chapter twenty-three

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I climb onto the back of Clive's motorcycle holding on tight. We took off down the road. My phone vibrates in my pocket but I don't dare remove my arms to check it. The wind causes my hair to whip around and hit my face repeatedly. I wonder if my dad will be out of the meeting before two weeks are up. I guess that would be okay but I don't know what to talk about with him.

What kind of dangers are there in store for me? If I went with my dad my family would be safe. Then on the other hand Mom is an exarchangel. I bet she could take care of whatever tries to harm them.

“Angelique we are here" Clive says. I didn't notice us slow down or get here. I smile, a little. I look around noticing the emptiness. Just trees and a park bench. I climb off the beast.

Clive tangles his hand with mine. I let him lead the way. My phone buzzes again.

“What is one thing you would want to meet?" He blurts.

I sign non fallen angels.

“What's your favorite color?" I hesitate before responding black or ocean blue.

“Where do you want to go?" He asks a third question.

What is this twenty questions, I say.

“if that's the case I go eighteen questions. What is your dream job?" Clive continues.

A artist, I blush a little.

“How many siblings do you have?"

I hold up two fingers.

“Why would you want to meet a regular angel" We walk on a path leading farther into the woods.

I think it would be an interesting encounter. Well I would like to meet an elf from the hobbit too. But it would be more likely to meet an angel.

“Where is your dad" he butts in but the way he said it seemed like he already knows the answer.

Who knows; I only meet him three, four times that I remember. I have seen my brother more times then I've seen him. I get that he's busy and all but I wish he would make more of an effort to talk about stuff non work related.

“What's your version of a romantic date"

I think it would be on the ground away from lights pointing out star constellations. Then laugh at whatever stupid joke either of us make. We would make up weird crazy stories which would end up with another giggle fit.

“What's your favorite icecream?" I shrug. I lean closer to Clive.

“Okay what was your first thought when you woke up?" That's a little deeper then the last.

My first thought was where am I? Who am I? How did I get there but I couldn't ask or understand anyone. It was like my data base was wiped. A barrier between me and the rest of the world.

“What do you think would happen if you could speak?"

I would not be here on this date. I probably wouldn't go to our school. I wouldn't have any of my friends. I would be bored.

“Do you have any of your memories from the past?" I shake my head.

“I would love to see the golden gate bridge. What would you like to see?"

I would also like to see the bridge. I jump up onto a bench. Me and Clive sit shoulder to shoulder.

Clive takes his hand back. He sets it back down.

“What do you like to draw"

People mostly, sometimes science fiction characters.

“What is your pet peeve?"

When people tap their pencils on the desk.

“If I were to tell you that you are the most beautiful person in this town would you believe me?" I shake my head.

“Well it's true. Do you watch anime?" I blush like crazy. No I don't.

There's a crashing noise from behind us. I get up quickly. Two guys in masks with knives and guns are right there. One attacks Clive the order comes at me. I kick at him but miss. He cocks his gun. A bubbling sensation goes through my body causing an shock. The guy flies fifty feet into the air. I stand there petrified at what I just accomplished.

Clive stares at me in amazement.

“I got a confession to make" He starts.

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