That one lie

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"Why would you lie to me?", he asked, his blue eyes looking up at me with such confusion, I couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking about.

"Lie about what?", I asked just as confused, we were stood out in the rain, our clothes soaked from top to bottom, his hair stuck to his forehead while his hands shivered but its like he wasn't paying attention to the weather or what was going on around him, his focus all on me.

"You said you wouldn't leave", he whispered, my eyebrows furrowing while I looked at him in the eyes but all I could see was hurt and betrayal, no sign that he was joking, no sign that he was just messing with me, he was serious.

"What do you mean 'leave', I'm right here", he shook his head and looked towards the floor, so I couldn't see his face.

"No you left, you didn't say goodbye you just walked out the door and... left me", his voice cracked at the end and while I felt like crying to I still didn't know what he meant, what door?, left when? why?.

"Andy I don't know what you mean", I said back, my mind swirling with thoughts as I watched the blonde lift his hand to his face to wipe his tears away.

"You left and then when I followed you, you shouted at me to go home, you shouted and told me you didn't want me anymore, but before I could leave there was a loud noise-", he took as deep breath,"- a screech on the road making both of us turn around and look at the vehicle coming our way-", he chuckled,"-but only one of us made it Rye, only one of us escaped the accident while the other escaped life", before I could utter a word out he looked up again, a bloody nose, two bruised eyes, scratches on every other part and blood mixed with tears covering his once beautiful face.

"Can you guess who got to live?", he chocked on a sob while I stared at him with wide eyes, I couldn't process what was going on in front of me, "Can you guess what happened to the other person?", I couldn't hold back my tears as he cried more as his breathing became uneven, "Why did you lie, why didn't you tell me you were leaving, I went after you because I didn't know why you left... why didn't you tell me?", I watched as he broke down completely falling to his knees while he looked up to the sky and closed his eyes, sobs coming from him breaking me.

"WHY ME?", he shouted as he opened his eyes once again, "WHAT DID I DO WRONG?", he sobbed, screaming at the same time. He looked up at me once again, his eyes red and his lips trembling, "I loved you Rye, I loved you so much and you left... you caused me so much pain... and for what, you didn't want to tell me why you left?, you didn't want to tell me that you lied?, W-WHY?", I shook my head as his figure blurred, I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to think, all I could do was watch as my love broke down before me.

"I'm so sorry Andy, I'm so, so sorry, I promise I didn't mean for it to happen that way, I swear to you that I didn't", he just choked on another sob but this time, I watched as blood poured from his mouth to, I watched as it dripped down his chin onto his lap, as he looked down and cried more the sight making me feel sick to my stomach, "I'm s-sorry", cried kneeling down in front of him when he fell to the floor.

"I loved you", he whispered, my heart breaking all over again, memories from the accident replaying in my head causing my tears to fall rapidly, my arms holding Andy to my chest as he cried, as he slowly passed away all over again. "Why didn't you take me instead?", I whispered as I looked up, as I watched as the rain got heavier, "I lied to him, I left him and you took him instead of me, HOW'S THAT FAIR. Was it a punishment?, for leaving him, knowing that I would regret it all because I do, I regret everything I did", by now I was a sobbing mess holding Andy close to my chest scared that if I let go he would disappear all over again.

I closed my eyes as I cried harder, every memory with him coming back, every 'I love you' replaying I my head, every smile, every laugh, everything coming back to me, to be cherished forever.

"Take it all back please, I don't want to live like this... take it back"


I woke up with a cry, my arms wrapped around myself and my cheeks wet, looking around to see that I was back in my room, but not my room at the band house, the room I slept in when I lived with my family, I got up and looked in the mirror, my whole complexion looking younger, I looked like I was 19 again. Then I heard a knock at the door, my mum walking in and telling me I had a visitor, I picked up 'my phone' and checked the time but I also caught a glimpse of the date, the year 2015, I stood confused for a second before I clicked in my head and I ran down the stairs, running into the living room to see him sat talking to my mum on the sofa, his blonde hair styled and his blue eyes looking up at me.

"Andy", I whispered, I could feel myself tear up as I looked at him, he smiled before standing up and running into my arms, his arms snaking around my neck as my own held him against me for dear life, "But you-you were... how did-", he looked up at me and placed his hand on my cheek.

"I don't know", he whispered, "But I'm here", I hugged him again looking over at my mum as she stared at us in confusion, "Promise you wont leave again, or at east tell me first", he whispered in my ear.

"I promise to you I'll never leave your side ever again"


Was that supposed to be more sad... yes, did I give up because it was 3 in the morning... yes, was I already crying before writing this, then making myself cry even more while writing this...yes, do I still like the story... maybe.

Yes the ending was rushed and I know it wasn't that good but I had no idea how to end it, at first I was going to just leave it without the ending but I didn't know if it made sense so like yolo.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this one, I know it was sad at first but like at least it had a happy ending...

(sorry I didn't edit)

Vote and comment any story ideas plz xx

Until next time,

Jess X

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