Nezu shouted something and several heroes lunged out. They dropped like stones as film like material danced into existence around Sare she grinned like a shark.

     "I had the honor to stand besides Deku in his life and I dare to hope people will work to continue his work, his true work, and help and support each other no matter what others have to say about it. He wasn't a professional hero. He was a person like you, like me, who saw people who needed aid and gave it freely and willingly. Deku hid behind the title for he did not find himself worthy enough for the respect, the gratitude his actions earned him. We know better. He believed he was just doing what everyone else did. That helping others like he did was what everyone should and did do. Let's prove him right. He was one of a kind, but he wasn't some distant God who benevolently deigned to help, no he was a person.  Just like everyone else. He was kind, selfless, and a good friend and leader. He was Kobayashi Izumi. A good and caring person, just like everyone else has the potential to be if they dare to try."

     The film followed her as she returned to her seat protecting her from any remains of the attacks that had continued through her speech. Some she teleported away, some Suzie put to sleep. She made to protest when Aire wiggled out of Cogitatio's grip to get up from her spot on his lap to speak, but followed her back to the edge of the hole anyway. The whole crowd heard her when she spoke because of the microphone Sare still griped tightly in her hand. Aire carefully crouched down and dropped a sparkling pink and purple necklace into the grave.

     "The heroes said it was really helpful when identifying you... but... Katsuo said we probably won't get it back since they are keeping it, so I made you another. I wasn't given a chance to give it to you directly, no one would let me see you, so this will have to do."  Izuku's eyes watered from where he sat and he pulled out the earpiece that was linked to the bug on Jin's suit. He hadn't had any people he was close to at the last one and the first had symbolized a new beginning as something other than a quirkless nobody. This time people who actually knew him spoke. This time he had been forced into it as a last resort with no plans for after. Katsuo watched the rest of the funeral beside him in silence, pulling him into a one armed hug.

      After the coffin was buried Momo walked to the front in tears to say a few words to Sare. They were pulled into a hug when they burst into tears, Sare's shoulders shaking slightly with repressed sobs as well. Jin just sat there. He hadn't taken a front seat like the rest of the bimonthly group and maintained his distance afterwards. Co sitting straight his face a mask, besides the Johnsons. Suzie squeezed Re and him in a hug from their right, all three of their faces were coated in tears, more still streaming down, as they held on like the others were a lifeline and they were drowning in the middle of an ocean.

      Jin still just say there, his eyes not moving from the sealed white casket even after it had long since been lowered. Not as it was covered with piles of dirt. Not as people cast him pitying looks or offered condolences. He just stared.  When the service was packed up and he was alone, Cogitatio shooting an uncertain look as he left with a hesitant Aire the sisters both trying to convince him before they too left, then he moved as if in a dream to the marble bench that sat by the tombstone. He didn't look at the tombstone itself, one Katsuo had fought Nezu on almost every step of the way. He sat there as night fell.

      Katsuo and Izuku descended toward the empty grave and him. Coming to a stop behind him Katsuo spoke, "Aw come on Tanaka, I know I called you a brainless, sorry, half-assed addled, rotten excuse for a bad mistake... among a few other things, but I didn't mean it." He had said all of those things before storming out although not exactly like that.

     With a series of crackling snaps Jin's head twisted all the way around, making Katsuo jump- Jin didn't tend to show his... flexibility, often- to see the two standing directly behind him. His eyes, still covered by dark sunglasses, landed on Izuku and suddenly he moved and the shorter found himself pulled into a tight hug nearly falling over the cold bench from the tug.

      "Jin.... it's okay. I'm here."

      Jin laughed despite choking on a sob as he held onto Izuku, Katsuo shifted awkwardly, you do know it's not real, the boss is still up and kicking- I don't think anything can kill him at this point."

     "I- I just kept thinking... it was so real- D- And Dekiru isn't exactly a cautious person- th- it could be real- so- he's always putting himself in dang- danger and with so many enemies..."

      "It's okay, Jin, it wasn't real though."

      "This time."

      Izuku nodded, "This time. Even with all the knowledge in the world, there's no telling when, but if you want you can be the one to punch someone and storm out next time."

      "Next time. You can't be..."

      "Like I said to Katsuo, this is my third time watching my own funeral, you know that, at this point I believe it's to be expected."

       Jin's laugh was much more real now. Katsuo pulled him up, slinging an arm over his shoulder as with another creaking, snapping, twist his head turned all the way around again and Deku got up as well, the three leaving behind the cold stone with the carefully carved words:

     'Here lies the wielder of  Pantomath, the greatest information quirk yet; Deku, taken from this world too soon. May he watch over us as the eternal hero.'

      It must be the greatest insult of all for Jones, reduced to ash in one of Deku's schemes and then mistaken for him. Katsuo had arranged an accident to happen so that his actual remains didn't lie in the tomb with Deku's name. No, the coffin had been completely empty, but the public didn't need to know that... yet. Or possibly ever.

       The eternal hero had a good ring to it, and Deku knew just the person to help. Nezu had just made him a saint and a martyr. For eternity

"So? You guys ready?" Carefully arranged purple hair with black streaks and yellow-orange hawk like eyes, they were Izuku's height wearing a leather jacket and dark jeans, piercings lining their ears and several necklaces wrapped around his neck. The teenager leant against Katsuo's car not far from where the service had taken place. "You have no clue how annoying this was, only a few months warning Friday Child? Where are your manners?"

"Left them behind after meeting you," Izuku glared through long, wild black locks, "Although I suppose I can't say that anymore can I..."

Nox grinned throwing an arm over his shoulder, "Nope! Come on, Mister Ito! You promised to drive us home."

"I am terrified right now..." Katsuo glanced between the sullen looking Izuku, or rather Yamikumo, and his grinning 'childhood friend' Alexandria Hero, who looked around Izuku's age instead of the at least five or six years older he had been the last time Katsuo had seen them. They grinned and winked at him as if they knew exactly what he was thinking.


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