Breaking a Rule (part 2)

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Andys POV

It had been a week since my kiss with Rye, we hadn't spoke since then, him having left before I even got up. I told Sonny about it too, he was really excited actually and told me that he knew something was gonna happen, he's a total fangirl. The only person that doesn't know is Brook, and I don't plan on telling him anytime soon.

As I walk through the front door, I'm greeted with the sight of Rye and Brook shouting at each other. They turn and look at me, both of them giving glares, what have I done now, I give them a fake smile and walk upstairs, no way am I getting involved, even if it's about me. Nope.


I set my book down on the draws, having just read 4 chapters of it. I quickly shove one of Sonny's hoodies on, as I was only in boxers, he gave it me weeks ago and hasn't asked for it back and because its comfy i'm keeping it, then I quickly walk to my door and down the stairs, wanting to be quick so I can go back upstairs.

Walking into the kitchen I notice that no one is in there, I sigh in relief before walking over to the freezer, opening it and pulling out my tub of cookie dough ice cream. I grab a spoon from the draw, but as I go to turn around I feel someone's chest press up against my back, their hands sliding down my sides and gripping at my hips. Rye.

"Hey", he whispers making goosebumps form all over my body.

"hi Rye", i turn around to face him, pushing his body away from mine. He frowns but just walks over to the fridge grabbing a bottle of water out before looking back at me, as I shove a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth, he chuckles.

"what's up?", I ask still in the middle of eating the ice cream.

"Nothing really, Brooks just pissed at me so... "

"Why's that then?", I ask, what I like gossip.

"He found out about the kiss", I rolled my eyes, gosh he's so dramatic, like seriously it was one kiss that more likely won't happen again.

"Oh, how?"

"Sonny told him", I frown, what the frick I told the son of a douch not to tell him, gosh what a dick.

"that piece of shoot", he chuckles before he looks at me again, us staying silent for a minute, then he laughs again.

"you've got ice cream down your hoodie now", I look down at my hoodie and see a trail of melted ice cream down it, I must have had ice cream on my spoon or something.

"Fuck, Sonny's gonna kill me", I say, to myself, while trying to wipe it off.

"why would sonny be mad", Rye asks, a frown plastered on his face.

"cause it's his hoodie"

"Why do you have his hoodie on?" , oop someone's jelly, kidding.

"Er... Cause I'm cold", I say looking back up at Rye, his jaw clenched, what the... It's only a hoodie.

"couldn't you wear your own hoodie? "

"I could but this one's way more comfy" , I smirk when he frowns even harder and his fists clench. I walk over to the freezer putting my ice cream back before heading off towards the door, but just before I reach it, Rye grabs my wrist and turns me back around.

"Rye... let go"

"No", he says grabbing my other wrist as well.

He starts walking forward, making me walk backwards until I'm up against the wall, he lets go of my wrist only to take a hold of my waist.

He moves closer, so our bodies are touching, and brings a hand up to hold my chin so I can't look away.

"let go", I whisper whilst looking into his soft brown eyes, he shakes his head.

"You know we can't do this again, Brooks already mad at us isn't he?", He nods

"so let go, so I can go back upstairs", he shakes his head... Again, urgh.

I sigh and just relax into his touch as he strokes my cheek with his thumb. He moves a bit closer, our noses only an inch apart, my breathing becoming heavier as my lips part.

Ryes POV

He closes his eyes as I lean even closer, but I just skim his lips with mine before I start kissing down his jaw towards his neck, I can feel his heart starting to beat faster in his chest as his hands fly into my hair. I notice his breath hitches as I kiss just underneath his ear,

"found it", I whisper in his hear, making him shiver before I kiss the same spot, sucking and biting on it, definitely going to leave a mark, I don't care, I want people to know he already belongs to someone. I hear a small whimper escape his lips, making me smirk, I kiss back up his neck, up his jawline and towards his mouth. I put my lips on his, him kissing back straight away, my hands going to the bottom of his back while his wrap around my neck.

As I deepen the kiss, I get so lost in it that I don't realise someone opened the door and was now standing behind us until they clear there throat making Andy pull away. I turn around and of course Brook is stood there with his arms crossed over his chest, and a frown on his face.

"what the fuck", Brook says, I let go of Andy and fully turn around to face him.

"What?", I ask, obviously i know what

"What do you mean 'what?', I just walked in to you kissing my brothers face off, like we literally spoke about this today rye", I looked over at Andy who had his head down but I could Cleary see a bright pink blush forming on his cheeks, along with a small smile.

"I don't care Brook", he looked at me like I had grown two heads.

"What do you mean you don't care",

"I mean I don't care about your stupid rule, about whether you want us together or not because to be completely honest it isn't your choice Brook, it's ours", I turn around and take Andys hand in mine, Brook looks out intertwined fingers and looks back up.

"I... You can't-"

"Moan all you want brook, it won't change anything", I walk out of the kitchen, with Andys hand in mine, and we walk up the stairs towards his room. When we get in there Andy finally looks up with a big smile on his face showing off his dimples.

I smile back before looking down at his hoodie, I frown.

Andys POV

"Wait here", Rye says and walks out of my bedroom, coming back with a black hoodie in his hands.

He walks over to me and lifts Sonny's hoodie up and over my head, throwing it on the floor afterwards, he grabs the black hoodie and slips it over my head and my body.

"Much better", he smiles, I look down and see that this hoodie reaches my mid thigh, and the sleeves are way to big for me.

"who's is this one?", or course I know it's his, his scent is all over it but still.

"Mine", he says with a smirk, I feel a blush spread across my cheeks.

"let's get some sleep", Rye takes my hand in his and leads me towards the bed, he lies down pulling me down with him, I cuddle into his chest as he pulls the covers over us. I could get used to this.


There you go lovelys, the second part, sorry it took so long  :(

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this part, if not cool.✌

Until next time

Jess X

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