I'll pick myself back up

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'"Goodbye Ryan", I smiled one last time and turned on my heels, not stopping the tears that started to fall.'


"He's such a good guy and I just...", Brook sighed as he rested his chin in his hands, he stared at the brown haired boy who was stood with his friends, his hands in his pockets as he laughed again.

"Brook, I don't know what you want me to do", the truth was I'd had a crush on Ryan for nearly 2 years and we were quite good friends anyway, we had been on a few 'dates' before and kissed once or twice but that was a couple months ago, we hadn't done anything else. I found out brook also had a crush on him 3 months ago, so I had tried to push my feelings down as much as I could for his sake.

"I don't know either", he looked at me for a moment before getting up and walking away, talking about how he needed a break from staring.

I lay my head on my crossed arms which lay on the table, my heart feeling more heavy then usual and I could feel as my eyes started to fill with tears but I didn't know why.

"Hey Andy", I heard Ryes voice in front of me, him taking the seat that brook had been in before. "How are you?", I rested my cheek on my fist and looked at him, giving him a smile before I spoke.

"I'm good thank you, what about you?", I could feel as my heart started to beat faster, the tears in my eyes wanting to spill while my breathing began to become uneven, my mind swirling with thoughts while I couldn't stop my body from shaking.

"I'm alright thanks... So anyone special in your life?", he raised one eyebrow and smirked, I gulped and shook my head no, his eyebrows narrowing while he frowned, "What about that crush you had?", I let out a breath and just smiled.

I had told him a few months ago about the crush I have, not that it was him obviously just that I had a crush, I was at the stage of trying to drop hints that I liked him but I gave up when he just wasn't getting it.

"I'm getting over it", I said forcing a smile on my face and watching as a confused expression plastered on his.

"Why?... Did they reject you?", I let a breathy laugh out and shook my head.

"No I-i didn't tell them"

"Then why?", I just shrugged and he raised his eyebrow again, I sighed.

"A friend of mine has also got a crush on them", I mumbled, the feeling in my chest getting worse while I couldn't help as a tear slipped, luckily going unnoticed.

"So... may the best man win I say", he chuckled and I just smiled shaking my head. "Why can't both of you like them?"

"I'd rather have my friends be happy then have a silly crush that could cause trouble for our friendship", I said, watching as Rye pulled a sad expression.

"But what about your happiness?", He asked and I couldn't help but let another tear fall, this time going noticed but he didn't say anything else.

"If their happy I'm happy", he just sighed and I could tell he didn't believe me, hell I didn't even believe myself but it's true if brook got to be happy I'm sure I'd become happy overtime. "What about you, anyone special in your life?"

"No not yet, but I've got my eye on someone", he smiled while I couldn't help but want to cry because even if it was me I would have to say no, Brook has a crush on him and Brooks happiness is more important than mine. " I just don't know how to tell them", he then said.

"Erm well just go up to them and tell them, you're a great guy and no one would ever say no to you", I replied, completely regretting it afterwards scared that I gave him the wrong impression. He gave me a smile before nodding his head and standing up. "Where are you going?", I asked my heart dropping as well as my smile.

"I'm doing what you told me to do", as he walked off I felt as the tears started to fall, not only because it wasn't me he 'likes' but also because I had fallen for him and had tried to get my feelings to go away but they were more prominent then ever and I couldn't help it. I pulled the hoodie sleeves over my trembling hands and lay my head on the table, letting out a silent cry when he walked over to Brook, patting him on the back and giving him a smile before he started to speak.

I watched as a big smile made its way onto Brooks face, him saying yes over and over again before he jumped up and gave rye a hug. Brook opened his eyes and looked over at me, mouthing a thank you to me clearly not noticing the red puffy eyes and wet cheeks, which I was thankful for not wanting to ruin his moment with my stupidity.

They let go of each other and Brook ran over to me making Rye turn around to, me standing up so Brook could hug me while he said thank you over and over again. I hugged him back, giving Rye a smile as his eyes widened only now realising that hes the one I had a crush on and Brooks the one I gave my happiness to.

"I'm going to tell Sonny and Harper", Brook basically screamed as he ran off in the opposite direction, I picked my bag up off the chair and put it onto my back, wiping my tears away that surprisingly brook still didn't notice.

"Why didn't you tell me?", I heard his soft voice behind me, me turning around to face him as I gave him a sad smile.

"It wouldn't have mattered anyway", his lips turned into a sad frown but I just smiled instead, "I'm happy for you", I gulped as I tried to keep my self composed not wanting to cry in front of him.

"Please tell me it was just a crush... You didnt?.. ", I knew what he was getting at but I don't have it in me to keep lying so I just closed my eyes, hearing a sad, quite sigh come from the boy in front of me. "I'm so sorry andy", I opened my eyes again shaking my head.

"Don't be... I'll be okay... I'll pick myself up like I usually do... I'll be fine", I said watching as his eyes glazed over while mine were so teary I couldn't see properly.


"Goodbye Ryan", I smiled one last time and turned on my heels, not stopping the tears that started to fall.


I know this is quite short but yolo it man.

Anyway I hope you liked this one, I know it wasn't Randy but it still sort of was...

Until next time,

Jess X

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