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The first time I saw him I was looking out of my bedroom window he was sat on the swings, a bright smile on his face while he held a red rose in his hand, I rushed down the stairs not bothering to put any shoes on as I ran out the back door but when I got outside there was no one there. I sighed and went back inside ignoring the looks that both Sonny and Harper gave me, just making my way back to my bedroom.

The second time I saw him he was sitting down on the grass his legs crossed as he looked at the roses that grew next to him, his small hands touched them gently before he started to giggle, this time I made sure I was quicker but when I got outside he was gone again, leaving me to wonder if he was ever there in the first place.

The third time I saw him was at the fair, I had gone there with Brook, Sonny and Harper, they were all in front of me singing along to a song that was playing while I laughed behind them getting a few looks from the strangers who were around us. He was stood by one of the stools, a giant teddy in his arms with a rose in his hands, he smiled brightly before he ran off behind the stool, I ran after him but when I got there it was empty.

The fourth time I didn't see him, I heard him, his bedroom door had been closed for months but when I heard the strum of guitar and voice of an angel, I couldn't help but open it. When I got inside it looked exactly how it did 8 months ago, his bed still not made, his guitar stood up the wall, his favorite boots next to his draws and the pages from his diary spread out across the floor with a vase of dead roses stood next to them.. I couldn't help but break down, my breathing becoming uneven as my vision became blurry.

The fifth time I saw him he was sat under the old oak tree that stood in our back garden, he was sat with his knees up while he held a rose to his chest, his eyes closed as he looked like he was sleeping, just as I was about to go outside he opened his eyes, looking straight at me making my breath hitch, he broke into a big smile showing of his dimples before he disappeared again, leaving me confused.

It went on like this for months, I saw him nearly every week but when I tried to tell people they told me it was just my imagination, I missed him thats all. I believed them after a while but it still felt so real, it still felt like he was right in front of me.

I thought it was going to stay like that but the next time I saw him, he was stood outside, it was raining and he was looking at the roses again, stroking his hand across them as he walked. I made my way down stairs, putting my shoes on quickly while I grabbed a jacket, I opened the backdoor only to see he hadn't disappeared he was still there.

"Andy", I whispered and he turned around, his blond hair stuck to his forehead from the rain as his blue eyes shone.

"Rye", my breathing quickened, the tears started to fall quicker then I expected. "Why are you crying?", he asked, making me cry even more.

"Cause I miss you", I sobbed watching as a small smile appeared on his face.

"I'm right here though", he giggled

"No you're not, it's just my imagination, you're not here anymore", I said, mainly to myself.

"Oh... well why aren't I there?", he asked, tilting his head like he normally did when he was confused.

"You passed away", he nodded his head while he picked up one of the roses.

"How?", He then asked.

"You weren't happy anymore, you wanted to go to a better place", he nodded.

"Am I in a better place now?" , this time it was my turn to nod, knowing that the place he is in would be better then the place he was in mentally.

"I like your roses", he said, holding up the rose in front of his eyes.

"There yours actually ", I replied, we had planted them a few weeks after his funeral, a memory of him since He liked them so much.

He gasped, "They're beautiful", I smiled through my tears even though I knew this was probably wasn't real.

He looked up at the sky letting out a breath when he looked back down again. He held out the rose in front of him as he walked towards me handing me the rose. "I have to go now", he smiled again, while I couldn't help as the tears started to fall rapidly, knowing this was probably going to be the last time I saw him.

"Can't you stay a little longer?", I asked holding the rose tightly while he just giggled.

"Nope, she said I've had long enough now", I shook my head in confusion.

"Who?", He giggled again.

"My mom", he said making my eyes widen, his mom had passed away a few years back. "She says hi by the way", he smiled then stood on his top toes giving me a kiss on my cheek before he took a few steps back.

"Andy..." , he waved goodbye.

"We'll be together again soon, don't worry I'll be waiting for you.. I love you", then he disappeared leaving me to fall to my knees, my whole body shaking and the tears coming out like waterfalls.


I woke up in my bed, a cup of tea next to me making me sigh, realizing it was just a dream.

"Hey", I heard Sonny say from the door way, I smiled at him as he sat down on my bed. "Why were you outside?" , he asked making my head shoot up to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"I found you outside with one of Andy's roses in your hands, so I bought you in, got you dried up and into bed, so you didn't get ill", he said but I wasn't concentrating properly.

"Where's the rose?" , he just sighed and walked over to my windowsill picking up the rose and handing it me. "It wasn't a dream", I whispered.

"What?", Sonny asked but I ignored his question as my eyes started to water, I looked up and closed my eyes, holding the rose
close to chest as I heard Sonny leave the room.

"I love you too...."


Sorry for the sad story but yolo.

Thanks for reading and voting, it means a lot ❤❤

(Sorry if there's any mistakes I didn't really edit this one)

Until next time,

Jess X

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