen, please give us a moment." It was George who made the statement.

One by one, the group leave the makeshift office until it was Henry, George and her were left.

"This is my project, George." Henry disclosed immediately.

"It was until you made a great neglect. Our company is in the verge of being sued because you forgot to do your job."

"I told dad that I will make it up to him."

Era made a fake cough. "Gentlemen, I'll be outside when you're done."

"This is all your fault."

A little astounded, she face the younger Turner when those words were directed to her. Once again, he is wearing a scowling face.

"Is this how you play?" Henry said with annoyance.

"I don't remember playing a game with you, Mr. Turner."

"Henry, let's talk about this in the office. It was our father's decision. Leave Miss James out of this."

Instead of listening to his brother, Henry confront her with a challenging attitude.

"Are you afraid that I will take what's mine?" He smirked at her. "You're creating issues that would distract me so that you will have the woman."

Era laughed when she understood the point of his argument. George is looking at them in confusion.

"Mister Turner, I never mix business with pleasure. When it comes to Samson Industries, I take everything seriously." It was her turn to smirk at him.

She put the hard hat atop the blue prints laid on the table.

"You have more pressing problems, Mr. Turner. Don't involve Lucinda's in your troubles. Your creditors were after your ass and I don't like my company to be mixed up with you. I will press charges if I see you here again."

She noticed how Henry's face paled. George stunned face did not escape her eyes.

She turned towards the exit but look at the younger Turner again. "One more thing, the woman is no longer your concern. Don't make me do something about it."

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