A private love story

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Andy's POV

I looked over the crowd as they screamed my name, as they cheered and applauded when I walked onto the stage, as they looked at me in awe, smiles on their faces and hands in the air. Yet I couldn't help but feel the pain in my chest from what had happened the week before, I couldn't help but want to cry when I thought about the words he said, the tears that streamed down both our faces when he said that he couldn't do it anymore, he didn't want to stay in the dark, he wanted a public relationship and with me he couldn't have that.

The sound of the crowd pulled me from my thoughts, when the music started to play in the background and the flashing lights lit up the stage making it almost impossible to see the faces of the people around me. I pulled the microphone from off the stand and closed my eyes for a moment, trying to pull my self together before I broke down there and then, before the tears that were forming in my eyes could escape and race down my face. I looked over at my manager and watched as he gave me a thumbs up before going back to what ever he was doing on his phone i sighed but before I could dwell on the fact that my own manager didn't care I started to sing the first song of the night, a few people screaming louder, a few people singing along, a few people recording with there phones, a few people talking with the people next to them, the same things that happened at every single concert I did.

I opened my eyes, looking down at the crowd in front of me, clapping their hands rapidly when the song ended, praising me with there screams, I looked over to where my manager was seated and sighed again when I saw that he was on the phone not paying attention to the singer that he had 'created'. I took the guitar from the side of the stage, mumbling a small thankyou to the man who helped me put it on with out messing up my hair or makeup or clothes that had to be perfect because apparently to get people to like you, you have to be perfect. I walked back to the center of the stage and put the microphone back on the stand and began playing my second song of the night, not having to tune my guitar as it had been done for me already.

Through out the song I couldn't help but tear up, memories from when I played it to him on our 1 year anniversary playing in my head, the way he looked at me with so much love, so much affection, he had made us dinner at his house that night, not being able to go out without being noticed, so we had our dinner, we watched a few movies cuddled up on his couch and then I played him the song, the song that I had written for him a few weeks before, watching him tear up as he listened intently to the lyrics. I hadn't planned for the song to go public, I didn't want other people to know it apart from him and I but when my manager heard me playing it in my room he insisted that it should go on the new album, I had said no but he wouldn't take no for an answer and made me record it in the studio to release later on. I remember the look I got from my lover when it started to play on the radio but all I could do was say sorry with a sad smile painted on my face, he just sighed and walked into the kitchen leaving me to my thoughts.

When I finish the song I look out at the crowd again, a few of them cheering, a few of them crying and a few of them filming, my manager having had left halfway through the song, laughing at something the person on the other end of the phone had said, which made me realize that he didn't care about my music or my shows or me, he just cared about how much he got payed which is why he'd dress me up nice for interviews, he'd lie about me to the public so I seemed better then what I really was, he'd put me on loads of different tv shows to gain more attention so I'd get more fans who would buy my albums, buy tickets for my tours, buy merch that had my name written over it, I was basically a money bank that kept on giving. Now you'd think he would use that money to book bigger venues, to buy better studio equipment but no he used all that money on his holidays, on the newest clothes, newest phones, newest shoes he'd use all of that money for his own personal 'needs' and leave me be until he needed money again, so he'd get me to write more songs, he'd sell them all on a new album, he'd book a new venue to get more money and so the cycle goes on and on and on.

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