Secretly his

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"Are you coming round mine today?", Brook asked as we walked out of the maths classroom, the bell for the end of the day ringing just as we reached my locker.

"Yeah, do you think I'd be able to stay over?", he nodded his head making me smile. My mom was going out of town today meaning i'd be alone, which scares me, and I know Brooks parents like me enough to let me stay, the only problem is his older brother, Ryan Beaumont. You see we've been sleeping together for about 7 months, we're not dating because he says he doesn't want a relationship with a high school kid even though he's only two years older then me, me being 17 and him being 19, but Brook is getting suspicious and I don't really want him knowing that I've be been fooling around with his older brother.

"Cool, I'll ask Sonny and Harper if they want to stay over too, since it's friday", I agreed, shutting my locker after I had shoved my books in to my bag, slipping it onto my back as we walked down the hall towards the entrance. When we got outside we saw Sonny and Harper waiting for us, both of them sat on the stairs looking out at the car park.

"Hey guys!", Brook shouted making them both turn around Sonny laughing at Harper who had his hand on his chest going on about how he might have actually shit himself, which then ended up in all of us laughing our heads off, until a teacher came out and told us to go home.

"So I was wondering if you guys wanted to come and stay at mine tonight, Andy is", Sonny nodded his head while Harper text his mom asking if he was allowed, nodding his head as well when his mine said yes.

We made our way to Brooks house afterwards, not bothering to go back home to get pjs knowing all of us sleep in boxers and we all had spare toothbrushes at each other's houses.


"Can we order pizza?", Harper asked after we had finished playing monopoly, all of us now sat on our phones.

"If you call them then sure", Brook replied as he threw his phone onto the sofa, Harper stood up going into the kitchen after he asked us what we wanted. Just then the doorbell rang, all of us pulling confused faces, Brook stood up and got the door walking back in with Rye and Harvey.

"Sup losers", Rye said, all of us giving him a wave while he sat down next to me, pulling out his phone while Harvey stood awkwardly in the door way.

"I thought you guys were staying over at his", Brook sighed as he flopped down next to Sonny, crossing his arms over his chest.

"yeah well we decided to stay here", Rye said as he patted the seat next to him for Harvey to come and sit down.

"But I told you I was having friends over", Brook whined.

"I know", Rye smirked. I glanced at him for a moment, his eyes already piercing into mine before they broke away and looked down to my lips, mine doing the same. I could tell what he wanted to do, what he thought was going to happen tonight but I was getting quite sick of it to be honest, not the sex that was good, just the fact that i was only sex to him.

"The pizzas on its way", I looked over at Harper, him walking  into the living room, slipping his phone into his back pocket while he took a seat next to brook.

"Thank god, I'm starving", Rye said, standing up and walking into the kitchen, my eyes following him.

"So you're the kid Rye keeps talking about", I heard Harvey whisper as he moved closer to me, I looked over to him giving him a confused look while he just smirked. "I've heard a lot about you", he said keeping his voice quiet so the others didn't hear him.

"Like what?", I questioned, he just chuckled in response, giving me a wink before he too stood up and made his way into the kitchen, leaving me with a billion thoughts.


"Truth or dare", I asked Harper him picking truth liked he has the last 4 times.

We had started playing truth or dare after the pizza came, Brook coming up with it cause he was bored. Rye and Harvey had joined in after we started, all of us say in a circle while the pizza was in the middle surrounded by red cups with alcohol in, i was sat between Brook and Rye not really wanting rye to sit by me but not stopping him when he sat down.

"urgh fine, Erm how many people have you slept with?", Brook snickered next to me, Harper going bright red while he shifted in his seat.

"Ermm no one", he mumbled Brook bursting out with laughter while I smacked his shoulder.

"Brook just cause you've slept with half our year group doesn't mean Harper has", Brook gasped while everyone else started to laugh.

"Shut up Andy you've probably slept with more people then me", he pouted while I heard rye mumble something under his breath.

"what did you say? ", I asked, everyone turning to look at him while he just smirked.

"I said yeah right", he smirked while everybody else gasped again.

"I'll have you know that I have slept with a few people actually", he frowned.

"Who?", he raised his eyebrow while I couldn't help but smirk at how possessive he sounded.

"A guy from school, Sonny and some other dude that I don't much care about", I heard Brook and Harper gasp from beside me while Rye glared at me.

"You and Sonny slept together... When? ", Harper basically shouted making me hush him quickly since it was midnight.

"couple months ago", Sonny answered taking a swig of poison while he just smirked when everyone but Rye gasped again.

"Anyway let's carry on with the game", I said after a couple moments of hushed whispers between Brook, Harper and Harvey.

"Okay Andy, truth or dare?"

"Erm fuck it dare", I said, watching as Brook smirked and whispered something too Harper, Harper nodding in response.

"I dare you to kiss Sonny for 1 minute... without taking a breath"

To be continued....


So I know I don't normally do them like this but if I hadn't it would have been to long so...

Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this one and make sure you vote and comment any story ideas you have.

(I haven't edited... Sorry)

Until next time,

Jess X

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