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*knock* *knock*

I knocked on the door and waited patiently for my boyfriend of 2 years to open up, I had to tell him something that was slowly eating at my brain.

"Come in", Andys soft voice spoke up from inside. I opened the door and was met with Andy lying on his stomach, his phone in his hands as he scrolled through instagram. He peered over his shoulder and gave me a big smile before setting his phone down on his draws.

"Hey Rye", he said, jumping off his bed to give me a hug.

"Hey Fovvs", I replied detaching myself from him so I could sit on his bed. He looked at me confused but didn't say anything and just came and sat next to me.

"What's wrong?", He asked, his voice laced with concern making me feel even more guilty then I already was. I gulped as I looked up, being met with his big blue eyes staring at me with worry.

"... I... I need to erm t-tell you something", I moved my gaze down to my clammy hands and shaking legs, what had I done.

"What is it Rye?", He asked quietly, probably scared that if he spoke to loud I'd faint, I probably would.

"I.... I erm... ", I stopped, slowly looking back up at him, taking a deep breath before I spoke, "I... I made a mistake... A big mistake", he looked at me confused, "I didn't mean to do it... It just happened", I watched as he eyes widened and his chest started to rise and fall at a quicker Pace.

"I'm so sorry Andy", he stood up walking a few steps away from me, his back faced me as I spoke.

" I-i got drunk... We were both drunk... I... I don't know what I was doing",

It stayed silent for a few minutes until he turned back around, his cheeks red as tears fell down from his eyes.

"Who was it?", He asked not bothering to wipe away another tear as it rolled down his face.

"I don't think it matters", i looked down at the floor, my eyes also starting to fill with salty tears.

"don't you think I deserve to know?", his voice was so so quite, I looked back up at him, his blue eyes glazed with tears and his bottom lip between his teeth.

I sighed, "Hannah... It was Hannah".

I heard a faint sob erupt from his throat, "y-your ex", I nodded slowly.

"when was it", I gulped again, that was the question I didn't want to answer, he had told me not to go,

"No don't go something bad could happen... stay with me tonight, please",

"I'm not going to it don't worry, but I've got an errand to run, I'll be back later"

"Thursday", he thought about it for a minute, then he realised.

"I... You said... Why?", He cried, I closed my eyes again, breathing slowly trying not to cry.

" I don't know Andy, I was bored I wanted to go and have fun... I'm sorry"

Andy wiped his tears and looked at me, pain obvious in his shining eyes, "Y-you lied... You lied to me", he whispered, turning away from me once again.

I stood up from the bed, wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans, "I'm so so sorry Andy, I swear I didn't mean to", I slowly walked over to him, putting my right hand on his shoulder only for him to shake it off again.

" A-Andy...? ", he shook his head, not daring to look at me.

"Please get out", my heart dropped from my chest , eyes filling with tears again, legs shaking violently. He turned around, his gaze fixed on the floor, as he rubbed his upper arm with his left hand.


"Andy... Don't make me leave, we can work this out, c-cant we?" ,I asked hopefully, I didn't want to leave it like this it would definitely make the situation worse.

"No, we can't",

"what do you mean, 'we can't ', we have to or our relationship won't work", my voice high pitched as I tried to breath, this can't be happening.

He finally looked up at me, "what relationship Rye?" , he did with a of pure confusion on his face, "we're over".

I couldn't breath, the imaginary hands tightening their grip on my neck, no, no this isn't how it's supposed to go, he's supposed to forgive me.

"What?", is the only word I could get out.

"You cheated on me Rye, with your ex, we've been together for 2 years, and you cheated on me, like I was nothing... What did you expect Rye for me to forgive and forget, tell you or was 'no big deal', make you promise to never do it again-"

"-I won't do it again-"

"What if you do, am I supposed to just forgive you again, let it slide again, NO Rye I'm not doing that, I don't want to be in a relationship where I don't even know if I can trust you to do something. You said you weren't even going to that party, you did any way and then you... you... ", he turned away and walked towards the door opening it to show the light from the hallway.

He tilted his head towards me then towards the door, hinting at me to leave. Before I could utter a word he closed his eyes and bowed his head, "please", I sighed, moving to the door.

Andy let go of it and walked over to his bed sitting on it before bringing his legs up to his chest and resting his head on knees. 

" Andy-"

"Good bye Rye", I could hear the pain in his voice, it was utterly heart breaking.

" I love you Andy, and I'm sorry"

"I love you to", he whispered, and that was the last thing I heard before I closed his bedroom door and walked away.


This was shit and short and I'm sorry... :)✌

Anyway I hope you all cool, and having good lives an all that... Yeah

Also sorry this is late, I've ran out of ideas and I was upset, y'all probably know why:(

Until next time lovleys,

Jess X

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